

Warning: detected high assimilated mass Warning: diverged entity detected The cube is now on the loose, weapon of mass destruction is free. ...//all hail to your god//...

HGGsuckatwriting · อื่นๆ
45 Chs


Something that we aren't supported to be seen, silence creating an uncomfortable atmosphere, only the jet engine sound and Rose, just tossing her kunai around in the jet. Kirie is driving in the pilot seat, still being like usual, with deadpan looks. Nathan is holding his gun, aiming, pretending something. for me however are waiting, waiting for Jame to find something. looking back at the cargo deck, Jame is opening metal boxes to find something to help him with the D-blood inside me.

Jame was tossing things, parts, metal arms, and guns out of the crate, "Where it is... c'mon.... yes! found it" He took out a small flask, it containing a green liquid, emitting the green light like a glowing stick. Jame walks out of the cargo deck, closed the sliding door then goes to my seat.

me: "What is that Jame?" I was quite curious, is that?

Jame: "Extraction liquid, time to get that stupid D-blood out of your body" He smiled with the most heartwarming smile to bring joy after the darkest day.

Me: "Yes!"

Nathan: "Finally"

Me: "Soo what are you going to do next?"

Jame sat down in front of me, he grab my left hand out, and he push my sleeves up exposing my skin. "welp... this will sting" He then clicked a small button on the flask, and a needle from the bottom of it showed up.

I was kinda scared to see a needle that big "Oh boy.." jame then inject the liquid inside my bloodstream. "OUch" that was really hurt not gonna lie.

Jame: "Sorry" The green liquid slowly makes its way through my body, I can feel a change of something, slowly disappear away. Jame after emptying the whole flask, then checks on my eyes, his right eye displayed a red solver symbol, maybe he was scanning my body through my eyes. "soo how was it, buddy?" Nathan asked he was curious. "yeah it's more promising now" Jame replied with a smile.

Me: "now what?"

Jame: "now I just need to take the extraction liquid out, it will carry out all D-blood. but I don't have any device that can do that nor do I want to create one without risking killing you again"

I was disappointed and quite expected about it: "bruh, how are you gonna-" Jame cut out, he held my shoulders, his face are kinda red. he inhaled and breathed out "do you know that scene when a vampire drinks blood?" he talk a bit fast, barely hearing him but we understand what he mean. I was kinda shocked mixed with blushing red. Nathan dropped his gun, Rose accidentally dropped her kunai on her leg "A!", and Kirie, well... she looks at me with that red glowing X-eyes, that yandere stuff again.

Jame: "well. it has to be like that since my saliva is more safer than other types of liquid I created, and it is probably the best way to do so to ensure Nathan's safety. but I do hope Kirie doesn't mind" he scratches his hair, face making an awkward smile.

looked at Kirie, she looked me dead in the eyes, then made a crooked smile "Oh YeAh... I wOn'T MinD" :)

Jame use absolute solver power to close the sliding door leading to the cabin, the symbol disappeared after finished. He then turns back to me and looked me in the eyes. "ummm... hope you don't mind"

Nathan and Rose got away from the stuff about to happen, Nathan cover Rose's eyes, and she just peeked through his hands.

I took a deep breath and then tie my black blond hair up, I then take off my long sleeves shirt shoulder part down for a clean view. "just do it quick..." This must be shy and embarrassing tsundere stuff, my face was red like a tomato.

Jame also gave himself a moment before holding my shoulder and neck carefully, I can feel his breathing soft and dangerous on my neck. Jame takes his breath out and speaks with me before doing that thing "Sorry if this makes you feel... y'know"

his mouth opens up, his sharp teeth and fangs slowly get near my neck, his saliva drops on my skin, I can feel it silvering my bones, his breath is closer and ever, and I can see Kirie peaking out. "do it Jame!" right after I finished, Jame fangs bite into my neck, his fangs dug into the bloodstream.

"ah~" I let out a suspicious moan, hoping no one heard that except everyone in the jet. Kirie is squeezing the metal door frame til it is dented.

The green light emitting out of my bloodstream is slowly being sucked out with the D-blood, I can feel every cell in my body return to normal. I sniffed Jame white hair, it smell like strawberry, my eyes tearing up a little. I can finally experience what it is like to get sucked in the neck by a vampire now, god dammit that thought was 3 years ago, it feels embarrassing.

After 2 minutes of extracting all the abnormally liquid out of my body, Jame released his teeth out of my neck, his teeth and mouth covered with blood, he swallowed it all and let go of my shoulder, I feels quite high for some reason, can't even sit straight. Jame then told Nathan and Rose to patch me up, Nathan with Rose bandaged the bite wounds. Jame then goes back to the pilot seat after looking at me with those red X-eyes, looks very beautiful. Nathan and Rose when on medic mode, this reminds me of when Lilly used to cover Me and Nathan when we both get scratched on the leg when we still being around 10 years olding around... dammit Lilly... I felt tired and went straight to sleep when Nathan and Rose still working on me.

Nathan: "pass me the skin medicines"

Rose smiles her eyes look tired like Nathan "here"

Nathan: "hmph.... this made me think about... Lilly.."

--------------------------------(Jame and Kirie)---------------------------

Jame: "ahh- finally got that D-blood out of her"

Kirie punched Jame on the arm, her eyes went down like being angry.

Jame: "Yeah I know... I shouldn't do that to a girl... heh thank"

Kirielane: "You know I don't like you into other girls than me right?"

Jame: "Hehe, yeah sorry. maybe I could do that to you~" Jame used Rizz on Kirie, she blushed but still remain that deadpan face.

Kirie: "Baka..."

Jame smiles brightly at her, and with her drives the Jet out of the dark zone.

Jame has a moment to think about the girl who disappeared, that tall girl with the clipboard. Jame thinks to himself "what does she mean about I can't prote-"


Mari is listening...




"what does It mean I can't do a backflip" Jame thought to himself, he feel something was odd. looking around confusedly, he scratches his hair, then stopped to talk with Kirie.

Jame: " do you feel anything unusual?"

Kirie looked at him in confusion, she clearly doesn't know what he mean "what do you mean?" she asked.

Jame: "..." he looked at Kirie, full of curiosity "that girl... Mari, yeah... do you know anything about her?"

Kirielane: "not sure, she called herself god, should we be into it?"

Jame: "maybe not, I think she's just a subje-"




Jame: "i think she's just being real, I mean, don't you think?"

Kirie: "hmm, I thought you are the god here, GOD-MIND the second?"

Jame: "yeah, but I don't even know what I can do, besides all the cool things I can do" He creates a cube floating on his right hand, his dark halo still appearing all this time.

Kirie: "I can do that too you know. maybe you are being called like that because you are a WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction), tho I think it fits your looks"

Jame: "thanks Kirie"

the jet makes its way through the dark clouds, leaving behind what remains of the organization, the night sky in our eyes, would the sounds of the jet break the silence of the night?

Jame however, still questioned himself, what just happened, he know he was really sure something is wrong. Mari, is she the one that we all know is "god"?

Jame whispered to himself "hey GM, care to talk a little?"

---------------------------------(Jame hive mind)-------------------------------

-GM: here.

-J: do you know who Mari is?

-GM: Mari... I have no info about who is she, why, I must ask.

-Jame: she was just here for 1 minute then disappeared, I can't even scan, detect, or understand what she means, she called herself "god" by the way, and for some reason, I have that weird feeling of something just happening that I don't know how to explain.

-GM: I don't even know, the fact that I can watch everything, everywhere anytime, and I don't see that person. or I shouldn't call her a person through the way she called herself. "god"...

-J: can you do that power again, like how you did when you lend me that power, what is called it?

-GM: [F.A.T.E] Why?

-J: well y'know... to do something...

-GM: fate isn't a thing you can mess with all the time, tho it might be very strong to defeat your enemy, but I will not let you use it to find that girl.

-J: wha- did you just read my mind?

-GM: I'm inside your hive mind, but yes I can read minds

_J: :/

-J: thank you for having chat with me, make sure to cover for me if I can't survive when I hunt for the Director.

-GM: no need to die... your immortal relied on my existence.

[ending chat//r-001.exe]


Jame: "well that's some relief to hear"

Kirie: "hm?"

Jame: "nothing. now, the next thing we need to do is?"

Kirie: "find and kill the director, he must be around somewhere. we just need to find his location from an attacker core"

Jame: "Great, we will end the nightmare that they gave us"

Jame and Kirie then have some private time in the pilot cabin, they both rewind the time they remember, share feelings, and comfort each other.


(after the night)

morning has come, Sunday is here, I slowly wake up, use my hands to rub my face, stroking my hair aside, I sit up to look outside the window, seeing the jet had landed, I was quite surprised to know that the surrounding is an abounded flyway surrounded by trees and tall grass.

looks inside the jet, there's no one, the door was opened, maybe they all had gone outside. I then got up, get my stuff then go out.

the cold wind under the light of the warming sun already tells me this is a bright new day. when I got out, I saw Nathan practicing shooting, Jame who is drawing something on paper, and Kirie playing connect-4 with Rose.

Jame saw me get out, and raise his arm up to call me over: "Clare! come, we got breakfast for you"

they really care for me. I come over, Nathan stops with the shooting to join me, and Jame used his power to make the pizza box next to him flew over.

Me: "pizza for breakfast huh?"

Jame: "i don't know what ya like to eat soo Nathan buy pizza"

Nathan: "yeah I have to walk to the nearest city area to do so. also thank Rose for Helping me on killing some attacker core"

Me: "wait what?! they still-"

Kirie: "yes, they still have the mission of hunting and killing us, this proved the director is still alive, and we need to find him"

Me: "damn... how are we gonna find him exactly?"

Jame: "me and Kirie have already tracked the signal through one of the cores, it leads to sector-07, but the location is unknown"

Rose: "I'm sure they have a backup core place to create more attackers"

Kirie: "yes"

Me: "hmm... alright. tho should we need to worry about Mari?"

Nathan: "nah, Mari hasn't shown up since last night, soo we don't think she will interfere with anything about our plan"

Me: "if you said soo"

Jame: "c'mon Clare, eat up, you need energy" Jame makes a cute smile, and the pizza box lands on the table where it has just been formed out of nowhere under the flying pizza box.

I sat down with my friends to enjoy relaxation in the cold morning with the warming light from the lovely sun.

Me: "let's eat"


GOD-MIND: [scanning... // failed]


"what am I doing... why do I need to find that girl?"

[warning: /detected "748"]


[full view mode]

[cat cafe / seat 12 / female / black messy hair / blood halo]

[found it?]

-[warning no ./....;''ERROR";..../]-

Mari writes on her clipboard, the pen and the clip float up: "I was expecting you GOD-MIND. care for a talk? don't need to meet me in person, just talk through my mind"

[this was unexpected]

-GM: who are you?

-M: a "god" hehe, you sound nervous, what's wrong?

-GM: are you... the one who... controlling... it?

-M: I can, but I won't, I won't interfere with anything if you want to ask

-GM: future reading... what are you going to do?

-M: hihihi, playing with humans, I like hangout with many, you can call me a "playing god" hehe

-M: oh and yes I stand above everything :>

-GM: again... i do not [ERROR]




-GM: again... i won't be your enemy, but I hope you won't

-M: I won't, anyway, I need to check on other timelines, they might get unstable. goodbye GOD-MIND the first :>


GOD-MIND: "I can't understand this"

[eliminate system: failed]


Me: "hey Jame can we go into the city to play a little? I'm bored"

Jame: "C'mon, we are still being hunted for. tho it would be a fine time to chill a little, everyone already has a bad time for the passing time, hmm"

Nathan: "We can stay hidden, but I think the city will be watched harshly, can we?'

Rose: "we can use disguise, like a thing to hide away the most noticed thing on our body"

Jame: "yeah, well guys, we will have some free time before killing that man in the suit"

Me/Nathan/Rose: "Yippee!!"

Kirie: "This was a bad idea"

Kirie is still being an emo kid, we can't blame her.

Jame creates new clothes for us, hats, scarves, shirts, pants, and ready-to-go. time to relax.