
Chapter Sixteen

(Lucas POV)

I woke up to my alarm clock that I had to wake me up earlier so that I can get to the office before her.

Today is going to be an exciting day. I think of all the things that can happen today. Just imagine her reaction when she sees that it is me.

I get ready in my brand-new best blue suit, drive in my newly painted Lamborghini that is now black like my soul I must say.

I get to the building and pull up to my private parking space for important people like myself and share holders.

I see the security guard upfront and make sure everything is alright.

"There will be a girls coming for an interview today, Miss Elizabeth Stryder. Make sure she is safe once she arrives and send her inside".

"Yes sir."

I nod and go inside to reception to meet Jane. She smiles when she sees me approaching. She is one of the people that I can trust in this office because she has been working here since my grandfather was here.

"Good morning Mr Kingston, you look good today. An important meeting today?"

"Something like that. But a female will come here for an interview please inform me when she comes and send her straight up to me."

"Will do sir" I nod her way and go straight to my private elevator, but before I go I hear someone shouting for me. I turn back.

"Lucas wait up for me, wait" I smile as I see my best friend jog up to me. You can say his a clown when a moment is not serious.

"Cole man I never see you since we got back, how is everything?"

"Yea man sorry I was with Emily. She has been a bit sick, so I kept her company." We talk while going into the elevator.

"Anything I missed while I was absent?"

"Haha there is so much well, for starters someone damaged my car which my grandfather is helping me look for that person. I want to beat them so bad" I can feel my rage coming forth but I think about my.

"And also you remember that girl on the plane I sat next to?" I see him nod at me. "Well turns out pops has a soft spot for her since she moved here and has nothing, so he offered her a job as my assistant since I fired my previous one. Today is her interview which I look forward to."

I can see him look at me in shock. " Well I surly did miss a lot that's for sure. Don't worry you will find that person and I'll be there to beat him. Also, thank God you fired your assistant, she gave me the creeps" I see him shiver talking about her which causes me to chuckle a bit.

"Ohhh and that girl from the plane. I know you are smitten by her. And you better give her the job because she is a tough one to crack." I see him getting serious in 0.8 seconds, here it comes I prepare myself.

"Lucas you better not treat her badly. She looks young and innocent. Do not and I repeat not to take advantage of her unless she wants you to. Just don't break her."

I roll me eyes. And say "I will treat her however I want when I feel like it. She is just another assistant that's going to be working for me. Does not mean I'm going to treat her any different. Plus I do not need this lecture."

I hear him sighing and breathing out like his giving up. "Just listen for this once."

Cole has been my right-hand man for years now and also my childhood friend. I let him talk to me however, but he knows his limits which is good. He sometimes tries to give me advice but it just goes through the other ear.

" Yeah whatever. I got to go now." I say as I step out of the elevator. His going to his office above me. Even though it might seem like we are fight, we are not. When we argue it's nothing, we get over it cause it's stupid.

I go straight to my office and take the stacks of paper work from my desk and leave it in office that's for my assistant which is going to be her office now. Madison's stuff was removed and now it's just the laptop, telephone and other normal office stuff with a mini fridge and now tons of paper work for her to do.

I know she is going to take this job because she has no other choice. I go back to my office and look at my watch 9:30. It's almost time for her to arrive so I sit behind my desk and continue to do some work by the time she gets here.


After a what felt like forever, i received a call telling me that Elizabeth had arrived. So i stopped what i was doing and waited.

I could tell see was in front of my door and finally she knocked. "Come in". I said

She opened the door and looked through. She looked shocked but composed herself once I cleared my throat. I welcomed her in my own way and gesture for her to sit.

"Miss Stryder I presume. Please have a seat."

Slowly but surely she is now seated in front of me, and she looks good in this professional way.

I see she fiddling with her hands and trying not to make eye contact with me.

I decide to say something since she does not want to speak.

"So Miss Stryder, I went through your records and it seems good but no other qualifications?"

"No sir"

"Tell me about yourself, why should I give you this job?" I don't need her to tell me this because she already got the job but it's fun.

It seems as if she is deep in thought. I bet she did not know I was going to ask her that.

"Uhhh well my name is Elizabeth Stryder, and I am 19 years old. I recently moved here after a few events took place. Due to what was going on I could not go to college and study further like I wanted to. Even though I am not qualified enough I know I would work hard to try to earn money and to lead a comfortable life style. So this job would mean a lot to me and I would try my hardest to get things done on time that is why I should get this job."

I wonder what happened but I won't ask now.

"Well Miss Stryder your intentions are clear that you really need the money and you would do any type of work that needs to be done."

She nodded my way.

"But there are few things that we must get clear before you start" she's now focused on what I'm saying.

"You must be able to complete tasks in a short period of time and to multi task on a daily bases and there are times when I would need you to be at work different times and I would be taking you to meetings that I would require you to note things down. Also, if you are my assistant you must be able to travel with me to meetings that are in different states. You must also become familiar with the different companies that I own as this is the main branch that is connected to all. There are more but it is stated in the contract, this is just important details. Will you be able to do all this?"

She thought about it. It was clear what her thinking face looked like. Just neutral.

"Yes sir I will be able to do all the things said."

"Good now here is the contract"I say while reaching out and opening the book to show her.

"This is a recurring contract, every year on this date I will let you sign this if I still see you fit as my assistant." She just shakes her head.

She reaches out for the contract and goes over it. I cross my fingers under the desk hoping she would sign it.

"It says here that I would be given a company car?!" She asked me as if confusion took place in her mind.

"Yes, as my assistant you will be called to work at different times so you need transportation to come to work. If you do not have a vehicle of your own then a company car will be given to you."

"Ohhh okay, I need it." is all she says before picking up the pen that was laid in front of her and carefully signing the first and last page of the 3-page blue and black contract.

When she's done I look up and give a smile to her say "welcome to Kingston Industries"

"Thank you so much for this"

"Good cause you will start now?"

She looks tensed up."I did not know I had to start now. I mean today why not tomorrow?"

"You did say that you will be able to work different times and plus there is a lot of paperwork I need sorted by the end of the day"

"Okay"is all she says. Her eye color changes a bit, well it gets a bit darker than her normal shade of brown.

I stand up now putting my suit right "follow me" she stands up suddenly and I walk around the desk and go towards the door. I open it and gesture for her to go first out the door. "Thanks"

I walk out and close my office door and walk towards the other office on this floor. "This office here will be yours so you will have your private space to work."

Her eyes this time lights up as I open the door. Did she not think I would give her own office?

"Wow, thank you, Mr Kingston."

"Don't thank me just yet."

I go to her desk and that's when she sees all the files and paperwork on her desk. Her shoulders slump down.

"This is all I want done by the end of the day." I pick up a single page from the desk and show her.

" This is your schedule for the week and on the back it says all the things I want done and instructions. You got everything already provided for You. Your break is at 1pm today since you came at 10. You have a mini fridge that you can use to your liking just not alcohol is allowed for employees to consume during work time."

If I drink it's fine, if they drink they are fired same time and I did it before.

"I should get started then thank you." Does she not have a problem with the amount of work?

I reach out into my pocket and pull out a small card with number 27 on it." When you leave this building you are to go to security, and he will guide you to the parking lot and give this card to the person looking after the cars, and he would give you your own."

"Yes sir" she said with a smile.

"So Do you have any questions to ask me?"

She shakes her head to say no.

" Then I will check on you in a while." I say as I head out the door.

I give one last look and see her taking in all the designs in the room. I leave and go straight to my office.