
Home Invasion

Drystan was laying in his bed thinking about how he had handled today.

He thought he portrayed what he wanted but was worried that he laid it on too thick.

He was still surprised that Batman let him go home though.

He thought he would be imprisoned overnight at the very least for a better interrogation.

Letting him go home so easily felt like it was out of character for Batman.

Then he realized that he was probably let go so fast because they already had a file on him so they knew what he said was truthful.

How could they not have a file on him?

He is the teacher of Bruce's female sidekick as well as one of his business rivals as Jayde Tech and Wayne tech go head to head.

If they didn't have an in depth file on him Drystan would be disappointed in Batman/Bruce's preparation.

Drystan is someone who takes being prepared very seriously which is why he was so surprised when Batman and Robin showed up at the clock tower today.

He had planned the meeting for over two weeks in reality and Batman never made an appearance in front of Barbara in that time period.

Its also why he is going to have to start taking his training more seriously as when the shock wares off the fact that Batman could sneak up on him made him realize how lacking he is.

He may have the skills required to be the best but he doesn't have the experience, the awareness, or judgement that comes with gaining those skills through hard work.

He's really going to have to kick training up a notch from tomorrow on.

Then he goes to sleep and lives happily ever after.

Until he hears someone break into his house.

Drystan gets up and grabs his gun, its Gotham after all so he had already owned this gun for safety before reincarnating.

He assumes its Batman or someone that needs something but he cant find out why they would need to break into his house.

Anyways he was taking the break in very seriously as nobody normal can get into his house without setting off a thousand alarms.

He sneaks through his own house, intentionally doing it in a way that's more normal as he doesn't need to go full sneak on someone in his own house.

After sneaking into the kitchen and realizing who was in his kitchen he relaxed a little as instead of it being Batman, he sees three very sexy women in leather sitting on his kitchen counter.

"Although I appreciate that your here trying to fulfil my fantasies, I have to refuse as we have just met and I'm not a casual person." Drystan says with a look on face that says that he's trying to let them down easy.

The Huntress, Black Canary, and Lady Blackhawk just looked at him before Lady Blackhawk jumped off his kitchen counter and started running towards him.

After she got in front of him she made a jumping front kick aiming at his face.

They had clearly discussed what was going to happen before entering as the other two were watching as Lady Blackhawk attacked him.

He wasn't going to take it easy on her though as he grabbed her oncoming leg using her momentum to whip her down hard onto the floor back first.

She hit the ground hard knocking the wind out of her.

Before she could recover Drystan put his gun up to her forehead and said "Mind telling me what you ladies are doing attacking a man in his own home?"

Lady Blackhawk froze and the other girls hoped off the counter to help before getting a glare from Drystan.

He, like always, was intentionally overly showing his real emotions, that way he isn't lying just exaggerating, except for when he's lying...

He at the moment was very pissed off at having his home broken into and when he exaggerated that anger it made him look scary.

Lucky for them Dyrstan had good self control otherwise they would be put in a difficult situation.

Drystan saw them not answering and sighed before putting away his gun and saying "You girls are lucky that I know you're part of Barbara's group or I might have hurt one of you."

"Or we might of hurt you." Says Black Canary.

"You would have definitely hurt me sexy, I just would have taken this one out with me." Drystan says while pointing at Lady Blackhawk with his thumb.

"Your just lucky that we came here to check you out and not take you out." Huntress adds.

That's true as with the level of skill that he is willing to show he might be able to take out Lady Blackhawk, or maybe even the Huntress, but unless he goes full assassin mode, there is no chance that he can take out the Black Canary.

When looking up old hero fights he saw Black Canary fight the Green Arrow and Green Lantern at the same time and win.

Taking for granted that they were trying not to hurt her as she was being hypnotized at the time, it was still very impressive to watch.

"Yeah, maybe your right Helena but so what?"

The Huntress is surprised to hear her real name but as soon as the words left his mouth she attacked him.

She was more collected than Lady Blackhawk and Harder to deal with, but she was still manageable as he planned to be a martial arts instructor after he is done being a teacher with his real identity.

Seeing her strike he started dodging a few punches aimed at his face before she kicks to the left side of his head. He caught the leg and quickly used his his right leg to step in and try to trip her to the ground when she lifts that leg up and wraps her legs around his neck and pulling the arm that had her leg through putting him in a armbar and triangle choke.

Drystan seeing her feet off the ground grabs his own wrist that's been put through the armbar and forcibly bended his elbow and slammed the Huntress down.

The Huntress back hit the floor hard while she simultaneously got an elbow to the solar plexus and couldn't breath so she let go and was spasming on the floor for a minute gasping for air.

The martial art that Drystan was putting to use with is real identity is Krav Maga, which emphasizes using simple effective strikes to target vital areas to quickly end the fight.

Drystan kneeled down to that gasping Huntress that was now on her hands and knees trying to stand and rubbed her back saying "I'm sorry but please don't attack me next time or you might get hurt." like she was a toddler trying to fight a bear.

Helena as the Huntress was someone that despised the thought of being weak, so being beaten so quickly and to be treated so patronizing wounded her pride.

"Get Off ME!!" yelled the Huntress.

Drystan got up and moved over to the kitchen to make some coffee and turned to the girls and asked "You want something? If we are going to be up and arguing, we might as well try to be civil about it."

Then they all went over to the living room to sit down and have a chat.


First real fight scene I ever wrote.

I plan on making most fights relatively quick as most real life fights don't last that long.

There are exceptions with people with similar skill levels and people with superpowers but when people get down and dirty in real life it normally only lasts a couple minutes.

Anyways I will be happy for any feedback and as always,

I hope you enjoy.
