
Invasion (5/6)

—Metrópolis: 2010 (08:12PM)

POV: Nulo

All the heroes looked at the giant, Darkseid was angry, his eyes flashed in fury, especially looking at Blackagar, he fired his energy jets at the heroes.

Blackagar returned with his own, while Lantern and Cyborg also fired their own attacks, Diana ran with sword in hand, she passed Darkseid, running her blade through the Dark God's heels.

Darkseid dropped to his knees, Flash ran around throwing several punches, Lantern created a huge hammer and hit the New God squarely, the construct shattered but crushed Darkseid to the ground.

Blackagar let out another roar, launching Darkseid into the sea, he had to restrain himself from injuring the heroes around him, but they still took some damage, mostly to his eardrums.

"Forward Warriors!!" Diana said, those who could fly went towards the invading God, it didn't take long to find him, in fury Darkseid's aura threw the water into the skies, he flew towards the heroes, with one punch he sent Wonder Woman to the horizon, grabbed the Green Lantern's arm and crushed it, his glowing eyes shot lightning bolts that hit Blackagar.

The Inhuman King felt every molecule in his body burning, it was a pain he had never felt before, but even so he didn't scream, instead he synchronized the energy with his fur, absorbing it.

Darkseid looked shocked, his own power was absorbed by a mortal, and that same mortal wasn't disintegrating under the full potency of his energy, it distracted him for a millisecond, long enough for Flash to seek the heroes away.

Wonder Woman used her lasso to bind the tyrant's neck, the lasso of truth glowed with the flames of the Old Goddess Hestia, forcing even the New God to tell the truth.

"Why did you invade the monster Gaia!!?, the Lasso forces you to say!!" She pulled harder seeing the tyrant's resistance to answering, never before had she seen it.

Darkseid grunted, he had never been through such humiliation, the last time he remembered such an event was when his brother defeated him, but even that was not so irrational, his brother was a God like him and older, but before him were ants.

"Because of her!!" He said between small cries, the flame of the noose burning not his flesh, but something more intimate than that, he faintly recognized the energy signature he had encountered with an Old God before.

"She?!, what do you mean..." Diana didn't finish as Darkseid used his superior strength and pulled her away, launching her towards the buildings that were still standing, knocking down what was left of the wreckage.

Now freed from the suffocating grip the unholy God did what he didn't think he needed to in many years, he took a breath, he the conqueror of more than ten thousand worlds, he was taking a deep breath, he the lord of Apokolips was tired.

"Petulant worms!" He said but his attention was soon drawn to the blue glow above his head, looking towards the fountain he widened his eyes.

The Inhuman King had not succumbed to Darkseid's negative energy, on the contrary, he converted it into his own energy, but all this excess would have heavy consequences if it wasn't released, luckily he already had a target.

Darkseid didn't have time to react when a huge burst of blue electron-charged energy came towards him, causing a massive explosion.

POV: Batman

I let the creature lead me to the huge tower where they were taking the captured humans, before stepping in with one clean move I knocked the minion down and hid in one of the openings.

I had made it clear to Lantern that we couldn't win without our heavyweight, I even revealed my identity in a strategic move to make him more receptive, we were both the most normal in this group.

Of course I didn't count on the enormous power that the unknown could have, the huge explosion of blue energy was an indication of that, from the mild analyzes I could make it seemed to be loaded with electrons, a dangerous characteristic.

For now I'll consider him a powerful ally, but still a threat, this fight won't end, not while these portals are on.

I walked through the alien base, technology I never thought I would find before, without a doubt was years if not millennia ahead of anything on Earth, whether Lexcorp or WayneTec, but certainly not normal experiments, everything in this place was reminiscent of pain and suffering.

Luckily I managed to get my bearings, there were lots of shadows, perfect for me, but the glowing fire was a long-term problem, I could feel the sweat forming on my skin.

But before the heat was an impediment I managed to find where they were keeping Superman, unfortunately I wasn't alone, a being wearing a purple mantle, with golden plants on his chest was torturing Superman with some kind of stick.

"Scream Kryptonian!!, for soon your screams drown out those of thousands who died, for when this planet succumbs its champions will be soldiers at the commands of the High Lord, an army capable of exterminating once and for all the Green Lanter Corp." The guy said.

I see, looks like Hal spoke the truth, so this Green Lantern Corp keeps these invaders in check, something like a Cold War, but they see Earth and humans as a means to shift the pole of power.

I've heard enough, I prepare an explosive, Alfred insisted on calling it Batarangs due to the shape, I simply avoid talking to him about the habit of calling my equipment "Bat" something.

My shot was accurate, hitting the areas where Superman was contained, the explosion sent the individual away screaming in surprise.

Jumping with a somersault I approach the individual , he tries to attack me bewildered , but I just lower myself and rising again I take the baton from his dirty and grotesque hands , and in a spin I hit the electric tip of the barrão in his chest , making him do it . shout out.

After confirming his fainting, I approach Superman. He didn't look well, weird blue veins on his body, he tried to walk a step but fell over, I held on despite his weight.

"Bruce…" He tried but I stopped him before he was out of breath.

"Not now, we need you to recover, the battle is not over yet." That feeling was unsettling, we had made strides, but I still feel like we didn't get very far.

POV: nulo

Blackagar's massive blast was powerful, but it drained so much of his strength, the heroes gathered around him to find out.

"Damn!!, remind me never to piss you off man." Flash said trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

{It's not over, the portals need to be closed} Blackagar said in hand signals, his clothing had been destroyed, leaving his face and chest exposed.

Diana looked and then translated for the others.

"I think...I think I can do this, my body seems to be able to emulate this technology." Victor said, even though he looked nervous.

"Good, but we can't think we've defeated the guy, my ring is still capturing his energy, he's probably just bewildered." Hal said, a green sling on his broken arm.

"Okay, but how do we deal with those rays from their eyes?, they curve, they're fast and they do serious damage." Flash said.

"Just gouge out your eyes!!, just like the prophet Tiresias." Diana said raising her sword.

"Well... it's not an evil plan, Victor tries to figure out how to control the portals, while the rest try to blind this monster." Lantern said with a smile.

"I'm going to…need a lot of energy." Victor said after analyzing the Motherbox he possessed, everyone looked at Blackagar, the Inhuman King shrugged, he could handle it.

Everyone's attention turned to the crater where Darkseid's body should have been, the dust now glowing red, pure power.

"Ok!!, it's up to us!!" Lantern shouted, the attack members went into battle.

"Is it with us? , is that our battle cry?!, couldn't it be something nice like Assemble?" Flash said as he ran.

"Shut up!!" Lantern returned embarrassed.


It's not long until the end, I hope the fight is being balanced for you, and sorry for the delay.

Let me know if you guys prefer Batman as I wrote, particularly I always thought his role should be strategist and stealth spy, not someone who goes into direct fighting.
