
DC: Neo Earth

In DC with neither reason or system, be witness to the rise of a man from stupid, to stupid powerful as he stands tall among heroes, gods and perhaps one day, further beyond. Neo Earth is a mix of the Arkham games, the DC TV shows and the many comic continuities. The main story lines that will be covered (Excluding those of my own making) are as follow: Justice League War, Throne of Atlantis, Justice League vs Teen Titans and Flash Point. Crossovers are not planned but who knows what the future holds? This is my first SI fanfic so I would love criticism. First Language isn't English so please have mercy on me

zee_begener · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Year Two Rework II

December the first. Only ten days until my ascension to hopefully something close to godhood.

I've been training like crazy, lost a lot of weight. It helps eating so little. Though at the same time, I'm always tired.

Doing pushups, pull-ups, squats, and running really gave me the body of a hero! Though my muscles didn't have much to feed on to grow, I'm just much leaner.

I figured out what kind of power I wanted to try to achieve. Super speed, obviously. Or technology manipulation.

On the eleventh, I'll go to a roof and gather all sorts of tech around me. My radio, the guns… That's it, actually. If I get struck by one of the lightning too, I'm pretty sure I should get something good... It's so great to be in a world where you can get supowers in ridiculous ways like that.

If something goes wrong at such a crucial step... I guess I'll work for a supervillain to kake ends meet. After all, there will be a plethora to choose from. And with the guidance of someone who doesn't opperate on comic book logic, beating a speedster who stops every fight to talk shouldn't be that hard, right?

Everyone on the radio seems excited for the accelerator. Poor fools don't even realize what's about to happen, how society will change for ever to accomodate a new breed of humans. Some of them will he heroes. Most of them petty criminals without even an idea of the potential their abilities truly possess.

Things are sure to be a lot different from the arrow verse shows, yes, and they already have proved themselves to be in many aspects. But I'm certain a lot of villains will still arise. Let's hope I get what I want and don't end up working for one of them.

Maybe I should steal more stuff just to make sure I get tech powers.

If exobites were in this universe, I wouldn't even have to worry, I'd just have to wait for Brainiac's second coming and boom! Superpowers. With enough luck I could get quantum or something. But I can't take that risk to wait and see if whatever being sent me into this merged universe also considered adding in the lore of DC Universe Online.

I wonder if it's Darkseid who causes the league to come together in this mixed universe. Or maybe it'll be something else entirely. Even better, maybe the league will be made up from the characters of the DC animated universe shows with Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl. Though it seems too late for John to be green lantern since Hall is already arround. But who knows, miracle can still happen!

Fifth of December. The day is close. I've gathered car batteries, old industrial equipment, a badass chainsaw, everything I could on the roof of my warehouse. 

I also built a lightning rod, just to make sure. Just in case I was somehow unlucky enough to be missed by the lightning. Let's be real, I would definitely be without it. 

The more days that pass, the worse I feel, the stress is eating me alive. I got no games to play so all I can do is... Nothing. Training gets old fast and I don't have infinite food. I'm starting to consider keeping as much as possible if things go wrong so that also leads me to eat so much less than before.

What if I get a lame ass power? What if I become a monsteruous creature, or what if I die again?

I'm starting to reconsider my stance on the Presence, here… I thought you were finally on my side, man!

One hour… one hour. The radio is playing besides me, every one of the things I could turn on around me too, were put at work. Only one hour left until my life changes forever.

For better or worse… or not at all.





What if I fall into a coma?! Didn't that hallen to Barry in the show?! I gotta get somewhere safer and fast!

I took the radio, the guns and the chainsaw, put them in my bag and went down the ladder before running for my life.

I'm so glad my heart grew stronger over the months, but maybe I shouldn't have been so reluctant to use the little money I have left on food. I'm like a car running onow fuel...

Things could be worse though, right? I can hear the storm approaching, it's too late! maybe this was another terrible ide–

I'm back. Again in the Deep Black. No sound, no movements, no light.

Why don't I get to go to heaven, or hell? Maybe this was limbo all along…

Please… I beg you, anyone, I don't wanna go through this again… I'll forget, be forgotten… truly die…

Dying is the easy part. Being dead is the real horror. Alone with nothing. The only thing you can know for sure is that you exist. Everything else is just your mind desperately trying to find some form of stimulation in the Deep Black. Maybe.

Space and time mean nothing in the Deep Black. You can experience yesterday tomorrow but the now, never fully. You can't see or hear or smell or touch, you don't ever move, nothing changes in the Deep Black. Or so it seems. There is a shift. Things are different. But what is it?

The tranquility of this place is not so bad. But could I stay here for ever? Would I lose my mind in a place were past and present intermingle? Wait, I've already thought this before.

I feel a sort of cold, no doubt manifestation of my own mind. But how can one be cold without a body to feel? Or perhaps I still am inside my body... That too, I've thought it before. And no doubt I will tomorrow and yesterday alike...

Space and time mean nothing in the deep black, you can...

I felt something was different. Warmth. Not like the one my mind often tried to emulate. I was feeling a pull, like I was awakening from a dream, as though the sun was finally shining again upin me after days in darkness.

The first thing I saw was the sky.

I rose to my feet and looked around the wide road.

God, I'm so stupid, aren't I? 

The idiot god? More like the Idiot and nothing more.

Well, it doesn't hurt more than my drive to try. So I ran as fast as I could. Nothing changed. I tried to do anything, ANYTHING, with the chainsaw, guns, radio…

Nothing happened. No superpowers from the storm.

My only conclusion was that I'm immortal. Not because of the storm, but still, some place perhaps akin to the speedforce?

Immortal my ass, I'm pretty sure I can still die of old age. After all, I've grown in the past two years. Quite qell, if I may say so myself. I definitely look older so, it's fair to assume I can die of old age.

And even if I don't, I'm still easy to defeat. Meaning all you have to do to beat me is torture me for eternity. Yay. Fucking great.

I mean, sure, I come back when I get killed but what's the point if it takes…  I looked up at the sky. It was late afternoon.

Alright, a dozen hours to come back every time. Probably takes more time depending on the damage too!. So if I had gotten shot, would it have taken a day?!

Fuck this.

There was only one reason this could have failed. If it takes a special genes to have powers from dark matter, then I wouldn't have it. I'm from a whole other multiverse. I already knew that but I wanted to hope. That was my mistake. This whole waste of time and money was my fault and no one else's. Sorry Presence. I apologize.

I took the bag and walked my way to the warehouse. Fuck this, man. Fuck this.

"So, how does it feel?"

I screamed in fear. Someone had just appeared in front of me out of thin air! No warnings, just a sudden apparition!

A weid ass woman dressed in... Black? Thinking back on it, she seemed very, very familiar... And then it clicked.

"Don't you remember me?" She asked. ",It hasn't been that long, you know?"

That goth girl?! What the hell is she doing here?!


Oh no…

I've been so blind!

"I never would have guessed, when I said we'd meet again…" She continued, strolling around the road, her gaze wandering here and there and everywhere.

D. She said she was called D! D as in Death, she didn't even try and U still didn't figure it out?!

"You're Death?! How did I not see that?!"

She was looking slightly different, the cross that was hanging from her neck last I saw her had been replaced with her iconic symbol. Not only that but her clothes looked a little more casual, baggy as hell. She must feel the heat of the sun, lucky one.

Death laughed as she walked in front of me.

"I am! How did you know?" She chuckled.

Fatal blunder. I shouldn't have known and now she's going to be even more curious! Seeing me rise from death is already something but having knowledge I shouldn't have?

I'm so screwed.

"It's strange... A, was it? You already know me, but... I don't know you. I don't lnow anything of or about you. Except that you like to parade around desguised as a human."

Ah, shit.

"I know everyone and everything that have ever lived and will ever live. I know everyone that will die, even when and how they will perish. I am there to breathe life into beings as they are born and I am there to take them away to the afterlife once they die. I was there for your birth in Gotham." She explained.

I was confused. The hell do you mean by that?

"What? I wasn't born in Gotham...?"

Right? Am I tripping?

"Oh, but you were! I saw it with my own eyes... Like that, out of thin air! And then you die again a year later... Only to come back again and unchanged!"

She laughed.

"And it gets better!"

"You aren't finding it strange? What fo you mean it get's better? In your shoes I'd be terrified!"

Everyone is afraid of the unkwon... Or perhaps, she knows of me better than I think maybe she doesn't see me as a threat. Which is good.

"It does get better. For you, at least. Even Destiny has no idea on what you are or what you're going to do."

"... Thats crazy! That doesn't even make sense!"

How the hell is that supposed to work? Isn't the book of destiny supposed to have the fate of everyone written in it?

"It's like you don't even exist! All the changes you made to the destinies of others still appear in the book but… not you yourself!"

I had nothing to say. Actually, yes, I do. I've got the most useless powers for my situation ever. At least it could still be worse.

"Now that I think about it, isn't it weird you're surprised by this? How come you evem know about me or my sibling...?"

"Hum. Well, see, it's complicated."

Death chuckled as she stepped back away from me. And I? I was left confused. None of this makes sense. This isekai life is nothing like I've read about... And it scares me.

"... Why don't seem excited about this?" She asked. "Don't you realize how special you are?"

"Meh. It's neat, I guess, but not very useful. It takes too long to come back…"

Death looked at me with wide eyes.

"Don't you understand how monumental your existence is?! Only God himself is not in the book of Destiny. And only him and I can claim tk be beyond true death. The final death."

I shuddered. That so called final death better not be in the lore of this merged universe. I don't even know how to survive something like that. And if I'm inmortal, remaining alive in an empty universe is definitely not ideal.

"True..." I sighed. "I guess I am special. In the worst way possible."

She chuckled. 

"I'm sorry…" I answered, tired. Frustrated mostly. "It's just… I can do anything, I have no destiny. I can't be killed either, sure, but… What should I make of this? What can I do with a power like this?"

What's the point if it's all going to return to dust in the end? I don't even know yet if I'm truly immortal... And I'm starting to hope I'm not.

Maybe if I die for real, I'll be reincarnated in a better place. Like a kid's cartoon where happy endings are easy to get... On second thought, I don't think that really exists?

She stayed silent. And I began to walk again, shoulders low. Maybe I'm being ungrateful...

"What you can do? Anything you want." She whispered. "You can do anything you want. And that's not something we have all the privilege to do." She repeated before vanishing.

I've always thought destiny was the logical consequence of actions taken. Fate would be God choosing what actions must be taken to get desired consequences. I'm not really free. The only thing who can simply choose to do whatever, with no limits except those he chooses to impose, is that Pesky Source. And the great darkness, I guess.

Death vanished before my eyes. I don't care where she went.

So what now? I guess there are still more ways to gain power. Enough will, and I could become a lantern... in a few decades. Magic is still an open option but I fear it... And I don't know where to find any of the important people that could teach me. They sure as hell don't have websites.

To make the most of my powers, I must understand them. How? With science.

When I came back for the first time, I felt fine. The damage that led to my death was probably erased. So if I starve myself for weeks, and come back as I am now, in my prime, instead of as a starving husk, it would prove that I have true immortality. Immune to old age, disease, etc. I can just come back no matter what.

Can't know for reality erasure though. I won't ever try to test that anyways.

What do I even have to lose? I'm immortal. Why doesn't this sound cooler? Can I make money being immortal? Maybe I should go meet with the army… Forget that, I don't need them. I can get rich on my own!

First things first, I have to learn the limits of what I can do. I could still be a hero. If not, I can still make humanity the greatest species in the multiverse, elevate it to the sphere of gods... I got nothing but time to plan, build connections... And so much more.

This one has always been short. I'm not changing that, it fufills its purpose in the end.

Thanks for reading this chapter!

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