
true introduction.

I'm sorry I never said my name. I'm Grace Hall I'm 25 and live in Kansas City with my dad. I do have emotions but they I guess the best way to say it I'm glitching? umm but right know this is me in fourth grade. my dad was drunk most of the time so he never paid attention to me. one day I asked him if he wanted to play with me and that is how I'm blind in one eye. he was in jail for 2 years I was staying with my aunt. when he came back. every time he tried to say I'm sorry I would say "do you hate me?" he would say "of course not! " I know that is all a lie who makes there child blind then say "I'm sorry. " omg my eye I can see again! fairy tails aren't real ya know. Then in 6th? I don't know I got in to a lot of fights. let me tell you something my sister isn't that bad. I found out my step mom made her act that way. well im 25 now ,And only my sister visits me. She is doing great, she has two kids and married to a guy named Jack. and what made me think what happened if I'd never jumped? well I'd have two nieces, I would travel the world and see my mom's grave. the reason why I thought that was my sister she named her oldest grace.
