
I Want You To Meet Someone

"Yamishi! Time for dinner!" Yamishis mum could be heard calling out to him.

'Ok good, that should be enough for today.' Yamishi put the death note into a secret compartment in his bookshelf.

The secret compartment was rather simple. It was basically a book-sized door which behind had a small compartment. Inside was filled with a contraption which would start a fire if anyone other than Yamishi tried to open it.

"Hey Yamishi, what if someone finds that compartment?" The death God could be seen doing handstands on the bed.

"It's rather simple actually. You see this" Yamishi pointed to a small pin which had been inserted in the side of the bookshelf, out of sight. "If anyone tries opening this compartment before first pulling out this pin and placing it in the opposite end of the bookshelf. Then a spark will start which will ignite a small canister of lighter fluid, in turn torching the death note."

"Hehe, you're just as cautious as Light was."

"Is that so?" Yamishi said as he closed the door to the book and left the room smiling.

What he didn't tell Ryuk was that he had also set up precautions so that if he were to be under surveillance and could not continue to use the death note, Misa would instead use it. He had learnt from Lights experiences.


"Here Ryuk" He threw an apple to ryuk before entering the dining room. He could see from the handstands and distorted way he was hovering around that he wanted another apple and so so gave him one.

When he entered he saw his father. This was unusual as he should still be caught up with work. He was a detective and lately, there was a lot of work.

"Father, you're home. What a surprise," he said with a joyful tone.

"Ah yes, I've been given a job in the Kira Task Force. Haha, don't tell anyone though." he smiled.

The whole family sat down at the dinner table. The only topic that came up was Kira and what was happening with the authorities.

"Ah, by the way, son, there is someone who would like to meet you from work."

"Hm, and who would that be father?" he looked confused.

"Hahaha, He asked to keep it a secret until you see him." The man chuckled

"I see, tomorrow then? It's the weekend and im guessing you still have to go in, right?"

"Yes, right."

The rest of the night was peaceful and warm. In some ways he differed from Light, for example he did cared for his family. Even if they didn't know the real him.


Yamishi woke up and headed downstairs, it was 6:00 am and he was ready to head out with his father.

"Dad, im ready"

"Oh good timing, let's head off" his father replied with a hint of pride.

'Oh, why is he acting like this. I have a feeling the person im being introduced to is pretty important. Could it be? Already?'

As they left the house through the front door Yamishi walked straight to the car and waited. while waiting he double-checked he had everything in order. He changed the time on his watch backwards by two minutes and a small piece of paper popped out. he pushed it back in and felt his pockets. 'Note, pen, phone, everything is ready.'


The trip was a short one, about the same as it would take to get to school by car.

They arrived at an industrial district in Nerima-Ku. His father pulled up to the end of a long street of industrial buildings and finally at the end was a gate with two guards outside. He gave them his ID and they let them pass.

"Mr Yagami, pass."

"Dad, this feels kinda shady," Yamishi said.

"Kira is a dangerous person. But him being dangerous is not the only terrifying thing about him. He's also extremely smart, able to fool most people with ease. We have to be careful where we make a stand" His father replied with concern.

"I know, I've been researching him quite a bit actually. It looks like he uses the names of the people who have been publicised"

Of course, he didn't just use that alone, he also managed to hack into the police and government servers and stole at least another month worth of data on criminals. Another month worth of names to write in the note.

"Wow, I don't think we've come to that conclusion actually. Then again we've only been working on it for one day now." His father was amazed at what his son could come up with so quickly. He really was a genius.

"No, it's not your guys fault. The killings have been done by people that have either been released from jail or their cases have been pushed to the back of the workload. In other words, he's targeting people with old records so that he could stay under the radar and not have his source cut off."

Some would wonder why the ingenious Kira would release all this information as it would negatively affect him. But by now figured it all out... The person he was to meet was most definitely R.


A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or rules which will apply to the human who owns it unless asked.

