
DC:Eye of god

was i blessed was I cursed or is this all just my fault at the end I just want to be happy to see the sun again and smile as it sets. ___________________'___________"_______________________________'_____________'_____________"_________________ that all I want please to see what I could not see before

Henry_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 1:Death

(unknown POV)

Three people walking on the side walk if you where to look at them from afar you would think they were the perfect group of friends but up close you would realize something was extremely wrong one thing the guy on the right was poorly dressed but he didn't look rough or poor his shirt had the original Naruto when he was young and on the other side

yong Sasuke he had black hair and eyes.

The boy on the left was wearing a cooperate shirt holding a blazer In his right hand as the breeze blew making it look like a cape it was visible that he was a natural leader but what was he doing in this kind of group of friends as he walked in black trouser the girl in the middle of the three she wore a brown cardigan and blue trouser and a red scarf with flowers embedded on it as they walked they were talking about school

"ahhhhh.... finally exam's are done I can finally have some rest I feel like I haven't slept in days"the boy on the left said while yawning

" that is only this way because you didn't study until the last minute David"she said as she grumbles

as they walk they turn the corner

"cut him some slack he was only like that because he helped you out with your project" he said as he signed deeply as they continued to walk as they stoped waiting for the traffic lights to go red so they can pass

"you could have helped but you where too busy to help me if I remember clearly it was because of the ending of one stupid webtoon you were reading called god of highschool you where so emotional about it"as she said it

moving ahead of the cross before they noticed it was red

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: GOH is the goat]

"I wasn't emotional it was just sad never seeing Mori Jin ,han dawi and Mira yoo

ever again wait and still the anime is still going so we don't know what might happen and still the reason we weren't able to start the project because you were out that day" as they ran after her to catch up

"I was going out to buy something ...."

but before she could speak

we asked Kate at your favorite shop she said you weren't there"the guy on the left said in a visibly concerned voice

"it's none of your business were I go and if you want to know... and if you want to know I was with Amber at the cafe" as she screamed at him

as this was happening the guy on the left named David touched her shoulder shocking her as she blushed

"have you guys forgotten where on the street

and your yelling at the top of your lungs"the guy on the right said as he was trying to get there attention for a long time

"I checked with amber and she said she didn't see you" David said even more worry in his voice

"so where were you"he asked firmly

"I..I..was....no!" as she looked at David

"you know you can trust me and you know why I am worried the last time this happened you know I can't forgive myself" with anger In his tone

"let not talk about the past "as she looked at him solomly

as he looked away

"I will tell you but just for today smile for me .... please"as she looked into his eyes

"ok .... but you will reget it" as a smile ear to ear was put on his face

"I am in the mode for a movie guys and if you want to stop me you would have to beat me half to death"David said

"that can be arranged easy"she said with a menacing smile

"I bet you a hundred bucks I can beat him in two minutes"Henry said

"if I really wanted to it would take one minute"

Lora said

"but how will we hide the body" Henry said

"maybe we should go out of town to a farm house then cut him into pieces"she said seriously

everyone always forgets to burn afterwards and it's easier if he's in fine parts it makes it easier to dig

I just got my nails done

don't worry my lady I will do all the heavy lifting

awww... what a gentleman

ha ha guys stop joking ok I almost got worried

don't worry David we would never do that to you" heneey said coldly

"(sigh)" David said In relief

it would be too much of a hasil"she said smiling

"so wich movie do you want to Lora"as he said happily

"maybe ... hmmmmm....John wick 4"she said in an none chalente tone

"well what see wants she gets"Henry said coldly

as they finally move on turning a few corners as he continues to move until they get to a movie terter

"so who is paying"David said estatic

"well it's your idea"Lora said

"well I will pay "Henry said eagerly

"him that's strange you never pay for anything"

David relied

"well I am feeling in the mode....so" Henry said

as he looked at Lora who looked away from his gaze

"well I'll take what I get"David said

as Henry goes in front to pay for the tickets

as Lora looks at Henry sadly

*you don't have to worry everything going to be all right"David says

"yeah...you always say that "Lora said

"and usually..... I always right"David says without a care in the world

"I have something I want to tell you"she says looking back at Henry then turning her attention back to David

"I like you"she says to him

"haaa.what did you just say"David replied in confusion

"I said like you,you stupid fucking nerd"Laura said

a moment passed as he contemplated what to say until he settled on

"I like you to....."he said then was stoped

he felt something raming into his body as he looked at his side a truck just ramed into him

he felt no pain it was strange because usually if yo got hit by a truck there would be a lot of pain as he saw this as the last opportunity

to look at his friends he saw Lora with a surprised look on her face as Henry looked blank at him maybe out of shock as he looked at his closest friends as a smile on his face at least Henry would be there for her during the griving process

as the truck slammed him away

"well so this is the end well I guess that's it "

as he thought to him self

"at least he got a girlfriend for two seconds" his last to thoughts about her

"well I didn't deserve her any way"he thought as he faded out of consciousness


(MC pov)

as I woke up,wait I can think that means I survived yes yes yes yes yes so I can get to see Lora again and...

I can't open my eyes no no wait wait I am sure it is bad if I over react

as he heard a sound of beeping the zap as these sounds he could feel as if a giant hands around him

wait nobody's hand's are that big wait shit don't tell me no no it couldn't be

(unknown pov)

as he started to regain the ability to open his eyes

as he looked out to see giant lights around him forcing him to close his eyes as he opened his eyes slowly this time only to see he was being cared by a woman he couldn't make out cause everything was still blory

as the woman fan falling he could hear the woman say" you will be safe here"

"just know I love you with all my heart"as water started to drop on him as she spoke he could also hear other voices

"I guess it's time to for us depart "as she continued to cry

don't leave me please don't leave me as I saw that the woman ran away

it seems the people following her saw her well that goes the first person i meet

*dreep* *dreep* what I .... I'm crying I guess it hurts the first person I meet in this place abandoned me

(3 hours)

I had since noticed a very important thing I was a baby and some mite ask how well I was taking this but when I figured this out I shit myself not because I was reincarnated but because of I was a baby in the fucking forest

any fucking thing could eat me .

so I waited and waited and non one came i so fucking hungry

a baby can't survive if it hasn't eaten so I guess I should write my will well all I would need is paper and pen wait I a baby I can't fucking write

(2 hours)

well it's been five hours total I'm getting sleepy and stomach hurts like hell

I guess I'll die without food I guess it's the end

well if this was an anime they would call it survived only five hours after birth

well no matter how sad that sounds it's still funny in it's own sad as fuck way

*steps**steps* wait are the people that were following me here they might want to kill me but it's better than starving to death

as I trow away all my pride and did what all baby's did cry my damn eyes out

(1 hour)

an hour past until I hear footsteps near and I guess it's time to see what happens time to see what the cat draged In or we'll the baby

(third-view POV)

"it's here the baby we were looking for"a female voice says

*crying**crying* as a woman holds up a baby

"what are you doing here little one"as a female voice says.


well that's all folks see you next time

[I will release next Thursday]