
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Way to Get Strong

( 2 Days Later..... ) - after the Emilia Incident.

This feeling of helplessness, I don't want to face ever again, that's what I thought before all of this but it is not leaving me and follows me everywhere I go.

I knew that I had to move on from all of this but I was still struggling and thinking about what happened? Why happened? I was not able to get that thing out of my head.

I was moving forward by taking every lost friend's memories with me and I kept on walking. After sometime I saw an old house. It was like an old or medieval style house. I was still hurt even though Emilia energized me for that last run but now my body was started to taking the effect of it.

I entered and it was not like the house of that torturer old man, it was clean, well maintained, and there were swords, blades, spears all those weapons.

But one weapon caught my eye. It was a double edge sword. It had a simple design but something was craved on that blade. I got curious and I took it in my hands.

I was heavier than I thought but not too heavy that I couldn't handle it. As I was doing this I heard a noise. It turned on my alert senses. I was watching everything but no one was there.

Suddenly a person charged head on to attack me. I blocked but the person was able to scratch me through.

I attacked without even knowing where that person is and that person dodged it and strikes on my hands which slipped tat sword from my hand. That person put his sword on my neck as I was bowing and I took my knife out but he backed off.

Then I said. "Alright! Alright! I will go just leave me."

"Leaving without even giving a fight. Like a coward." that person replied.

That word made me angry and I rushed towards him to attack and then it was a blackout. Next thing I know that I was getting up and that person was sitting in front of me.

I tried to get up the I saw that my wound was banded by him so I cooled down a bit and asked.

"Who are you?"

"*smiles* Intruder asking questions to the owner like a coward showing that he is a tough guy huh." that person replied.

"*angry* Stop saying that again and again." I said.

"What a coward? But that's what you are." that person replied.

"Yeah... I know alright. I know that I am a coward. I am not strong. I act tough but I'm weak. That's why... *sobbing* that's why I couldn't save anyone." I said.

"Hey you took it too personally." that person said.

Inside that person's head. "He must have gone through something horrible to show such emotions to this small word."

"Hey boy. Do you want to grow strong." that person said.

"What? How? " Davis said.

"You have to trust me and you have to follow my lead. The path will be difficult but it will be worth the effort you would put into this." that person said.

"I want to get strong but who are you?" I asked.

"I am a great swordsman the great Shimon." he replied.

"Never heard of it before. I never thought that a swordsman was living on this island." I said.

"Our family was a group of strong warriors and I am a descendant of them. And after seeing some potential in you and your urge for getting stronger. I will train you so hard that you might even be able to kill the outside roaming monsters." Shimon said.

"I thought for any possibilities of this being a trap but then I also thought that this might be my only chance to get stronger."

"It will be so hard not only physically but mentally too. Can you really do it? You might even die because of this rigorous training. Are you up to it?" Shimon said.

"Yes. There is no other way for me. Either I will die training here or live to see my future in this world." I replied.

"You got guts. But that all won't do any good for you." Shimon said.

Then he showed me a secret door and took me to the underground base where there are more weapons training equipment and much more. I was shocked to see all this.

"Don't waste time. your first task will be to choose a weapon to train which will always be with you." Shimon said.

"I will take the blade which I used to defend against you." I replied.

"It was quick. You do know that it is a crucial decision to choose a weapon." said Shimon.

"I know and I will go with it." I replied.

"Why did you choose that blade in the first place?" Shimon asked.

"First that I liked that blade it's design was simple yet great and it had something engraved on it. Then it is a double edge which lets me attack from both sides means I can spin my body and can attack from the opposite side. It has a hand guard which will protect my hand and can be crucial in a tight situation. It is heavy which can do heavy attacks but not too heavy, which creates a good balance for me. And the last reason, It blocked your attack what else... do I need." I replied.

"Quite interesting. You noticed quite a things from just using it once." Shimon replied.

"Yeah. I might not look like it but I understand some things quickly." I replied.

"Well we'll start your training right now. And by the way that engraving says - the Soul of a Warrior!!!" Shimon replied.

Finally I will be able to get strong. I will become strong so that I won't face that feeling ever...ever...ever again.

[ DAY 18 - MONSTERS COUNT : 1243 HUMANS ALIVE : 7, 950 ]