
DC: Sex Stories

A bunch of sex stories set in the DC Multiverse (all characters that appear in this story are 18+) first five chapters mass released after that at least twice a week Mabey more Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review.

Mad_Overlord · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
46 Chs

Trinity's Tremendous Threesome

During some training and team-building exercise between longtime friends, Diana, Bruce, and Clark, a certain Amazon among the group grows quite aroused. Having not felt the touch nor pleasure of a Man in far too long, Diana's eyes wander along the muscular edifices of her friends. From Diana's sexual frustration, the Bat and the Man of Tomorrow come to know the Amazonian Princess in a different manner than before.

(Cock-Worship, DP, Riding, etc...)


With an elevated breath the woman dashed to her right. Her legs were rippling with muscles. Bare fair flesh, toned a shade or two darker by long years in the Mediterranean sun. Her thighs were powerful, and with every rise and fall back to the floor underneath her, one could see them tighten and release. Their sheer power clear and wondrous to behold. Yet, they did not detract from her femininity. Indeed they only added to it. Thighs that ran long and bulging with exertion, but soft and crafted as a statue molded in brilliance and a perfected eye for detail. Sliding downward to her calves and lower legs. Both as equally shapely and powerful as the upper legs before them.

The rounded hills of her calves pronounced themselves as she came to a SCREECHING halt! Her red boots, striped white along the center down her frame, spat up a cloud of mingled dust and refuse from the floor. The SCREECH enough to rattle any ears nearby. The woman, standing upon her athletic stilts of the finest craft in sport, strength and beauty, raised her hands! Forming a crossed X at her wrists. Along either were glinting silver-steel like bracelets. Puncturing the air, bristling red beams sprung toward her in two straight lines! They BLISTERED and SINGED the air! CRASHING with a trembling RATTLE against the gauntlets, but they did not break. Instead, the woman; shadowed in her raven black hair that fell in waves behind her back, simply steadied her footing. Planting herself in place, and refusing to move. Her arms in that moment, as etched in tightened musculature as her legs.

The barest hint of her broad shoulders trembling showed through. Her blue eyes, piercing, but dark and deep, squinted in careful silent dedication to remaining stood and against the onslaught of the beams assailing her. Her biceps and triceps both rose and hardened! By sheer touch alone one would be forgiven for thinking them to be made of condensed iron from the core of the Sun itself! A few stray beads of sweat rolled unmolested down her brow and across her back.

The woman grit her teeth, and her pristine features; molded in the shape of a Goddess crafted by marble in the ancient days of Greece, growled! She THRUST both arms out from her body and the beams slid to either side of her body! Forming a V, where she stood between the crimson pillars. Dashing underneath the burning pillar to her right. Sliding with grace and agility along her right leg, sliding her left underneath her and the pronouncement of her rounded bottom. Projected under her and behind her, hugged tightly by a blue thong, as most called it. It was dotted along its faces with whitened stars. Tightly and magnificently. Her ass was composed of two rounded large hills. Formed and fitted to the rest of her powerful frame. They demanded, and commanded all eyes to her posterior. She the thong with pride, seeing no shame where far too many saw something to be bashful for. She was of Amazon stock! She did not feel shame where her body was concerned.

Her back was bare of cloth along her shoulders. Bound by a corset of deep crimson red, limned along its bottom and top edges in armor plating made of superior gold cast and created in Themiscyra years before. The bottom lining met and clasped to her blue thong and kept the attire getup in place. Her raven hair, bounded down her back in seemingly wild, but cardinal beautiful manner. Reaching the center of her back, carrying an earthy but sensuous aroma wherever the woman went, even for long periods without cleansing or a bath her own. The bare muscles shown along her back were the definition of rippling. Popped from underneath the flesh, but never detracting from her womanly accentuation and demeanor. She was a thing of raw power in the form of a woman. For in her femininity she found power. Power and strength to love all, and to try to bring peace and calm to the ever tumultuous passions and darker inclinations found in the world of Man. The soft small of her back was sleek and her spine encased in pillars of taut muscles, though the fair skin seemed underneath the light of the day, and the sheen of sweat coating it to be soft as glass orbs crafted by Hephaestus himself.

Her blue eyes narrowed once more. The sound of whirling motion through the air met her ears, and the Princess of Themiscyra, whipped herself right into an overhead spin upwards! Exploding where her feet had been three blackened orbs produced a miasma of smoke that would have choked her. Or, at the least caused her eyes to darken and water from the particulates. She fell onto her hands, bouncing down, her head facing the floor underneath her. Her hair grazing along the metallic featureless surface. Before she pushed back, her arms bulging with raw power and she lifted back into the air. Falling gracefully onto her right knee without a scratch or sign of discomfort. Her left leg raised and bent. Her form graceful, sensual and strong. She was a sight to behold. Wrapped about her brow, the final adornment of her attire. A crown, itself golden, blazing in the light about them. At its heart a reddened star of five points.

Her full lips pursed thoughtfully. She raised herself up to a full stand. A tall Amazonian. Her broad shoulders projected at either side of her. Her chest rose and fell from small, but controlled breaths. Pulled in through her nostrils and exhaled through the same points. The large and bountiful breasts constrained by her armor, bursting, or perhaps even demanding to be set free in their glory and twin magnificent masses. The crease between each mound of flesh damp with sweat.

"You'll have to try better than that, Bruce." She cast a cocky smirk over her left shoulder. Her expression turning from harsh, to friendly and confident. Her blue eyes widened and her sensual red lips tilted upwards. While the visage in the shape of both a man, and a bat, loomed in the shadowy corner of the room upon the ceiling where it met the wall. Whitened slits where the Batman's eyes were creased thoughtfully.

"Don't be so cocky, Diana." The low thrum of his voice called back. Lacking the usual dangerous undulation saved for his enemies on the crime riddled city streets of Gotham. "You were too focused on reflecting Clark's rays. You allow attacks like that to take up all your attention, you could allow smaller, and subtler strikes to land a blow."

"You speak as the trainers back on Themiscyra."

"Is that a bad thing, Diana?" The third voice among their trio spoke. The wisp of parting smoke from Bruce's grenades wafted. Diana turned before herself to see the even broader form of Superman appear. His red cape wagging about the open air seemingly of its own volition. The set and powerful chin of the man, bare of hair, protruded as he cast his signature grin. His hands balled to fists on his hips as he allowed himself to gently glide and fall to his own red boots. His blue attire centered with the seal, his crest in the shape of an S, upon his chest. Laid atop the bulging pectorals of the Kryptonian. For a moment, Diana forgot herself. Allowing her blue eyes to trail unabashed and unashamed downward. Cleaving to her sight every crease and corner of his muscles. The pectorals, the abdominal muscles creating rolling hills upon a taut field. His arms bristling power and strength. Her bottom lip became momentarily bit to her right corner. Eyes tracing the red and always gently protruding 'trunks' as he called the cloth.


"Hmm?" She shook herself as Clark, dear Superman, cocked his right eye. Doubtless hearing the rising tempo of her own heartbeat in a sudden rush of excitement. "Ah, n...no!" She chortled gently. "It's not bad at all. Bruce has a knack for reminding me of my earliest days of training. Under my mother and others." Clark beamed a renewed grin. His own blue eyes glimmering in friendly fashion.

"Ah yes, Bruce does have a way of making me feel like I have no idea what I'm doing! He only has our best interests at heart though. Even when he masks it under all that grumpy grumbling."

"You've heard it too, huh?" Diana grinned. Turning over her left and gliding her right hand through the damp tangle of her blackened hair. The roots wetter than the further strands. Batman, or Bruce, had fallen from his cornered perch. His shadow nearing the two. His blackened cowl appearing as tipped wings at either side, while his slouched demeanor along with the whitened simulacra for eyes cast him in a harrowing manner. The vision of Gotham's vengeance. An effective display if Diana and Clark were both honest, and they were. Nonetheless, Bruce stepped into a more prominent ray of light cast from the roof. Picking his shoulders up. His expression steely as the other two gently teased him.

"I wish I didn't have to be so 'grumbling.' You're sloppy Clark, and you Diana? I expect better from you."

"Oh, and how's that?" She turned to him. Placing her hands on her hips. Her left hand's fingers grazing her Lasso of Truth. However, Bruce shook his head.

"With all your Amazon talk I simply thought you'd have more grace. Your propensity to 'brute force' an oncoming strike or attack could be useful, if the situation called on you to defend someone weaker. But, in a one on one fight, it does nothing more than waste precious stamina. Breaking away, and moving in for a flanking attack – far more effective."

"That's our Bruce!" Clark chuckled while Diana shook her head. Bruce's stoic and frowning face flickered and gently shook at the corners. Finally breaking into a soft smile after as he relaxed.

"I'll take your advice to heart, Bruce." Diana bowed her head. Humbly meaning it too. Once more the Princess of Themiscyra caught herself staring too long at one of her friend's. Batman was fully mortal and human. But, that did not take away from either his skill, his arousing intellect, or his strength. And, Diana would be lying if she'd dare to say his stoic nature didn't appeal to her as well. In many ways Bruce and Clark could have been mistaken for twins. Set and square jaws, equally strong, but not overly so. Noses too, that certainly aided Bruce's cowled mask. His torso was a thing of etched beauty. Clark got a head start from his Kryptonian nature. Bruce worked on his physique with near maddening focus. His own chest bulged with taut muscles under his mannish breasts. Leading down to pits, crevasses and valleys where from front to back he was adorned with muscle taut, tight and hard enough to grind stone. The gray attire was limned and lined with blackened gloves, boots, his omnipresent cape, and trunks all his own. Hiding what Diana, in her moment of thoughtful reverence imagined to be a wondrously bulging manhood. Hera help her...she had been without release for far too long of late.

"Diana?" Clark called her again. Wonder Woman jostled gently. Shaking herself of her thoughts and looking into Clark's genuine, kind, and worried eyes. Bruce moved forward and cocked his brow curiously, his mask more than expressive enough to show his expressions to a point.

"Are you alright?" Ever the soft, but powerful, and even fatherly type, Clark wondered. Stepping nearer and planting a wide, large and powerful hand upon her bare and now cooling right shoulder. She gently shuddered at the firm touch, and her eyes twinkled after.

"What do you mean, Clark?"

"You seem a little…out of it."

"Out of it?" Diana dismissed him gently. Waving him off with a gentle shrug of her shoulders. "I'm fine, really."

"Really?" Instead of Clark it was Bruce. His tone disbelieving her as he circled about and stood in between the two, ahead of them. "Hmm…" The man in the shape of the Bat grumbled thoughtfully. Diana now copied his expression from before. Raising her brow in curious response while Bruce slowly and methodically eyed her. From the top of her head and the lively waves of her long hair strands, down over across her face further and further low. Crawling across her neck, and her distinctly showed collar. Across the rise and gentle fall of her breasts which made Diana momentarily squirm. A sudden thrilling heat shooting through her body between her legs. She repressed a sudden desire to slide her thighs together as Bruce's eyes slid further down. Over her hidden waist under her armor and cloth. The simple and thin divide of her bottoms where the heat formed, her heart thudding once again. An internal curse uttering within her mind at Bruce's lingering and leering. Before he traveled down her legs which silently crawled with goosebumps.

Finally, as Bruce came to a stop, and from which only a few seconds had truthfully passed, the man passed his full concentrated gaze back up to meet Diana's eyes. A low chuckle rasping from his throat as he shook his head. Turning to Clark and giving Superman a dismissive shrug.

"Nothing's wrong with her."

"And how exactly do you know that from just looking at her?"

"I'm right here you two."

"Uh, sorry, Diana." Clark sheepishly smiled while Bruce continued to laugh subtly. Allowing himself to grab the corners of his cowl and pull it back from atop his head. Revealing his short black strands of hair. A few stray strands of the hair hung down over his brow across his right. His steely eyes, blue like his two friends, looked between both Clark and Diana.

"But," Diana began looking at Bruce. "I am curious. What do you know that both Superman and I don't?"

"Oh, you know Diana."

"Do I?" She wondered as Bruce passed her a knowing and brooding look. His eyes narrowed while his demeanor slackened somewhat. A smirk returning across his features. In that instant she felt a seethe threaten to elicit from passed her lips. Once more her appreciation of this man's chiseled features made her long unattended body boil within. Something that evidently caused Clark to pass her another thoughtful glance. The rise of heat in her body and the rush of blood through her heart must've been obvious to one with sight and perceptive ears as him. Even if he always did his best to restrain it and himself from invading the privacy of others.

"You know, Diana," Bruce began, running his right hand through his own damp hair. "I haven't told you that you look lovely today."

"Oh?" She felt heat rise to her cheeks, but the Amazon bowed her head in genuine appreciation. "Thank you Bruce."

"She always looks lovely, Bruce!" Clark, ever the supportive one announced. The earnesty in his lively eyes, and that damnable smile enough to make Diana want to push him to the floor here and now and…! She shook her head.

"Oh yeah…I know." Bruce chortled in a heartfelt manner that was rare of the Batman.

"What do you know Bruce?" Diana found herself wondering. Only realizing after the fact she spoke in less her normal tone, no less confident, but more a purr. She neared him and Bruce waved her off.

"Nothing." He chuckled. Probably for her benefit while poor Clark watched them…banter. However, Diana felt herself burn with a sudden passion. The heat of their training session and sparring eliciting a primal or primordial desire in her body. The passion birthed in her heart and the warmth that flushed her cheeks and doubtless, mimicked reddened heat flushed about her unseen nether lips. She passed the ever knowing Bruce Wayne a wink and turned back to Superman. Planting her hands atop her waist. Just about the curves that led from her magnificent back and all its grand feminine muscles, to the firm mounds of her ass.


"Yes?" The Man of Tomorrow answered with an inquisitive tilt of his head.

"Would you care to have sex?" The rush of her boldness, but the genuine thrust of her question made her pulse POUND inside her! The sound of it was music to her ears as she heard it within. Doubtless Superman did too. Though, for his part his mouth went slack. His eyes bulged for a moment, and he sputtered wordless sounds as he regained control of his mouth.

"Wha…what?!" Superman finally huffed.

"Sex." Diana shrugged nonchalantly. "I have been without reprieve for some time. I find you attractive. So why not?" Behind her she heard Bruce laugh. A shallow, but awed sound at her bluntness.

"Well I…we…you've never…"

"Are you currently promised to another, Clark?"

"Well…no. I'm not…but…"

"You still haven't asked Lois out?" Bruce shook his head.

"Bruce! Surely you must think...this is…we're friends!"

"Exactly." Diana smiled, and her tender lips and the pristine Mediterranean dark beauty of her fair flesh must have seemed etched into stone or by masons themselves as Clark perceived her more intensely. Diana caught his blue eyes shifting as his mind did to her suggestion.

"I'm not asking for your hand in marriage, Clark. Merely mutual pleasure. An Amazon is not as…encumbered in her needs or wants as the women of Man's world, you know." She winked, and Clark's face turned to a rosy red, before Wonder Woman continued. "Besides, you are a prime example of Man's form and power. I have often wondered how your body would feel. Free of all your attire and…spandex." She teased him gently. All while Superman's arms dropped to his sides and he shook his head in a mixture of incredulity, shock, and perhaps the burgeoning new view of the woman before him.

"Hmm…" Diana throatily hummed. Turning to Bruce who watched the whole interaction with a grin he could not, even through his usual mood and manner, repress. "What about you Bruce?" She questioned with her tone charismatic, in control, strong, but sultry all the same. Her lips curled into a renewed smile and she watched as the confident Bat, turned to her. His expression thoughtful as he watched and observed her carefully.

"What about me?"

"Well...if Clark won't help satisfy an Amazon's needs...perhaps you will?" She purred further. Nearing without any trepidation. The rise, and tilt of her waist from side to side a sight to behold as Clark watched her walk towards Bruce. Her right hip rose, and popped. Causing the rounded flesh of her ass to ripple gently with the fall of her confident foot. Repeated over upon the left side. Her hands rising from her hips and both palms gently planted upon the bat symbol of Bruce's attire. The warmth of her touch mingled with his body's warmth in an instant. Diana felt his pulse rise gently at her touch and she perceived through sheer intuition a boiling desire inside her friend. He didn't say anything. Not yet. He merely gazed at her. Hidden behind his eyes, but perceivable, a fiery want of her. A long withstood respect between the both of them as friends, colleagues and comrades against many countless enemies and foes. But, as well lingered the playful banter, the insinuation and sexual tension that Diana felt as a rapidly fluttering chord plucked harshly and just nearing the SNAP.

"Do you want to lay with an Amazon on this floor?" Diana growled huskily. Leaning inward and no longer restrained by paltry and made up decorum where a woman's raw sexuality was concerned. She yearned for him...for both of them. She burned in passion and wanted to feel the raw heat explode as a chamber of magma finally given reprieve.

"Diana…" Bruce finally managed. The semblance of a similar concern to Clark's inherent and evident on his voice. But, it shuddered gently. He was fighting the want, and Diana shushed him. Planting her right index finger against Bruce's lips. The stoic Bruce Wayne paused at the touch. His hands rising and planting firmly on either side of her along her waist. His touch even under his gloves strong, and rough. As she would expect from the Batman. She leaned forward. Wrapping her arms around his neck. Her wrists folding over top one another as she stared into his eyes with a shared and silent exchange of her intentions and desires. Until her full lips parted and she once more spoke.

"There's no need to be coy, Bruce." She whispered. "I know you want me and my body. Don't pretend otherwise. Indeed, I have been without a man's touch in far too long. And…" She sucked in a breath, gently biting her bottom lip as she whirled her hair to her left over her shoulder and pressed her face against his neck. Feeling his warmth and taking in his mannish scent through a long draw of breath through her nose. Her right hand sliding down. Over and across his muscles. She wantonly suckled the air in harsh sexual excitement about his ear, and she felt him shake in need. Down and down she traveled. His body rock hard, but she wanted something else. Something equally as hard.

"Let me feel your manhood under my hand, Bruce."


"Shh…" She gently hushed him again. Rubbing her face against his neck. Her own earthy, and raw womanly scent about his nose and senses. As she gently bit his ear. He did nothing to stop her. A rumbling growl escaping from his throat as Diana's hand moved over his stomach, down his pelvis and then…

"Ah, there it is!" She moaned against his ear. "The Batman's cock. Throbbing, and restrained by all this unnecessary cloth." He said nothing. Diana placed her lips but an inch from his ear. "I want you to fuck me, Bruce! Fuck this Amazon here on the floor! Here in the Fortress of Solitude! Make this Amazonian pussy squirm!"

"Son of a..." Bruce grumbled and reeled back from her. In an instant their eyes met, but Bruce caved, giving into to her raw beauty and primal pull! He MASHED his lips against her! She whimpered gently but fell full force against the embrace! They battled, and unlike his technique with hands and feet, his lips were wanton! Suckling and consuming hers, while her tongue flicked over both his upper and under lips. Invading his mouth they tasted one another! Muffled harsh breaths and the wet clamor of battling mouths announced itself, while Bruce TORE at his belt! THROWING it harshly against the far wall! All but RIPPING his top off of himself, Diana pulled back. Licking her bottom lip, face flushed, breaths harsh and hitched. She grabbed his trunks and with furious need YANKED them down! A woman with ambition and want! Not to be denied at all.

Bruce pushed his tightly fit trousers down. The skintight fabric tugged and refused to unleash his flesh easily. With a GROWL and show of teeth, Diana TORE the fabric away! Bruce uncaring about the ripped and torn outfit at all! His cock bobbed free. The magnificent manhood dangling before Diana's eyes. A glimmer of hungry desire glinting in the blue pools as her mouth formed a small O, and she breathed a subtle breath upon the flesh.

"By the Gods...your cock is wonderful Bruce!" She gasped simply. Her right hand rising and enfolding the member. Blood rushed through the pole of flesh. A PERCUSSION of hot blood and adrenaline SHOT through it. Burning hot in the Amazon's hand. Bruce grinned down at her and his facade fully fell away as his natural mannish lust and desires showed through.

"Don't just look at it, Diana. Show it you're impressed."

"How should an Amazon do that?" She wondered looking sweetly up at him. Her raven hair fallen in waves down her taut back rolling in hills of muscles. "How about this?" She leaned forward. Her lips pursed, and a loud SUCKLING kiss was planted atop his bulbous and swelling cock's head!

"Hah...hah...yeah, yeah that works, Diana...damn…" Bruce shuddered in pure raw pleasure.

"Mmm!" The Amazon moaned. She let her tongue free from her mouth. Just the top of the gland. Its tip slowly and carefully flicked back and forth. Just the tip of it in soft, circling motions over the small lips of his own cock. The tender glands of his own organ THRUMMED in life. The member hardening to that of fine rock in her right hand, for which Wonder Woman, SQUEEZED in conquest! Marveling as the cock of the man grew. PULSATING, from five to six inches...a moment, and another PULSE of life and six hardened to seven, rising in an arch towards the heavens, towards Olympus itself! Another RUSH of unseen life giving fluid PUMPED through the magnificent member. Diana let it fall onto her face. She looked up at him, her eyes glimmering sweetly, but within a fire burned. Allowing his member to grow to eight inches, and perhaps just a bit longer. Rested atop her face, along the right side of her nose over her eye. The burning passionate heat in it warming her. She took in a long DRAW of breath. Smelling his masculine scent.

"Shit Diana…"

"An Amazon knows what she wants, Bruce." She preempted any further thoughts given voice. Instead. With an etched and ferociously concentrated look, where her brow furrowed and her expression became almost dangerous, Diana GRIPPED his member once again! Locking her fingers around his base. She pushed him up and with a long streak, ran her dashing tongue in a flicking slide from the very bottom, where his dick met his sac, up...up...streaks of spittle formed wetness. His sweat and secretions marred the Princess's tongue, but she honored it. Her tongue gliding under the head as it THRUMMED with pleasure yet again! Turning to a delicious shade of purple as her grip, strong enough to rip the member clear off the body of its owner...cared for it. Honored it.

The rim of his cock, where his pulled back sheath of fair flesh met the underside of the head and formed a thin strand of flesh...Diana gently took it into her mouth and suckled. Moaning throatily to jostle and vibrate his member. Ceasing and releasing the small union of flesh and planting a loud SUCKLING-WET kiss along the underside. Another further down the member...another after.

"Mmm...you like that cock, Diana?" Bruce grumbled. His heart pounding! The evidence of which remained in Wonder Woman's hand. She nodded like a good girl.

"Uh huh…so big, Bruce. So...so big… Oh!" She hitched a laugh as she reached his heaving and heavy sac. Two large balls hung as ovals within the darker flesh. The ridges of which were prominent as it pulled in TIGHT to Bruce's crotch. A splattering of wild blackened hairs twisted and turned from over his member, and along his sac. Diana cupped them in her left hand. Feeling the graze of the dips and ridges. Scratching her nails gently along the underside. Groaning in pleasure as her unseen pussy leaked primordial juices of sexual need as Bruce HEAVED a glorious grunt of sheer gasping pleasure.

Slowly Diana slid her nails along his balls. Back and under him. Reaching the gentle divide between his crotch and ass. Gliding over that spot and back over the balls up and over the firm flesh. She then took hold of one testicle. Holding with gentle renown his right in her left hand. Slowly rolling it in her thumb and forefinger. Feeling the factory of flesh and sinew, of a man's body which produced and housed the life giving creams to fill a woman's womb.

"Hera...so big."

"Suck them. Clean them!" Bruce grunted a commanding snarl. His face twisting in need. And, it only strove to turn her on more. Diana grinned up at him. Moaning as she slid his cock over her forehead and let it drape itself upon the silky strands of her hair. Moving forward she planted an immediate kiss upon the ovular teste. Praising it softly.

"Oh Bruce…" SLURP! She took the ball into her mouth and POPPED it out! It hung lower than its twin, wet from her mouth and her cleaning of it. Tasting his musk upon her tongue. "Oh BRUCE!" She gasped his name! Erotic and sensual, a total freeing of their innate want of the other. He THREW his head back and let it roll from shoulder to shoulder. His eyes shutting as he whispered thanks.

"That's it Diana...oh shit! Cle...clean those balls...suck them! SUCK me!"

"Mmmhmm...!" She announced from her throat. Taking his other testicle into her mouth. Swirling, sliding her tongue along it. Feeling the connective vein from it leading up into the man. She wrapped her mouth into a pursed circled and SUCKLED! Sucking...sucking...SUCKING! Drawing on whatever fluid within in a miniature binding wind like a terrible hurricane!

"Hoh, SHIT!" Bruce growled! SNAPPING forward! His hands both CLASPED Diana's head through her locks of hair and held her in place! The seething pleasure making the man lose control, and that only made her want more. So she opened her mouth. Her tongue dashing out over her chin. Laughing as a slippery connective line of saliva connected her to his balls before she SUCKLED in the strand, and then SPAT onto his cock! A mucousy mixture suddenly drooled along the under side, and Diana's hand began RISING! Pumping up! Forcing blood to the tip, and then ROLLING down! BUCKING and JERKING him just to the side! Pushing his member left, then right, downward and then upward! Feeling him contort in pleasure! Feeling his legs buckle sharply with every ministration and expert manipulation of his mortal flesh.

"You like that Bruce?"


"You like me jerking your cock?!"

"YES!" He couldn't deny it! This was the best handjob and blowjob he had, had in...perhaps ever. And the fact it was Diana of Themiscyra herself...the Princess of the Amazon's – each one built in the shape of a marble goddess like the ones they worshiped?! It made Bruce squirm with burning passionate need.

"Hmm…" Diana grinned. Planting another soft tender kiss on his cock's head. A gentle oozing of precum loosing from his tip. Staining her reddened lips, she suckled her bottom lip into her mouth and drank the mannish secretion lovingly. Kissing him again. The loud SMOOCHING sound like a horn through the room. A pair of observant eyes watching in gawked glory. Another cock BULGING and CRYING to be set free. Staring at Diana's squat and rounded ass that called to him as it hovered above the ground. The Amazon, without issue, and with all the strength needed, remaining squatted and tending to Batman, to Bruce's cock.

A soft laugh born from her throat sounded. Diana planted her thumb down over her chin once more. Sliding the underside of Bruce's cock along the wet gland. Sliding back and forth…gently at first. Over again, back and forth. Inch by inch of the wonderfully girthy rod entered the depths of the Princess's mouth. Rarely was a cock allowed the pleasure and honor of the demi-divine entry. Bruce watched her with bated breath coming in shudders. His head disappeared inside her mouth. Before Diana gently pursed her lips once more. Closing her eyes and groaning a rumble that vibrated the rim that divided his cock's head from his phallus.

"Shit…where did you learn-" POP!

"I have my ways." She grinned wickedly. Her smile, beautiful, but restraining the feral sex goddess inside. The expression turned. Becoming a needy snarling thing. Her attention returned to his cock and she enclosed it within her moistened mouth. Coating it in a layer of saliva. Diana of Themiscyra's saliva! She circled her tongue about halfway along the circling girth of the rod. SUCKLING with sudden and wanton lust and greed! Bruce hitched a breath once more! Again doubling over in a shock of pleasure. Diana's eyes turned up to him. Wonder Woman, and Batman shared a glare. Wanton, and hungry. Diana SHOVED more of him into her throat! Sliding the member down past the bending curve into her neck! SHAKING her head without repression of the sheer force it took, but she was an Amazon! She didn't nor wouldn't relent from the challenge of swallowing batman's fucking cock! And, SWALLOW she did! The constriction of air BURNED at her lungs, but she didn't stop! She, with sheer brute force, repressed the gag that rolled up as pressure from her chest, and instead SWALLOWED!

GLUG! GLUG! GLUG! GLUG! Over and over Bruce could feel her neck, her throat attempt to swallow his member down into her stomach, but it never left. Planted and hardened, BULGING in her soft fair windpipe.

"Ha…hah…hah…!" Bruce only managed puffing breaths as he felt his pelvis and his hips JERK! Slamming forward in pure primal intuition. His balls tightened and he threatened to give in and BURST a load down her throat, but he grit his teeth! A glaring baring of teeth showed as a caged beast and…he felt a long shudder whimper down his back. Restraining the beast's passionate explosion a moment, or a while longer. Though…as Diana retreated, and unleashed his member coated in deliciously thick mucus and saliva that fell in globs and ropes to the floor…he knew it would be difficult to fight her for too long. She had a stamina advantage.

HACK…SPIT! A new fresh batch of her Amazonian spit coated his greased member, before Diana then FURIOUSLY beat his cock! From base to head!


"Oh?" She grinned wickedly again. Pausing her sensuous treatment. Sliding her thumb up over his throbbing and BURNING hot cock-head. Pressing her thumb against the precum oozing slit and chuckling as she felt his blood churn inside. "Am I bringing the mighty Bruce Wayne to heel?"

"You…you'd like that wouldn't…wouldn't you?" Bruce's face puffed out as he sucked chilled breath into his lungs. Closing his eyes after and allowing another shudder to ripple down his body from his neck.

"Mmm…" She moaned. Planting another kiss along his cock's head. Sliding her face down and under him. Allowing him the vision of domination, and conquest. Allowing Man's inner urges and desires to unleash through vision and sight. Giving his mind pleasure in seeing her brought low. Yet, it was her decision, and by her allowance alone.

She opened her mouth and gently slid her teeth along the bulged central chamber of his cock along the underside. Without biting him fully, her lips caressed and she kissed after. Repeating the act down…and down. Over and again until she reached the musky point where sac met phallus. Sliding her tongue along the rough skin of his balls up and SLURPING the head at the end in a kiss of some finality. Watching the Bat tremble above her.

"We'll have to try harder I guess." She stated and, throwing her hair from right over left shoulder, Diana turned in her squatted state. Sideways glance at poor dumbstruck, and aching Superman. She ran the back of her right hand over her mouth and FLICKED it out, casting specks and streaks of gathered spittle and precum to the floor. Smiling sweetly, and groaning. Her hands rolled up across her hips and along her large breasts. She bit her lip once more, tilting her head back, and appearing a vixen as seen in many a lewd magazine cover born of the World of Man. Her hands climbed over her collar and up through her hair. Draping it over herself as her arms stretched. Accentuating her feminine strength, her muscles flashing as the glinting sweat made her seem like a wordless siren.

"How about now, Clark?" Her voice even, but no less sultry, asked. Shaking the Kryptonian from silent reverence. His head whipped and he blinked several times over.

"Wha...I mean, huh?"

"How about you?" She repeated smiling. Standing up to her full height. Her long legs protruding her into a stand. Her hands reached behind herself and found several clasps. Expertly she snapped them loose, one by one. The red corset like covering armor unlatched with an audible SNAP. Her breasts bounced just a little lower, free of constraint. Before the Amazonian held the armor in her right index finger, hung as though from a clothesline. Revealing her bare chest to Superman. She let the armor fall in a slight clamor. While Clark's soft boyish eyes widened with an all too mannish lust. Diana smirked confidently, and planted her hands on her hips. Bruce behind her approaching and nuzzling his nose into her neck. She turned and let him. Humming happily and content as his hands reached up and slid across her sculpted abdomen. Several rows of muscles showed, but not like either Bruce and Clark. Softer, but present. Accentuating, but powerful. Until, Clark watching, Bruce glided his hands upwards. His bobbing and pulsating cock pressed between them against her ass, still hidden under her thong.

"Mmm…" She moaned lovingly. Purring with gently parted lips as Bruce's newly freed hands – his gloves tossed into a bundle nearby along the floor, they reached her breasts. Each one sporting a reddish-pink nipple. Each one stood on end in erect mounting excitement. Bruce's tongue lapped at her neck and suckled her sweat and bare flesh after. His hands GRIPPED each mound of her breasts! SQUEEZING them in a fondness, a hunger, and innate need by men who desired women. His thumbs flicked across either nipple! One up, the other down! He reached under each mound of flesh and THRUST up! Letting them bounce and fall! The rippling of them like a pool, or clap! Until Bruce then MASHED his hands against both and caught Diana's attention. She turned her head over right and their mouths CRASHED together once more! Tongues sliding against one another. His hunger all but seeking to take her whole into his maw and consume her! Every inch of her a primal taste of Amazonian stock and the purest morsel of what 'woman' was.

They broke their colliding mouths. Diana GASPED for air, her face flushed, and a gentle smirk on her face as her left hand came up and caressed Bruce's chiseled jawline. He grinned back. Both pairs of eyes looking to Clark. Diana calling to him with her eyes alone. The fires in both azure pools glinting for his answer to her call.

"Come on Clark...come here." Diana whispered in a harsh seething whisper. All at once alluring. Her left hand rose and beckoned him. "Let me make that fat Kryptonian cock I know you're hiding from me feel good. So, so good… Just like Bruce's. Right Bruce?" She asked sounding suddenly so innocent. A ploy to play into Man's desire to both desire the harlot and the chaste. She felt Bruce's cock pulsated between her ass. His heart rate bounding. He loosed a growl and nodded.

"So good...You don't know what you're missing out on, Clark."

"I know...trust me."

"Ha…" Bruce shook his head. "Kryptonian eyesight. Well then...we're all friends here. There's no shame in it. Not on my part anyways."

"Exactly." Diana agreed with her alluring smile. Breaking away from her embrace with Bruce and sauntering over to Clark. Each footfall shaking a side of her body. Rippling her finely graven ass. Her breast equally bobbing free and standing on end upon her points. Clark remained unmoved. His mind unset on what he should do. She would help him along the way.

"Come here, Superman."


"Shh, now!" She commanded with a low, and assertive tone. Wrapping her hands around his neck and staring into his eyes. Letting their warmth combine. Her eyes staring into his. Every inch of him seeming a God of Olympus himself. She sucked in air long and harshly needed Pressing herself up onto her toes she planted a soft and probing kiss along his lips. Feeling him only mutely reciprocate. But, his hands, massive, powerful enough to crack the foundations of the Earth itself...it made her tremble...they reached up and clasped her waist on either side. Bumps trailed along her body.

"Let me take care of...this!" She gasped! Her right hand had ran from over his left shoulder down his wondrous valleys and hills of muscles. Planting atop his red trunks and feeling it feeling him! A sudden JUT pronounced itself from under his pants, and in Diana's mind she could hear his fucking heartbeat as it caused the swollen member to bound. Its girth was magnificent! Just bigger than Bruce's perhaps equally as long. Her eyes widened and she let him see her amazement. Let him experience her own shock, let him feel himself and his ego stroked by her feminine desire for him. Indeed, she saw his eyes light with a similar fire as to that of her own.

Her breath came rasping and sudden as she gasped once more. Looking down between them and seeing the POUNDING tent that had formed in his pants, threatening to tear the fabric...in fact, as he sultry eyes glared back up into his own...she WANTED it to rip.

"Tear these fucking pants off for me!"


"Now, Clark!" She SNARLED! Her teeth baring as a beast caged and her hand GRASPING his member through the dividing fabric. She wanted, and NEEDED him! Clark pulled away, and with his wall of control collapsing, the Man of Tomorrow, grabbed his suit along his chest, and his heaving muscles, the tree-trunks that were his arms PULLED it clear off of himself! The delicious sound of tearing fabric sounded as a zigzagged rip formed down the center of his entire suit and fully PULLED free of him! His muscles along his arms BULGED with natural unimpeded power, and Diana licked her lips as her eyes beheld his manhood! PULSING as Bruce's had! Indeed as big as the Bat's, but slightly thicker. Hard as a temple pillar made of marble stone! It did not have the upwards bend of Bruce's and instead struck forward! A stabbing spear diagonal of his body.

Immediately Diana moved back down! Falling to her knees with a wanton disregard of all paltry pretenses of decorum. Instantly she GRABBED his cock in her right hand, and her left found the hung sac of his testes. She cupped the two ovals within with pride and gentle womanly grace. KNEADING at the tender and malleable flesh! Feeling his pouch's ridges form – sliding his own wild tendrils of blackened hair through her fingers.

HOCK! Diana gathered her spit, and...SPAT it across his member! Watching it FLUSH with renewed urgency and want! Smelling the musky natural aroma of Man, mingled with previously glistening sweat.

"God...Diana!" Clark shuddered. She winked up at him and kissed the head of his cock...down on either side of the head. Gently licking the rim of his member along the entire length and circumference of it. Feeling a familiar lustful flush of heat bound through it!

"Hmm...Demigod, but yes, Superman." She teased and heard him chuckle halfheartedly. Incapable of being too jovial as his inner passions called for release. Seeking to calm his passions...or perhaps exacerbate them, Diana moaned as a slut in heat. Opening her maw, she let the rod enter her warm depths. Instantly SUCKING him down! Gifting him treatment as she had given Bruce moments before! Yet, unlike the fully mortal man, Clark was a Kryptonian.

Her hands reached up and she found his ass. GRIPPING it in her hands, she reclined her neck back, and then SLAMMED her fucking head forward! BURROWING his cock down her throat! Knowing she could, and WOULD take it!

"SHIT!" Clark loosed a rare snarl! His voice an undulating rattle. Diana nodded happily. GRIPPING her throat muscles tight! SQUEEZING and fucking MILKING his cock with her throat, one of her holes for Men to release their passions and desires. A GURGLING and GAGGING sounded from her! Ropy accumulated streams of her own salivation began to drool and dribble down her chin onto the floor. Clark pulled himself back. Stepping away, but her throat was TIGHT around him. She refused to release him, and Diana fell onto her hands and knees. Bobbing his member lodged in her throat. SUCKLING loudly! SLIDING her tongue over and about the portions of his rod as Superman suddenly GRIPPED her head, and PULLED out of her with force! Her mouth POPPED ajar! Ropes of saliva shot across the room and an immediate GASP loosed from her ragged suckling maw!

"We're not done!" Clark growled. His eyes flashing red, or perhaps Diana imagined it. But, it didn't matter...it made her cunt BURN hot!


"OH!" In a seething mock of her word, Clark gripped Diana's bundled hair, and glared with furious pent up desires. She growled in pain, but didn't stop him. If he wanted to be rough...she'd let him be. "You brought this on yourself." He warned.

"Mmm, fuck...show me my place!" Diana dared with a disdainful glower. Clark paid her no more mind nor words. Superman THREW Diana up, still gripping her hair! She yelped in the immediate sting of near tearing follicles, but suddenly she felt Clark's free left hand reach up and grab the hem of her thong, and with total ease of his Kryptonian body, he TORE the shredded material from around her! Her lasso falling with the tattered remnants. Diana's bouncing and bountiful beautiful ass trembled before Bruce, watching ahead...slowly and idly pumping his cock. Her pussy became open for all to see. Thin lipped, but glistening hot pink folds within spread as her legs dangled and she kicked gently in her swaying manhandled state. A V of straight black hairs glided down her crotch, forming as an arrow towards her slit, where her clit bulged healthily and dewy from its hood at the top of her panting radiating cunt.

"Come here!" Clark ROARED! His voice a thudding echo in the room as he WHIRLED Diana over herself! She gave a cry in shock, but knew it would serve to turn him on. She fell head first towards the ground, but stopped. Her legs, both gripped by Clark. One hand gripping each leg. He pulled her upwards and CLAMPED his hands on her thick and muscular thighs! As if trying to constrict blood, but her body resisted, crafted in Amazonian perfection. But the Man of Tomorrow, sneered in sexual passion. RIPPING her legs wide and open towards the roof! Her dew glistening slit matted in her own juices and dripping more before his face. As an animal or beast he took a long intoxicating draw of her natural musk into his nostrils. His cock before Diana's upside-down face THROBBED immediately after. A wild animal smelling a female...a bitch in heat.

"SUCK MY COCK!" His beastly voice boomed and Diana momentarily JUMPED in a jostle, and at his mercy, but with a grin that went unseen she reached out and gripped his member, TUGGING it towards her lips and flicking her tongue across the bulging head in teasing fashion.

"Eat my pussy, Kryptonian!"

"Don't fucking worry about that, Diana!" His voice oozed a warning, but Diana knew it was merely man's passion unleashed. Her slit buzzed. Her fuming lips needed touch to satiate her own wriggling needs. And then…

"FUUUUCCCCKKK!" Diana CRIED out as what felt like a bolt of lightning RIPPED up her body, or rather down, from her slit, across her spine and into the base of her fucking skull! Clark had MASHED his face against her slit! His tongue DASHING, SLIDING, and CIRCLING her inner pink walls! The ample flow of her juices COATING his mouth and tongue in her most raw of essence! He drank down the copious drizzling dew while she THRASHED her head to and fro! The pleasure sweeping over and through her! His etched body before her, his hung cock PUMPING with life before her widened and hazy, lust crazed eyes, while his thick sac hung low brimming full with Kryptonian seed.

"Hah...hah...HO...FUCK! Sh...shit! EAT IT! EAT THAT PUSSY KRYPTONIAN!" She snarled! Her face contorting and twisting in rabid collapse of all demeanor. Her mouth opened and she took him into her mouth! FORCING her own fucking throat open she BOBBED her head up into the cock! Ramming herself against as a gyrating piston! SLAMMING and BEATING her face upwards! Her forehead, as she CONSUMED his cock, SLAPPING and TAPPING against those magnificent balls! Feeling this man's tender-most flesh, turning wet in saliva and sweat slap her face made her eyes ROLL back into her head! Her cunt LATHERED in his saliva! His tongue CIRCLING and the sound of SUCKLING echoing! The both in an orchestra of lewd music.

SUCK! SLURP! GAG! GROAN! SUCKLE! GASP! GROAN! HEAVE! One after the other. Clark and then Diana. Diana and then Clark! Wanton, brazen and free! Superman was MUNCHING into her pussy as a man starved! While Diana was DRINKING down his cock like a woman dying of thirst! His power immense, his hands loosed their locked holds of her thighs and found her ass! Even at odd an angle and gripping her from behind he SMACKED his hands as a CLAP powerful enough to reverberate the room! She HOWLED in pleasure at his battering against her behind even while BOBBING her head back and forth. He PULLED her wide open and gave Bruce sight to her asshole. Hidden between the magnificent mounds of flesh. Bruce pumped his cock at the show of these powerful beings giving in to a very human madness. It was damn near comforting.

"Hey, Clark!" Bruce called, and shook Superman from his delectable lunch of Amazonian pussy. His chiseled face reeled up to look at Bruce. A sheen of wetness along his lips and chin. "What do you say you put the lady down and give me a turn at her?" Clark was momentarily lost to his sex drive. Shaking his head he pulled a grin to his face and nodded.

"Got lost there, Bruce. Sorry. Here…" He pushed Diana off his cock, and her tongue swirled the air. Suddenly left wanting as her mouth-cunt was left without the lathered and dripping Kryptonian member down her throat. "You have her." Clark grinned and WHIRLED Diana back around and with incredible speed more a blur, he PUSHED Wonder Woman onto her back! Her breasts heaved and jumped before her! Her breath came in a sudden hitch and rattle. Her arms flew above her head sprawled in her black hair strewn under her. Diana's body gently darkened by the Sun...Her eyes flicked upwards towards Bruce. Watching him circle around her. Both he and Clark standing quickly after, side by side. Both men with bodies like Adonis himself. Both with bobbing and throbbing dicks. Looking down on her, shadowed by the light of the room, and their own dark desires manifested as the shadows along their etched faces. In the end Diana moaned. Turning her head to the side. The lustful vixen for them to look upon. Spreading her legs, and arching them back, bending her knees towards the roof.

"You want to use this Amazonian pussy, Bruce?"

"Why don't you, shut up, Diana?" Bruce leaned down over her. She purred at his command. His face matted in sweat as flecks rained down on her. He nestled himself between her legs and planted his member at her searing hot folds and depths. His head felt as a second furnace kissing her slit. She ARCHED her back in want and need! Her arms coming up and wrapping around his back! Feeling his muscles tighten and feeling his right hand PRESS down on her neck while his left kept his cock pressed against her entryway.

"Look at me Diana…" Bruce whispered, her heart pounding as she let her eyes wander from between them, seeing his cock ready to ram into her. "LOOK AT ME!" He RUMBLED! The voice he would use to put fear in the hearts of Gotham's criminals SHOOK Diana! She jumped and her eyes stared into his. Seeing his intent.

Her lips parted and nothing but shivering breath loosed from her. Feeling his hand on her neck, domineering because he needed to feel it...but she was herself in command. She nodded. Giving him consent to take what he wanted, and with a grimace, Bruce CRASHED his pelvis against hers in a wet SLAP of their bodies!

"HOOOO FUCK! YES BRUCE, YES!" Diana wailed! His hand TIGHTENED and her voice became a shaking sputter as what felt like tendrils of lightning SHOT through her body once more! His girth BORED a deep pit in her cunt and she felt him, could feel him! So so deep! His balls sliding and full along her diving flesh. Nestled near her asshole.

"Tell me you want it!" His voice grave and rumbling from his fucking chest! "TELL ME, you want me to POUND this cunt!" He slid out of her and POUNDED back in! Diana CRIED out in rapture! Her breasts bouncing in circles along her chest and she nodded!

"YES! PLEASE! GODS PLEASE! FUCK THIS AMAZONIAN CUNT! MAKE ALL OF OLYMPUS HEAR ME SCREAM! FUCK ME BRUCE, FUCK ME!" His grip never let up, but her wanton near orgasmic utterances gave him all freedom he could need. Bruce Wayne would not...did not hold back.

Lifting himself up onto his toes with expert precision Bruce CRASHED down into her! BUCKING and then POUNDING in sudden sharp upwards and downward thrusts! Like he was working out! Their abs cracked and crashed together! His cock burrowed into her depths! His head BEATING against the furthest depths of her cunt! Wetness of both sexes clashed and intermingled gloriously! SQUELCHING seeping wetness sounded with every percussive SLAP and PUMP!

SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, PUMP, SMACK, CLAP, CLAP, SLAP! Over and over! Her creamy cunt lined his cock in her slick! Diana heaved grunts guttural and from her throat's depths! Her mouth hung open gasping for the sharp intakes of air and thrust out in the releases.

"UGGGGHHHH!" She loosed a throaty snarl! Her eyes glaring up into his! Her face etched as though hateful. The Amazonian suddenly ROLLED Bruce onto his back! He huffed. His strength, in truth, no match for her own! She squatted atop him! His cock still buried deep and up into her body. Her glistening Sun-kissed complexion upon him as she HIKED her ass upwards and back and SLAMMED that shit down onto him! Wet CLAP sounding over and over in frenzied percussion! Her hands CLAMPED down on his chest and pinned him in place as she took what her pussy craved and wanted.

"YOUR COCK IS SO BIG! FUCK! HERA HEAR ME! THIS COCK IS SO FUCKING GOOD! MAN'S GLORIOUS COCK!" Her words meant to drive him mad! Bruce cursed unheard and his hands CLAMPED onto her waist and helped her as best he could. CRASHING her back down! His ass rising up off the ground, and SLAMMING his pelvis up into her! Their bodies colliding and CRACKING the air! The scent overcoming the room. The Amazonian like a beast with every fall and rise! Her ass tightening and her thighs the same.

CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! "FUCK!" She whirled her head back and circled herself atop him. Her hands on her head running through her matted strands. She was gyrating herself. An expert dance in her squat position. The perfectly maintained mat of black hairs upon her crotch gliding up and down as her pussy SWALLOWED Bruce's cock whole. She circled again and again. Biting her lip in intense concentrated focus. BOUNDING downward and CLAPPING his body up into his own! Their meeting a delicious THUD, THUD, THUD! He grunted over and again -


"Uh huh! UH HUH!" Diana crowed as the honest sexual goddess laid within. And then…

WHAM! Her head was FORCED down into Bruce's chest and she GASPED! A mixture of shock, the beating of her heart in both adrenaline and fear made her body buzz, and then...her slit oozed even more copious juice from within at the mannish forcefulness. Clark's right hand pinned the back of her head, which she nuzzled into Bruce's moist rocky pectorals until she was able to look left. Her hands pressed onto him while Bruce circled his own waist inside her.

"Room for one more?"

"By all means." Bruce chuckled through his panting. While Diana nodded feverishly.

"Puh...please...Hera, PLEASE! Do it! DO IT Clark!" Behind her Superman slid his still damp cock between the mounds of her ass. Each cheek slightly spread apart. He took his left hand and GLIDED it from the bottom, gently slipping along Bruce's own cock, and along Diana's wincing ass. Up to the top of her crack where he laid it and slid back and forth. His heavy balls meeting and stickily swooping down along her ass. As Clark pulled back and repeated the process, once...twice, three times and then...he pulled back and pressed his hardened cock-head against her anus. All the while Diana was rasping her panting breaths. Their three combined body heats like the fires of Hephaestus' forge.

"By the Gods...pound that ass, Kryptonian! Make me scream! Make me CREAM Bruce's cock!"

"Spit!" Clark commanded sharply, and harshly! RUBBING her face against Bruce's body. She giggled, and watched as Superman's left hand cupped right under her right cheek pressed into Bruce. Under her mouth. And, she did as instructed. HACKING loudly, and SPAT! A glob washed over Clark's hands in a thick mess. To which Clark took and MASHED his wet fingers into her asshole! THRASHING her entrance, and DIGGING one finger inside! His strength unstoppable, and Diana WAILED!

"YES! Take it, TAKE ME! TAKE THAT ASS! Prove worthy of an Amazonian woman's fucking ASS!" Her screech was like the horn portending battle...as Clark PIERCED her ass with a BOOMING HOWL of throaty passion! The room itself thundered and shook as Diana CRIED with him while Bruce endured. Reeling his ass down and BUCKING up into Diana! Their filmy mixture of precum forming ropes of sticky ooze along thighs and pelvises as Bruce PUMPED and POUNDED and made this woman's...this Amazon's cunt, BURN with pleasure. While Clark pulled back and THRUST forward! All his effort in controlling himself from lifting her clear off the ground speared o his member as inch by inch he RAMMED through into her bowels! His cock tasting her dark depths unlike any before.

Diana moaned as a whore for her two lovers. Superman bottomed his cock into her. Resting his heaving heavy sac along the bottom of her ass where it dipped and met Bruce's BEATING cock. The two men caved, and gave in to their lusts. Superman reared out, and POUNDED into her! SHOVING her along Bruce, who THRUST up inside her and continued to be drenched in her juices. Her mouth opened as though to cry, but no sound came. Instead only hot breaths between the percussive ins and outs of the two cocks continuously, and rhythmically assailing her twin holes.

In, and out, in and out, in and out, IN and OUT! The sounds of her body releasing her wetness and air abounded. SQUELCH, SLIP, SLIDE, SMACK, GLOB, SMACK, PAT! Over and again. From behind one would see the ass of Superman as his cock disappeared into her own asshole! The Man of Tomorrow let his right leg slide back behind him and straighten atop the floor. Just beside Bruce's sprawled left leg. Then, Clark lifted his left and pinned his foot down onto the floor beside Diana and Bruce. Giving him a diagonal arch from which he BEAT down into her! The CLAP of his balls sounded, as they tightened nearer, still sagging and filling with copious seed!

Bruce's own mixture filled to the brim as he POUNDED up into Diana! His cock and balls soaked in her creamy film, and his own oozing precum! PLOP! SPLAT! PLAT! SPLAT! Over and again! The relentless music of sex was wondrous. The upwards bouncing careening of his own ovular testes and the sac filling with fertile cream all the more salaciously lewd.

"Not...HAH!" Clark began, his face contorting, his cheeks flushed. "Not GOING TO...TO...!" He couldn't stop it! Superman CRASHED down into Diana and she muffled a gasp as air was forced out of her and she was PINNED into Bruce. As Clark BELLOWED a cry and his balls PINNED themselves up into his crotch as a torrential BURST of steaming hot Kryptonian cum EJECTED into her bowels! Diana, feeling his hot spurts PUMP...and then PUMP some more in a rope that traveled UP her fucking intestines...she joined him.

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!" Her feminine roar tore through the room! Joining Clark's bellow as Bruce JAMMED his cock into her pussy and wrapped his arms around Diana's waist! He squinted and etched his face in frenzy and as his two friends cried, he loosed a long gravely sputter that was born from the center of his body which rolled out, and his own cum SPURTED deep into her pussy! Thick streaming ropes of his own human seed COATED and whitened the pink insides of the fucking Amazonian princess! His mouth opened and he reeled his head back and gave a long HEAVE! His balls churning, tightening, pumping into his body as his rod SPURTED, hiking...pausing...PUMPING more! White filmy mixtures of the threes cum slithered, and lathered all of them. Slithering and slimy as it dribbled and drizzled down from Diana's asshole, from her cunt, and across the floor or Bruce's crotch.

All three panting and sucking in much needed air...Clark finally pushed himself up. Both hands on either one of Diana's ass cheeks. SMACK! His right hand CLAPPED the ass he just pumped full and she moaned. As he pulled out of her. A loud wet SPLAT sounded as her gaped entry ejected a stream of his cum out that fell onto the floor. Bruce, pushed her off of him and Diana rolled onto her back beside him. His own cock bobbing free lathered in a mixed slurry.

However, as the man vented and begged his lungs to bring him more oxygen...Diana sat up with a faint seethe. Clark standing nearby. Staring into the roof and breathing harshly. His thoughts doubtless on what they had all just done. Diana, however, bore a grimace, a frown. Standing onto her legs. Spreading her legs and allowing the cum within both holes to cascade freely. Without restraint and certainly without shame.

"Is that all the World of Man has to offer me?!" She demanded. "Pathetic."

"Heh…" Clark chuckled. Clearly not taking her seriously. "Diana you-"

"You call yourself Superman?!" She cut him off with a harsh stamp of her foot that shook the floor gently. Causing Bruce to turn and wobbly take a stand his own. Clark cocking his head. Discerning her earnest manner. Her breasts slick with sweat. "You fill my ass with cum and you think you've satisfied me?!"

"I…" Clark began, but clearly was confounded. However, nearby smirking Bruce released a long sigh.

"There's no helping it, Clark."

"No helping what?!"

"Get her on the floor."

"Bruce I-"

"Clark!" Bruce now cut him off and their eyes met. A passing of unspoken words as Diana scoffed. "Get the Amazonian on the floor...NOW!" His face twisted, and Clark's chest puffed. Still slightly confused...nonetheless…

"Fine. Come...HERE!" In a blur he was before her. Diana's eyes widened and her breath caught in a hitch. But, it was salacious. Her eyes twinkled as her slit didn't stop burning. Clark's eyes seemed to almost blaze red once more. His right hand gripped her by the back of her head and with suddenness and force great enough to rattle the likes of Zod, Diana found her body THROWN onto its side into the floor! Above her Clark floated in the air. His great cock...beginning to pulse with a second wind. Born of an inclination he had not known. But, Diana looked up at him from her pinned position and grinned. It only made him harder.

"Keep the bitch there." Bruce growled and moved closer. Diana's legs gently kicking. She was laid on her left side. Her breasts sagging down towards the floor, but not in unseemly or unsightly manner. While her used holes sputtered cum. She raised her right leg and arched it to lay her foot down on the floor. Allowing the twin used holes to part in glistening dew.

"What can these two feeble men do for the Princess of the Amazons?"

"At the very least we'll shut you up." Bruce growled...Diana silently trembled excitedly. Granting them this boon, this visage of power. "Clark...ram your dick down her throat. Feed the Amazonian Princess here some of that cu of yours."

"Oh?" Clark's eyebrow rose. His expression twisting into a renewed grin. "I think I like your spirit, Bruce." Suddenly, Diana was assailed on either side, and she welcomed the challenge and the pleasure.

Bruce lifted her right leg up! Spreading her as an already used and lubed whore in the cum of these very men. Her sprawled pussy and asshole gaped, and fighting to recoil to its full tightness on display. Bruce SMEARED his cock through the mixture of cum. Truly animalistic and primal. He, without restraint CRAMMED his cock into her broken-in asshole!

"AUUUUGH-HCK-" Diana was cut off! Suddenly, the stinking Kryptonian cock greased in his own cum and having been BURIED in her ass, PLUNGED into Diana's mouth! Her HOWL vibrating his member as its semi-flaccid state DUG down her throat with ease. However, her cries made it grow...harder...thicker! Her tongue, by instinct seemingly, began to swirl and suckle him. The taste of their combination making her pussy tremble more oozing cream. While Bruce BOTTOMED his own cock into her bowls! Churning previously plastered cum through her bowels. Her face flushed red and her cheeks puffed as she GROWLED through a mixture of divine pained and pleasure. Both inducing her to SLAM her right hand against her cunt. Her index and middle fingers circling her clit rapidly. Circling, flicking and DASHING over the engorged nub! Bruce and Clark's cum along with her own smearing it. Greasing it, absorbing and caking upon it.

Bruce POUNDED her ass! Wet SPLATS and SQUELCHES sounding as every PIERCING THRUST plopped more cum out. PLOP! PLOP! PLOP! PLOP! As though she were being milked by a piston into her ass. While Clark POUNDED down her throat. Truly doing as Bruce instructed, and shutting her up. And the dank flavor of his sweaty, cum laden cock nearly made her both gag, and cum on the spot. Her eyes shut and she ravenously SLAMMED her hand onto her pussy in circle upon circle! PATTING it after, fucking SMACKING it! Loving the intensity. Hearing Bruce SEETHE! His eyes snapping shut as his aching and sensitive cock burrowed and buried and pumped into her anal passage. Clark's face a contortion of pure concentration as thick beads of sweat splattered the floor below. His member gliding into her throat. Him, angling to his right, pushing Diana's head back, and straightening her throat, herself propped up on her left arm while Clark kept her hair yanked back. His balls CLAPPING and CLAPPING and SMACKING her face! The purity of his mannish sex making her pussy froth. Making her moan. She felt her eyes shut and wince. Stopping short of rolling back into her sockets. However...she felt her cunt burn hot! She felt another orgasm near. Her throat SHIVERED, and SHOOK around him! Her abdomen, and all the mounded muscles SPASMED! Her body TREMBLED and then BUCKED! Her vision darkened gently on the edges of sight as air became lax, but she did not, WOULD NOT STOP! She BASHED her own clit! Sliding, mashing, thrashing! Bruce picked up speed again and, holding her leg for stability and as a handle – both arms wrapped on it, his right hand over her waist and CLAMPED onto her ass cheek. He began to HEAVE and HACK! His body bending towards her! His matted black hair dripping! His balls filling, and the passage within his cock began to spasm...spurt.

"HOOOOOOOO, SHIIIIIIITTTTTT….FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCK!" Bruce ROARED! A bellow that would terrify even the Joker! He POUNDED her as a man possessed and each CLAP radiated her body like no mortal man had or could! While Clark heard his friend nearing and it pushed his own sensitive cock to its newest epoch.

"SUCK IT DOWN, DIANA! DRINK THESE KRYPTONIAN BASTARDS DOWN!" Clark once more BELLOWED enough to shake the room! The sheer obscenity of his words finally did it.

"HHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG!" Diana SCREAMED around him! Her head THRASHED from side to side! Her abdomen tightened to solid rock! Her asshole GRIPPED and MILKED Bruce, while her throat SUCKLED the sudden BURSTING stream of alien batter that careened down into her stomach! Filling her...feeding her. Bruce's cum joining that of Clark's! Human and Kryptonian cum mingling together in a fucking perfect Amazonian ass! The thick cream SHOT out as spurts and ropes! Coating what little sections of her bowels were not lathered. The soup of mixed seed sputtering out the tight vice grip of her ass as a foam.

Diana's stomach sucked in, her back arched back and then she JOLTED forward! Out of her slit came a bounding stream of cum! A mixture joined by droplets Bruce had already pumped into her! Her whole body burned hot. Her face flushed deeper than ever before. Her vision darkened and her brain melted under the sheer intensity of her orgasm. Her shoulders went slack after her fucking toes curled and thighs vibrated nearly entering the damn Speed Force.

She went slack. Bruce falling on top of her sideways laid body. Clark TEARING his cock free. Watching streaks of cum slide down her cheeks from her delicious mouth as she HACKED, COUGHED and gagged sexily.

A long moment passed. All three in the after glow of sex and orgasm. The room steamy in their body heats and sexual glory. Diana felt Bruce free himself from her asshole, and she rolled onto her back, and pushed herself up onto her hands. Her raven hair wetly sticking to her shoulders and down the musculature of her upper back. A smile on her lips as she licked the streaks of cum that glided down from her mouth.

"Good boys." She grinned as both men laughed.