
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

North-Eastern Killer Ambush

We got ambushed by some other group and all things happened so quickly that many of us were not even able to react to it. But I have faced such a situation so I was able to react and counter the attack and kill the attacker before he does anything to me.

I did it without hesitation because my mind was clear and that kill cause hesitation in the members of the other group.

"Whoa Shit! You are such a badass dude. I just fucking love this. You can kill anyone to survive. That's your motto of living right." said Marc.

"Just focus and help us genius." I replied.

"On it sir." said Marc.

As the fight broke Marc was telling us when and how the other group's people would attack so that we could dodge and counter them.

With his abilities he was also able to control a few of them and made them fight against their own members.

I was somewhat relaxed that he is on our side.

"Aw, that's so sweet of you." said Marc.

"Will you stop reading me and focus on others." I replied.

Even with that personality of his he was able to manipulate many people altogether. That tells us that he became the wielder or master of that relic.

Same goes with Ryan and Garrick. They are merged with their relics. That's so cool.

"Are you jealous of us Davis." said Marc.

"Not really." I replied.

The fight was moving on our side but even after this much loss their backup was coming for us.

Then Garrick said. "Ryan, we need your shield."

At that moment I clicked what I said to Ryan and Ryan was thinking the same thing that I told him when we first fought each other, which I clearly saw in his eyes.

*Ryan in mind.* "I am not just a shield to guard others but also a strong attacking force too. I remember what Davis said about me, what I am capable of. So I will push hard, push hard enough and open up a path for us."

Ryan pushed back many of them and blocked many of their fighters. Yet some managed to slip out.

Ryan was holding many people with his shield as a barrier and Garrick was fighting like a true warrior that I was not surprised of. I was also doing my job, as I was the one who initiated the attack so I can't hold back after starting this.

I was able to keep up with the attackers as they were not nearly good enough as Shimon. Not a chance I was lucky for that matter against him.

Even with this, their numbers were increasing but with the help of Marc we managed to deal with them easily.

Yet a few of us were not able to keep up and got hurt and two of us got wounded badly.

We took a break and tried to stop the bleeding but they both said. "Please leave us... we are not good enough to survive... and with this situation we can't help you further."

"We can't leave anyone behind." said Garrick.

"We came here knowing that... we can die anytime. It would not matter even if we die here. But If this mission stops or fails because of us, then that will hurt us more than these wounds... So please captain... leave us and complete the mission. For you and for us." They both said.

"Alright. If... if this is what you decided to do then I have no right to force you to do what I want. Just please try to live until we come back." said Garrick.

"Yes Captain!" they replied.

That was a sad thing but it has to be done to ensure that nobody must be in this group who would drag us down.

"Yes. you are right my friend." said Marc.

"You could just ask me you know. And in that way you could even be able to save some energy which we could use in an upcoming fight." I replied.

"To be honest, I can't completely read minds I can control people to some extent. But right now I am just using telepathy, another feature of this relic that's why I can hear thoughts of others too.

When I met you for the first time and dived into your thoughts, they were like horrible memories. I was not able to sustain my control over you. Captain was able to repel my power to a certain extent because of his will power but in your case all those horrible moments just mindfucked with my brain.

I was not sure how anyone can still be sane after all this. That's why I said that you are what you are, not someone who just wants to die a hero's death. You want to survive. That's why I said that you are good for us to have." said Marc.

"Well you are being more talkative today. And thanks for letting me in." I said.

"I just think that you are somewhat decent and you think somewhat close to mine that's why...uh. But right now you are trying to suppress some of your thoughts that I can't able to read." Marc replied.

"Yes. I am just trying to suppress those horrible memories in a corner. They sometimes make me doubt myself but also sometimes give me strength. That's why I only want them to surface, is whenever I need them to fuel me. Controlling emotions is what made me better than my previous self." I replied.

"That's some deep thoughts you got. But I like you for what you are. I would really appreciate it if you could stay with me." said Marc.

"Only on one condition that you just ask me directly rather than to keep on scanning my thoughts." I replied.

"Well all this time you said what was on your mind. So I have no reason not to trust you at least." said Marc.

"That's more than a compliment coming from you that is." I replied.

Then suddenly Garrick said. "Wait!"

All of us stopped. Then I caught a smell of something, something which brought back some bad memories. After going further more we could see that their were bodies fallen all over and what made everyone sick was there were people's heads pierced on the sharp fence.

All of our members were in panic and fear that who could have done all of this. Then we heard footsteps and we were surrounded by the people of the same group who attacked us previously.

Last time there were around 20-25 people but here their were more than 30 people waiting for us to make any move. Then Garrick said.

"Everyone make groups of three and stay in back-to-back formation."

"Yes Captain." said everyone.

They were just standing their or more like they were waiting for someone's order.

Then a person came out of a nearby destroyed building and he was a huge guy, he had broad shoulders with a beard like captain Garrick and Ryan. His physique was like a mercenary, a fighter or a soldier, he had a scar near his mouth and in his eyes we could see the aura of a killer.

I got chills with just single eye contact, I felt like I was seeing a monster who intents to kill anyone in front of him.

But the most disturbing thing about him was, he was holding a knife in his one hand and the heads of our two group members that we left behind and moved on were in his other hand.

Seeing that makes captain so mad that he charged towards him without any thoughts. That mercenary just pushed two of his own men to stop the captain's attack.

By seeing all this I got the idea that he is a manic killer who likes to kill and thinks about nobodies life.

I asked Marc what was going on in his head but he was not able to see anything clearly.

"What are you saying." I asked.

"He doesn't have any thoughts he is like a mindless killer with just one intent and that is to kill." Marc replied.

"We will let the captain handle him and we should focus on the horde in front of us. He might be mad now but he does not lose when it comes to a battle. After seeing those heads he understands, what's on the stake. And when their is something at stake, the captain won't lose to anyone." I replied.

"Well you understand captain better than me I guess. We have some of our own problems to handle too." said Marc.

"Let's go." I replied.

The battle was on, people were fighting and killing each other like their is only one thing to do in our life. No own was stopping and were keep on attacking.

Anyone who even thought of stopping or a little hesitation was getting killed like that is their one job they have to do.

There were bodies falling all over the place. Ryan was holding and defending many of the attackers. But on the other side captain was fighting against the maniac killer.

Garrick charged towards the maniac and tried to give him a slash but he was blocking it with his own people as his shields.

"You will pay for what you have done. You Bastard!!!" Garrick shouted.

Garrick charged again but this time his speed was more than before so this time he was able to slash through the maniac and took his arm off.

But the terrifying thing was that the maniac was smiling like he was enjoying all this blood and death. He was not even thinking twice about what happened to his arm. It was like he was on any pain killing drug or injected a super soldier serum of some kind because his facial expressions were not reacting to what happened to his body.

This time with the intent of killing, that maniac charged ahead but suddenly he threw a smoke bomb and then he threw his knives at Garrick.

Even in this Garrick was able to dodge most of them but not all. Two of the knives were hit at left shoulder and right knee muscles.

That was some aim because he got it even in that smoke. He was able to strike a good part of the body that would give him the upper hand.

But he didn't know how mentally and physically strong our Captain is.

Garrick didn't think what would happen if his wounds got worse because he only had one thought in his mind and that was to kill this maniac for killing them.


"If... if this is what you decided to do then I have no right to force you to do what I want. Just please try to live until we come back."

"They... they promised to stay alive and you... *shouts* you killed them." Garrick said angrily.

"It doesn't matter who they were to you. I just killed them because it was fun... for me" Maniac replied.

"You will die, by my hands only." said Garrick.

That maniac was dodging the captain's attacks but he was also not able to counter it.

On our side fight was brutal too. 3 of our members were killed, but the attackers were on the verge of their end because all this killing enraged Ryan too.

He started to smash the attackers by pushing them directly into the sharpened fence.

After seeing this, many of the attackers tried to run away but Marc made them stop by controlling them and then, Marc just sliced their throat with their own hands.

After seeing that my inner self was saying is this really necessary to kill them that brutally. Is this even right?

But on the other hand I knew this was not right but we have to do it. Anything for survival. Don't forget that.

This side was completely overwhelmed by us but an intense fight was going on the other side.

Captain was not giving any openings to strike for the maniac still the maniac was putting up a fight. He was able to deal some blows to Garrick by taking some blows from Garrick. But after losing too much blood the maniac's movements were starting to slow down.

After catching this Garrick just put his blade right through his abdomen and lift him up on his blade like a barbecue or something.

Garrick was looking at the maniac with anger in his eyes, his eyes were bloody red like blood boiling inside of him but on the other hand that maniac was just giving a smile to the captain.

Suddenly that maniac pulled a knife and tried to sneak attack on Garrick but he knew that something like this could happen so he grabs it and breaks his arm.

But their was no scream came out from that maniac.

"I knew you would try something like a sneak attack. You coward shit." Garrick said angrily.

"*laughs* It doesn't matter if you kill me here. Your dead people won't comeback. *coughs*" Maniac replied.

"Yes. They won't comeback. But I can just stop you from doing it to anyone else. And that will be enough for me to redeem myself." said Garrick.

"You think you could *coughs* you could just redeem yourself like that. *coughs blood*" said Maniac.

"I might not, but it won't matter when you die." Garrick replied.

With saying this, Garrick pulled the blade out and slashed his neck and ended his killing spree.

After all this chaos the night arrives. All of us were exhausted so we took shelter in an abandoned building where all of us were helping those who were wounded.

But the captain was sitting in grief because we lost 5 of our members and now we have to end all of this with the remaining 10 members.

Many of the surviving members were wounded some were light but some were heavy blows. But this time no was leaving behind because of this.

After seeing captain in grief all of the members said.

"We won't leave. We will stick with you captain. Till the end."

Garrick cried after hearing all this. This was the burden or the emotion that I was able to relate to.

"So you can relate to what Garrick was going through. No worries, I did not need any relic to see that. It's all shown on your face." said Marc.

"Yes. I think so. I guess I am not yet that great at controlling my emotions." I replied.

"You said that emotion also fuels you. So use this emotion to make yourself understand that emotions give you strength that sometimes not even training can give." said Marc.

"*smiles* Well said my philosophical guide." I replied.

"Please. Humour doesn't suit you. don't try to ruin it for me." said Marc.

"As you wish sir." I replied.

Even though we lost a few of our people, it strengthen the bond between the remaining of us. And with that being said the night ended with the thought of insecurity that another ambush might happen.

(The Next Day...)

The sky shines again and we were close to our destination because we could clearly see the barrier getting closer and closer to us. And in a few hours we will reach our destination.

"We are close my people. We will reach and we will find out the secret of all this. We will do this not only for ourselves, but also for our fallen comrades." Garrick shouted.

"YES!!!" everyone shouted together.

[ DAY 64 - MONSTERS COUNT : 2,840 HUMANS ALIVE : 6, 175 ]

If your are enjoying this story then you can drop a comment it will motivate me to do even great work.

And thank you for waiting for new chapters. More will come soon so Stay Tuned!!!

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts