
Deathly Love .

A Girl find out she's practically terminally ill medication but the doctors cant really pinpoint as to why that is? The Treatment she's under is no longer working as its supposed to. Telling her bffs is not going to be an easy thing to do but the question is how to do it and when? ... ... ... During the extends trip with her friend she finds out her best friends werewolf brother is sweet on her but things may not be as simple as they seem on the outside will a relationship blossom, he hasn't found his mate but will he accept her will she have the heart to tell him shes got her days practically numbered... ... ... ... He's ruthless at times but determined in leading his pack the right way, the was his father and grandfather did but making things better. Will he rock her world and love her even with everything going on with her or will he reject her affections and move on its not like she can offer a long and loving life, so will he risk it all for her for what ever time they may have together. Will she spend what ever time she has in blissful love or alone consumed by her unending pain... What if?... Everything Ends! ***Slow Start but getting better as things progress (((Promise)))*** Rate and Comment ... Plz & Thank You! STILL UNEDITED UNTILL THE END * * * "I in No Way Own any of The pictures featured in any of the chapters pictures can be found as wallpapers online." * * * A/N : Slow start plz Bare with me I... Sorry ahead of time for any mistakes ... easy and be gentle with me some things might be a Little off but I will try my best to fix any issues and update every other day Thanks.

Wick3d · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Romantic Troubles


This is going to be one hell of a night by the looks of i've not even completely goten into the shower once I receive notice that there has been a sighting of rogues near the Eastern side border of town so much for relaxing now.

There is no time to reminisce about what ifs either not two minutes later I'm on my way to the car its a bout a 15 to 29 min run but not knowing the exact situation or what may be needed its better to go by car.


Arriving at the eastern side guard post I'm greeted by Nathaniel and Kenny by the door.

Instantly braking down the situation at hand, It's a bit complicated at best but still managable if handled properly.

...Situation Brake Down Part 1 ...

Braeden and Natassia ( Vampires )

Were Captured by Elite guards On patrol as they were tracking down the scent of rouge wolfs that were sighter by the pack lands.

Braeden was severely injured while trying to defend Natassia from the surprise wolf attake to their home,  They were able to escape leaving behind everything that they had work to establish and were in hiding trying to survive they moved closer to the city near this pack's land to provide themselves with a secure place to establish a home for the time being not bothering any human or any pack members just trying to survive while Braeden recoverd but everything went down hill as the rouges found them and everything was once again ruined so, Breaden decided to try and sneak through the pack lands hoping to pass unnoticed trying to get away from the wolfs that followed close behind.

In his futile attempt to get free from the wolfs and while he tried to concentrate in getting away he failed to notice that not long after he entered pack lands the hunting party was soon joined by the guard and elite warrior from with in the pack land. They observed and quickly came to a conclusion to step in and interfer with the chase.

Being able to chase off some and capture not only Braeden and Natassia but one of the rouges that followed the vampire couple.

Seeing the state in wich Braeden was currently in they quickly arranged one of the hospital rooms that was prepared to host the not so wanted visiters if and when they were hurt Natassia was brought back to one of the holding cells to await for news on Braeden's recovery.

Michael was instantly informed upon his arrival that the male vampire Braeden was being treated by one of the doctors on night duty and the female was set up in a cell and now they were waiting on further instructions from him as to how they would prosed with the sudden mater.

Walking in to the holding Hall Michael heads over to the place where Natassia was being held.

In Hopes that things can be cleared up with the least amount of force needed, Natassia seemingly senses that he was not just one of the soldiers she bows her head in respect according to their customs and reluctantly asked to speak with someone about her mates condition.

Gesturing for her to take a seat first Michael walk in as two Soldiers guard the doorway.


"My Name is Micheal Valeno I am the Alfa of this pack! Your Mate is still being treated by the hospital staff at the moment rest assured you will be able to see and speak with him as soon as he is conscious and able to."

"Now If you please!... Other than the rouges that were chasing you? Is there anything that we may need to know? The last thing I need here is to start a war because of an unknown reason especially if it doesn't concern my people and can be avoided."


Natassia seemingly relaxes abit and starts to explain more on the situation as michael listens to her intently.

Word for word everything is explained. Knowing all to well that if they are to have any chance of surviving this time they might need to make some new allies with the members of this pack.

At the same time requesting for sanctuary mean while Braeden recovers. The battles have been taking a toll on him being that she was not properly trained for battle her actions seemed very limited. 

Braeden had been able to teach her some very basic self defence in case she ever needed it but not enough to be of assistance when he needed extra help sometimes she felt as if she were just more trouble then help during the fights because he would only worry about her instead of fighting whole heatedly.

Knowing all to well the danger they where running if he turned them away Michael agreed to let them stay in the pack lands for the time being but not before seting down some ground rules that must be obeyed down to the very last word no negotiation allowed if they wanted to survive this time.

Especially since he had Elisabeth to think about with the vampires lurking the pack grounds, They would stay as long as they stayed away from the pack house any and all trips anywhere around the land would have to be survey by at the most three Elite Guards and at the very least two of them. There would be a cabin set up for them to stay during their time here there would always be guards to ensure they would be safe in case there was any attack on them again especially during the day whence they are the most vulnerable.

All of this was setup within a few hours from the time they had arrived Natassia was also informed that there was another guest within the premises that they could not afford to mess with or offend no mater what, any thing to do with her would not be tolerated any provocation or subtle threat would be grounds for death.

Now all Michael had to do was set up proper precautions concerning Elisabeth and her safety within the few days that the vampires would be staying with the pack.

Breaden would be mobile within no time at all but hunting was prohibited within the pack grounds. Their hunting would be done just along the outskirts being accompanied by the guards that were set up for their protection but for the mean while some of the hunters would provide them with something suitable to help them regain their straight.

The rouge would be given time to heal before he was interrogated hopefully by then Braeden would be up and about to help with further investigations in to the matter of their attack.
