
Eidolon #2

After making my way around the city, I bought some raw Materia and some crafting tools. I somewhat know what im going to make the girls. Ink will get some custom headphones to help with her super hearing. Marina's gift will be an pair of earrings. Kareena's gift is a pair of rings to put on her horns. Ruin is getting two small crowns that will go on the base of her rabbit ears. Im betting the girls in this universe like jewelry too.


I return to my room on the Typhoon. After putting everything I bought on my work bench, I summon Hades again.


Slate: Hades, Come on out. I need your help.


My left arm's bones glow under my skin and black dust escapes my hand. Hades's blue boney body forms.


Hades: Party time? Need help eating food? ... Why are we on an airship?


Slate: This is my room on the airship the girls and I own. Its named Typhoon. I need your help with something else


Hades: So... no party yet? Sigh... What do you want?


Slate: I remember you saying I had 2 summons and that you would take 1 spot when you became my Eidolon. Do I really have another spot?


Hades: Well yes, you do. Your second Eidolon hasnt been formed or chosen yet though. The one who's spot I took was pissed. They are actually bad mouthing you for accepting me over them.


Slate: ... well then. They will end up pissed all over again. I want to make Gaia my second Eidolon. You are a Battle partner Hades, I want her to be my Supporter.


Hades: WHAT? You want a computer as an Eidolon? How can a computer help with your fighting? She will take on a form from your mind and use Materia/ Materials to create a humanoid form. Does she even know how to fight?


Slate: Her battle form wont be as a fighter like you, she will aid me in her own way. Can you make it happen?


Hades: Are you sure? This is your last Eidolon slot. You dont have a third and you cant get rid of us.


Slate: Let me ask her first.


Slate: Gaia, Would you like to become my Supporter Eidolon? You would lose your physical form but gain a new one from me and the materials I collected.


Gaia: Acception. Strongly Request Acception.


Slate: Well... there you have it. What do I need to do and get?


Hades: Gems and precious metals. The more the better. Her new form will need the raw materials to be made. Take what you can out so I can check and see if you have enough.


I grin at him. If there is one thing I dont lack... Its jewels and metals. Let me tell the girls that im using them all before I do though. ... On second though... nah, ill get more later.


Slate: I need a huge amount of space. Im glad you dont have eyes... you wouldnt believe them if you did.


I raise my hand infront of me for a dramatic pose and make jewels barf out of my palm. It starts off slowly but picks up fast. After 20 minutes of unloading everything I collected from Realm 2 in our year of grinding... I have a mountain infront of me. I look at Hades with a shit eating grin.


Slate: Think thats enough for her new form?




Slate: Huh? No, I dug these up in the year I trained with the girls. Is it enough?


Hades: Is it enough?! Yes... Its enough to make her body. She will be the most ridiculously costly Eidolon to ever be made. She will literally poop out diamonds.


Slate: Then lets do this. Gaia, look through your data bank for a humanoid physical form you like. We will make your Gear form after.


Gaia: Orders Received User. Searching... Humanoid Form Confirmed.


Slate: Ok Hades, Lets do this.




Slate: How do we do this?


Hades: Cut your palm with Pluto and call the computers name when I tell you to. Put your phone on your cut palm and the other hand on this absurd mountain of jewels and metal. I will handle the rest.


I do as he says. I cut my hand and put Gaia's core ontop. I place my other hand on my mountain and nod to Hades.


Hades takes Pluto and pokes my Materium mark with it. Then he collects a drop of blood onto Pluto and nods to me.


Slate: Gaia


He drops the blood drop onto the top of the phone.


Hades: Computer, State your intentions.


Gaia: Understood. I, Primal A.I Gaia.00001, seek to become the Eidolon of my User Slate.Clean. until my functions cease for good.


With Gaia in my bleeding right hand... her core unit melts into my cut. Neon blue lines run up my right arm and cross my chest. They end at my Materium mark before escaping from the hole Hades made after he poked it with Pluto. The Neon loghts went to the mountain and disintegrated EVERYTHING. Hades made a noise I cant really describe...


After everything was absorbed by the Neon lights, They returned to my Materuim mark.


Hades: Here it comes. Focus kid. Just like when I became your Eidolon this way, the computer will enhance your body. Im not sure how but im almost positive it will hurt.


I sat down and closed my eyes to get ready but... He was wrong. I felt no pain. I just feel cold. Both sides of my head (by my ears) and the back of my hands feel like they're in icy water.


About 10 minutes passed before the icy feeling went away. I opened my eyes to see text and measurements flashing by my eyes.


Gaia: Evolution into Secondary Eidolon... Successful. Unforeseen Augmentations Received. Biometric Scan in Progress... All Green.


Slate: Ok... Please stop Gaia. Lets Summon you so we can see how your new form looks.


Gaia: Understood. Commencing Summoning.


My right arm flashes in the same Neon Blue veins. Crystal dust comes out of the back of my right hand... out of a Neon Blue circle on the back of my hand...


The Crystal dust comes together... My breath is stolen... Hades's jaw bone actually falls off his face.


Standing infront of us is an impeccable beauty. A woman with Crystal Silver hair and the face of a goddess. She has Neon Blue irises with Gear shaped pupils and a Black Gear hovering above her head. On her waist are a pair of white angel wings. She is dressed in a black full body dress with neon lights pulsing on it. She has the same blue circles on her hands and 2 triangles on the sides of her head. I know exactly who's form she took...


Slate: Albedo from Overlord... Fantastic choice...


Gaia: Thank you User. May I finish my scan of your vitals?




... I dont blame him. If I was older... so would mine.


Gaia walks up to me and touches the neon circle on my right hand. Her hand feels rock hard... No, dont let it be true...


Slate: Gaia, before we continue... I need to check something.


Gaia: Acception. Please proceed with your analysis.


I slowly reach my hands up to cup her new face... Smoother than a baby's bottom but harder then diamonds. I cant pinch her cheeks or feel any warmth.


Hades: That rack is just to die for!! Well... you only die once!!


Hades dives in for a motorboat in Gaia's busom... He actually cracked his skull. He gets unsummoned and fades into my arm.


Gaia: Error. Purpose of touching my body is not understood. Please explain User.


Slate: Well... your body form is HIGHLY attractive. To be honest, the form you took will make most men weak kneed. The downside is that your form is incredibly hard and cold just like the materials used to form it. Its fine though. Good choice.


Gaia: Understood User. I shall finish the Body Scan now.


She pokes my hand once again and my ears warm up.


Gaia: Twin Focus Activated, Issac Communicator Activated, Biometric Scanner/ Holographic Projector Activated.


... Woh. Easy mode unlocked.

2 Focus from Horizon Zero Dawn, 1 Issac Communicator from the Division, And Captain Marvel's Holographic hand Display

Beviscreators' thoughts