
Wish I Could Sleep Forever

I open my eyes and it's bright, too bright.

I look around and see buildings, clear, shiny buildings all around me. They are as tall as the eye can see. People are walking around, talking to each other, minding their business and I see one of them look at me and smile.

"Why the hell are they smiling at me?"

I hear a gasp behind me, "Language!"

I look behind me to the left and see a beautiful woman and instantly remember a book I've read in the Stone City, about a princess with the fairest skin and red lips. Her eyes are brown and her lashes are long, her hair is blonde, blonde like the hair of this body I'm occupying. Maybe she's her mother. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"Oh honey, give him a break, he's growing up. You're lucky that's the extent of his vulgar dictionary."

I look behind me to my right and see a tall man with long brown hair and a full beard. He's got blue eyes like the sky and his smile reminds me of someone's. I can't really remember.

They're both wearing crispy white tunics, like everyone else here.

I look forward again and see clean streets, people smiling.

I'm in Crystal City.

The man puts his left hand on my shoulder and I notice that I'm shorter, he could be a giant or maybe I'm just shorter. I'm getting confused.

"Thought of what you want to eat yet?" the man asked.

The woman holds on to my left arm, "C'mon buddy, anything you want."

I don't answer and the man pulls me closer to him, "Better hurry up, I'm starving."

I still don't know what so say so the woman says, "Fine. Let's just get the usual."

She pushes us away from the road and on to a side walk and we stop in front of big glass doors and there I see them again, the reflection of the two people I am with and I also see me. But not the girl, me, Jace. I look younger, around thirteen or fourteen, clean, no tattoos and I'm wearing a white and silver tunic.


"Hey, wake up! Jade! Wake up!"

I hear Grizz' voice and I open my eyes and sat, "I know this isn't heaven coz I'm pretty sure they're not going to let you in it."

"Ha ha. Very funny." He murmurs.

I grin but then look at him and say, "If you touched me while I was sleeping Grizz I'm going to cut your arms off."

Grizz turns red, "What the hell?! I didn't even look at you. I'm not a pervert!"

I gave him a look like "really?" and I slowly sit up. "I'll believe that the day I forget you ever asked permission to see my breasts!"

He throws his hands up, "That was a mistake okay? I wasn't really thinking when I said that!"

I laugh and immediately stop. My stomach is still aching and my throat is dry as sand, "Besides, that just happened yesterday so you can't blame me for bringing it up."

Grizz gives me a bottle of water, "Correction, that was two days ago, you were out for a whole day."

I drink and almost spit the water, I cough, "I was out sleeping for an entire day?"

He nods, "Yup. You were out of it, we couldn't wake you."

I try to stand and Grizz grabs my arms, "Hey, you still need to rest, you almost died."

I shake my head, "We've got five days left Grizz, we need to get to Stone City."

Murph walks inside the room, "Good morning, Miss."

I hunch but I try to stand straight, "I need that favor."

He nods, "I figured as much. So, Stone City huh? You'll need to get moving so you can get there before sunset."

"I know." I say.

He sighs, "Well, you can take my red truck and any supplies you need."

I gave him a curt nod, "Thank you."

I look at Murph's coat and notice at the pocket is a glass frame pinned on the chest, and inside the frame is a calling card the words "Death Looks Good On You" written on it.

"Where the hell did you get that?" I point to the card.

He looks down and shrugs, "Tried to kill me that punk ass copycat. So I killed him. He should be happy because I don't do that shit for free."

I smile, "Well you owe me another favor for taking that kill from me."

He grins, "Well shit."


"Sure you guys don't want any of my guys to come with you?" Murph offers again as we're getting ready to leave. I'm still not feeling one hundred percent so Grizz is driving us to Stone City.

"No Thanks. We can handle it." I say.

Murph pushes the passenger door closed and Grizz starts the engine.

"I shouldn't expect this truck to come back should I?"

I grin, "Probably not."

Grizz murmurs, "Thank you for the vote of confidence."

I look at Grizz, "We're going to the sand lands, Grizz. We might not come back alive."

I've been trying to convince him to stay but he wants to come with me. He wants to help.

I look back to Murph, "Thanks old man."

He nods and steps away from the truck, "Tell that kid Jace I'm looking for him."

I just say, "Will do."

We start to leave and pass the dingy streets of Fuel City, the place I've called home for all of my life. But I still can't get over that dream that I had.

Is that really the girl's family? But why did I see my reflection?

Are those her memories and is her subconscious is fighting to get back this body?

I need to find out before it's too late.
