

The next day, after the students woke up, they directly went to prepare their combat gears as today is the initiation. Of course, Leo was among them, after all, he needed to blend in with the students here.

And soon enough, they were in the locker room where their combat gears including weapons were kept. Leo also started preparing himself as he will still go in the initiation.

"Hm?" Arriving there, he noticed two iconic characters, Nora and Ren being...well Nora and Ren. Leo chuckled at their conversation, he really likes their tandem.

"Hehe, they really look good together"

"What are you mumbling about there?" Yang suddenly appeared behind him along with Ruby. The former is on his left side while the latter in his right.

Yang already has prepared, with her weapons already equipped. While Ruby still hasn't got her weapon, Crescent Rose.

"Ahaha, I just thought that those two students there look good together. Maybe they are a couple or something..." He pointed towards Nora and Ren before quickly putting his hands down.

"Oh, those two?" Yang observed Nora and Ren, she saw how they interacted with each other.

"By the way, Ruby you still haven't got your weapon?" Leo asked

"Ah, yeah I'll prepare now" Ruby then opened her locker which happens to be just beside Leo's locker.

"You seem awfully chipper this morning!" Yang commented as Ruby seems to be not nervous anymore.

"Yup, no more awkward small talk or 'getting to know you' stuff." Ruby said before taking out her weapon and caressing it, "Today I get to let my sweetheart do the talking."

"Sigh* Ruby, remember you are not the only one taking the initiation." Leo suddenly said surprising the two.

"But what does that have to do with fighting?" Ruby asked,

He just smiled wryly, "Listen, Ruby, you need to socialize more. I know you are feeling nervous but you will not get friends by just being like that always." Leo said softly, "And, you need to socialize with your teammates after you got one."

"But-" Ruby wanted to retort but Leo beat her to it.

"Don't say that you will just team with either Yang or Me. That's not how that works, I know this since Professor Ozpin told me. So be more confident in yourself, just go for it try to socialize with others." Leo sincerely said, "If you're nervous, don't be. Because we are here for you"

Yang also butts in the conversation, and said to Ruby with a grin, "That's right little sis, don't worry."

"Thank you...you two," Ruby said, Yang hugged her while Leo smiled at the sight.

"Anyway gotta prepare my weapons," Leo said before opening his locker and taking out two gun blades.

As the name suggests it is a gun with a blade under its barrel that can extend. His gunblade was colored with dark blue and mixed with normal blue with some light blue in the mix.

"Wow! Is that your weapon Leo? It's the first time I saw them" Ruby exclaimed with bright eyes, cause you know she has a bit of weapon fetish? Not sure about that but maybe something similar.

A smile adorned on Leo's face as he answered, "Of course it's the first time you saw them, I just made them recently before going here. The name of my weapons is Hope and Despair"

"Huh? Why the name?" Yang curiously ask

"Hehe, the name is because these weapons can either bring hope or despair to people depending on if they're allies or enemies." Leo answered with a smirk, "If they're allies, then I will use these weapons to save them from danger bringing them 'Hope', while if they're my enemies then these weapons will bring 'Despair' to them hence the name" he explained.

(AN: Yeah totally random and BS reason. I just had not thought of a better name)

After Leo was done with his preparation, he along with the two sisters started walking but he noticed Pyrrha talking to Weiss, or more like Weiss was trying to ask Pyrrha to team up with her.

Leo smirk a bit and walked over with Yang and Ruby following. After he arrived there, he quickly greeted them.

"Yo! Good morning Pyrrha and Miss Heiress...ah I mean Weiss" Leo said while also teasing Weiss a bit which kinda work.

"You, I haven't forgotten what you did yesterday, hmph!" Weiss harrumph before turning her head away from Leo.

The three other girls were curious at what Weiss said but stayed quiet. While Leo smiled playfully, "Ah that's so hurtful to say, you know. Don't you remember our happy time yesterday? You even promised to go on a date with me after the initiation, remember?" Leo said with a 'hurt' expression.

"Date?!" Yang/ Ruby/ Pyrrha, the three girls exclaimed them glared at Weiss.

While Weiss, after hearing Leo blushed deeply and tried to retort, "Y-you, I haven't said anything about a date with you! And besides, you also didn't ask me yesterday so why would I agree?!" She said aggressively.

At that Leo's playful smile widened, "From your words just now, if I asked yesterday, you would've agreed?" He asked softly still smiling playfully at her.

Her blushed deepened and her face was crimson-colored now, still the three other girls there were glaring at Weiss. She tried to answer but she stuttered before running away from Leo with a crimson face.

"Y-Y-you, Aahhh!" Weiss ran away

The glare of the three girls then switched from Weiss to Leo who was still smiling. He of course noticed their glare and also the reason behind it.

"Okay okay, I was just teasing her. Nothing much happened yesterday between us. So stop glaring at me like that" He explained to try and pacify the three girls and it worked, they stopped glaring at him once he said that.

"Come on let's go, the initiation will start soon," He said towards the three girls, which followed him put towards where they were supposed to meet Ozpin and Glynda.

Of course, Leo also knew of the feelings the girls had for him. Actually, there is still one, ah no actually two, in addition to the three he was currently with, that has feelings for him.

He deliberately ignored it the past years since he thought it was just a crush on him and will slowly dissipate. But he hadn't expected that, they still held onto their feeling for him.

'But not yet, I can't reciprocate them for now. I need to do some things first, but maybe I'll do so before I leave, after all, I too have feelings for them' As Leo thought this, a small but genuine smile appeared on his face before quickly disappearing.

Unfortunately or fortunately, no one saw his smile but if some did especially a girl, they would've been entranced and charmed by it.
