
Death Born

A girl reincarnated into a new world on an adventure, not my cover all credits go to whoever made it

Cameron_Griffin · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 1; New Beginnings

Where am I is the the first thought that crossed my mind when I woke up. All I could remember was this nothingness that surrounded me and then I was here. I got the feeling once in a while that something had happened I mean how could I just show up here I knew how to talk, walk and what things were but I had no memories of my time before waking up in this room.

The room I was in was all white and a glowing light seeming to come from the walls there was no bed and no windows, really it would even be hard to call it a room when there was nothing in it and no door. I have no real sense of time but I figured that I couldn't have been here for long since I didn't have any hunger pains or thirst. I didn't even know what I looked like there were no mirrors and the only things I knew about my appearance was that I had long blond hair and pale white skin, I was wearing something close to hospital gown which had a front and the back was open.

I had nothing to do but sit and wait for something to happen. I drifted in and out of sleep for a while to pass the time. Just as I was beginning to lose hope for something to happen a door suddenly appeared. Before I could move the door suddenly open and then walked through the most beautiful person I had ever seen. They had long black hair that almost touched the floor. White alabaster skin and glowing red eyes that were framed by a full thick set of lashes. They were wearing something akin to a robe.

I was so entranced by the person that I didn't even hear them trying to talk to me. "Hello traveler, are you listening" I quickly snapped back my attention to them trying not to come across any more rude than I already did. "W-what, mhmm yes I am listening" I stammered. "Great, I need to explain a few things to you before we can get this show in the road, okay so basically you have died and-"she said before I interrupted her " I'm what now". "Yes I know it can be quite a shock sometimes do your best to get past that, as I was

saying you are now dead and because of the fact that you were a great person who helped lots of people before you died you get to choose between three options for your new life, option one, get reincarnated into the same world in which you died with no benefits or memories, option two get reincarnated into a new body in a world full of magic and get to choose one blessing and get knowledge of the world, option three , get reincarnated in the form of a baby in a magic using world and get no memories but two blessing, which shall you choose" she finally got done and I could only sit in contemplation I knew this rescission was going to have a big impact on my future endeavors and I needed to make the right choice.

First chapter not sure if I should continue on with the idea

Cameron_Griffincreators' thoughts