
Death Insanity Agony

A broken shattered man, is given the chance to live life the way he wanted to. To no longer have to hold back, to let out the monster that lives inside him. He is no hero, nor is he a villain. He disdains the labels that people use to define what they believe. He is no saint, and he is no demon either. He is whatever he wants to be, and whoever tries to stop him from achieving what he desires. May the gods have mercy on their souls, for they will die horrendous deaths. He will try to gather people to his name,he will build a mighty following. It will all begin with the gods arrogance and their mistake.

Burning_in_Hades · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

4 I'm here

as I slowly fell to the world information on it slowly filled my mind, the world I was going to was called heaven's fall. the natives named it such because of the Divine punishment the gods would rain on the Earth.

this world had every race from the myths of my world, from the most common elves, dwarves, and beast kin and to the most out there Eldritch abominations.

it was a world of chaos, pain, and misery, but I believe that's the way the gods wanted it because nothing pushes creatures to their limits like non-stop violence and hate.

almost every country in this world practice slavery, their war is going on every corner of this world. they fought for every reason imaginable from religion to women.

every chance they got, they declared war, billions died every second, but this world was absolutely massive it had so much life that even billions of lives were just a drop in the bucket.

the population was so large that the armies in each military were in the hundreds of millions. it was thousands of Nations clashing at once.

it seems the gods also gave me information on where I would wake up at I would be in the middle of a no Man's Land right on the edge of civilization. I was going to arrive right at the edge of one of the largest untamed areas in this planet.

it was one of those forbidden zones of the natives all those that entered almost never made it out. it was an area completely dominated by the beasts. I would be within at least 5 days walk of a human settlement.

I saw myself speeding to the planet I saw oceans the size of my own planet I saw continents at least five times the size of my own world. it seems to God's didn't lie this world was truly monstrous in size.

I saw myself speeding faster and faster. I got closer and closer to the ground suddenly I passed the clouds and then the mountains got closer and the ground speed it up before me until finally I slammed right into it and then everything went black for a few moments.

suddenly I could open my eyes I found myself in the middle of a Forest clearing. they didn't seem to be anything around me I guess the gods took that into account at least they're good for something. now I could check my status and see if they kept their end of the deal.


name: Hades

level: 1 EXP: (0/5)

titles: (otherworlder) (hero) (chosen by the gods)



body: 5

mind: 5

magic: 5

unique skills

(creation LVL 1) (devourer LVL 1) (exp boost X10) (create servant LVL 1) (personal dimension LVL 1)


(knowledge and skill transfer LVL 1)

I guess it's time to check my skills. it seems creation is exactly as I asked for except the limit seems to be 5 a week for now. it seems I got a little screwed on devourer but it's what I expected.

(devourer LVL 1)

this skill allows you to eat creatures and materials. and allows you to change into the creatures you eat.

skills gained that are inmate to creatures can only be used while in their form. partial transformation may be available at higher level. skill merging is possible with compatible skills however there is a set limit. the limit on skill merging and devouring are the same. skills game for materials may not be usable in any organic form that you take.

uses (05/05) refreshes once a week

as ability levels you will gain more uses.

it was within the range of what I expected they would never give me the all-powerful ability that I asked for even with the five a week limit it was still too much to ask for.

and it does make sense that some abilities that I gain from materials are not really usable and organic form. however I fully expected this which is why I asked for skill merging in theory I should be able to fuse the material abilities into my personal dimension.

slowly expanding from a barren wasteland with devoid of life into an actual world. but that'll take time and lots of mana to be able to see any progression.

it seems that even though I wasn't clear on exactly what I wanted they managed to make create servant exactly what I was looking for.

I can't quite exactly put into words what the skill does but it allows me to raise the Dead, but they're not technically undead they even contain Life energy.

I can decide whether or not they can retain the memories of their last life or start over with new knowledge I put in them. exactly what I was looking for the limit seems to be 2 times a week. and I can gain more uses as the skill levels.

exp boost is pretty explanatory, but pocket dimension seems to be exactly what they said it would be well it has the possibility to grow right now it's nothing more than a barren wasteland all I can really be used for now is just a storage space.

I don't even think insects could survive in it. I never actually thought they'd give it to me but I guess since I didn't go crazy like asking for time dilation effects and things like that they still gave it.

however as long as I learn lots of magic I believe I can add a time dilation affect myself, we'll have to wait and see.

the skill knowledge and skill transfers pretty self-explanatory, however it does not work with unique skills and once I teach a skill I can't increase its proficiency by teaching again.

all skills seem to start out at level 1 I guess as the skill increases the amount of knowledge I can give increases so maybe at higher levels I can give the skills that are higher level as well.

but that'll take lots of time it seems to work though with knowledge and I can use it multiple times on the same person it does require decent amount of mana though.

speaking of which it seems that my mana is my mind stat times magic stat which is pretty easy to remember.

I see there's no HP but that actually makes sense cuz it's not like this world is a game where if you're on one HP you're actually able to survive. after all single hit to the Head will just drain all the HP anyway there's no point in quantifying it.

it seems with every level up I get five stat points to freely distribute. I should level up pretty fast with the X10 exp boost. it should also benefit my skills as well. anyways time to look around and finally explore I need to collect materials and farm some EXP

. it also seems that my titles do absolutely nothing they might show up though when someone tries to see my status it might be troublesome though if I try to register at the guild and they see I have a hero title.

I guess I'll play it by ear and see how it goes but I'm sure the second people see it even with the curse of the Gods they'll still Target me.