
Defend the Walls!

In the setting sun that shine the grayish stone walls of Isstvan - thousands of orks are now flooding towards the main gate. Where they seem to be swarming in a tide of menacing green. City defenders were unprepared for this encounter but never expected these incompetent yet cunning savages would storm at the gates head on!

The man in charge order one of his men to sound the alarm - he blew the horn to signal that there was an emergency.

"Sir! there are too many orks for us to handle, they are coming left and right from all sides and the gate isn't holding as it used to!" a normal pikemen said. "We stand our ground here! Let no ork set foot in these wall and let none enter our city!" said Cicero Falco the Gate Keeper who is the one in charge.

They fought tenaciously, everyone of each man - thrashing and stabbing every ork they can that could climb up the 36 ft high wall. As everyone was still holding their own guard, archers began firing at the orks below who are pushing the gate in watchtowers - while the pikeman gets rid of any ork that could get inside - this was going to be their toughest battle since weeks of fighting.

"Sir, they just keep coming! if they keep this up, the gates would be open and the city would be razed to the ground!" said nearby footmen who is holding a one handed sword and shield. They are the men who watch out for the pikemen next to them if any ork would go near to them - he was right on one thing - that if this were to continue, they won't last by the next day. They will have to wait for reinforcements.

"STAND FAST SOLDIERS! WE WILL NEVER RECEIVE ANY AID IF YU'R ALL GUNA BE DED WEIGT!" the gate keeper roared in a very aggressive tone similar to that of a drill sergeant.

As the light descends to the horizon - giving away darkness to take over. Everything became more harder to handle for the militia with just a few competent officer. They were a part of the Isstvan's defense force and are only there for supervising the militiamen in case they ever leave they're post.

"Hold the line! HOLD!" another Officer said on the other side of the watchtower - he is ordering the archers to fire at the ones that are climbing but he will fire a valley of arrows if the orks are too close to each other. He repeated this twice since they were charging in from the gate.

Thankfully there is a large moat that's over 20 ft wide across and the wall's height was 36 ft tall with only one bridge. No one knew they would attack this side because it was well defended and naturally the other gate was more ideal for the attackers but thats what they all thought. This shocked everyone even the gate keeper was stunned at this; he couldn't believe it but must focus on repelling the orks onslaught. The only thing he needs to worry is the the city gate itself.

The fight was as bloody as it was fierce; many men tried to cover the pikemens flank but was slowly out match by the orks shear clout that take novice swordsmen out just from a few strikes.


The orks scream in ferocity at the city's main gate. The gate keeper can see the frustration and thirst for blood in the orks eyes. As the militiamen were relentlessly repelling each ork who dares to climb the uppermost portion of the wall - the gate keeper ordered the nearby citizens to evacuate from their dwellings and run straight to the other side of the wall.

Everyone was in a state of panic after the bells were tolled and that they were being escorted by a few knights that were supposed to be guarding the walls but are now evacuating the civilians under Sisero Falco the gate keepers orders. A commonfolk giving orders to nobles! but this would only be a temporary command since they needed the right people to defend each sections of the walls.

Whilst the denizen were running for their lives - the men on the walls were exhausted by the relentless charges from the greenskins. The archers are almost out of arrows, this took about half an hour but the civilians were now safe from harms way.

The knights were able to move the civilians to the now closed harbor where they will temporarily stay there until the orks assault on the gates were vanished. Hope seemed to be grim for these men who were anticipating their relief to be discharge after this whole ordeal would be over soon. [I expect most of them to have some PTSD afterwards - Author].

Just when hope is all lost, the knights of House Winchester from Sterlin Winchester arrived to the rescue along with the Viscount's personal bodyguards led by his grace himself, Richard Cromwell. With his side are the most powerful men in Isstvan, Gregor Dorn and Charles Holland. As they march towards the gates with an unprecedented speed. They drew even closer and stopped at the city gate in front of them.

"Charles!" Richard yelled in a commanding demeanor while mounting on Charles horse.

"What is it your grace?" Charles replied back quickly to Richard.

"Have the men make a shield wall at the very front of the city gates right now! I want every single soldier who is brave enough to stand here until tomorrow!" Richard screamed.

"As you command my lord" Charles nodded. "Sir, Henry, Dyre order the men to form a kite shield formation!" he spoke to another knight near him who were wearing helmets.. You should never forget to wear a helmet. Safety first even Gregor and Charles are wearing one too but Gregor isn't wearing a knights helmet, only a normal one.

"Yes sir!" Henry Dyre replied and relayed the message to his other subordinates. "Kite shield formation!" He yelled.

"HUU!" The footmen howled!

"Gregor!" he called out to the garrison commander.

"Yes my lord" Gregor replied in a calm voice, unmoved by the chaos that was ensuing from the orks war cries.

"Have some of your strongest men head over the wall and grab all the gunpowder that is needed. Leave the rest that can be carried by a normal footman!" Richard issued another order without a moments hesitation.

"As you wish your grace" Gregor replied with a stern look.

"Viscount Sterlin, tell your men to block the two roads connecting to the main road!" Richard then switch his attention to Sterlin Winchester. The third highest noble that was standing by in reserve.

"Yes your grace! Calvin, send some men to block the two main roads, now!" Sterlin replied and immediately told his son Calvin the dukes orders.

"Yes, father!" Calvin said and dash towards the men stationed at the sides with his steed "Come on, grab what you can find! we will block this road with whatever material's there are; whether if it's dirt or house fittings!" Calvin roared.

Everything was according to my last minute plan. Before Charles and Gregor left the mansion, I stopped them and ordered them to stay for a brief strategic counter attack. Off course they refused since the orks were besieging the well defended yet less guarded west gate.

This unexpected strike took everyone aback and in a state of confusion, but there was no time to think it over - the west gate is being under attack rather than the more expected south gate that Gregor, Charles and other senior officers would anticipate an ork would charge but never the west gate because that place has the river as a moat for protection.

Who really thought these orks would be so cunning. Nevertheless he had decided to deploy his untested prototype grenades. He made a few just from clay but decided to make 20 more from whatever materials he can fine to remake this clay model.

This took him hours to prepare when he started producing gunpowder a few days prior to his invitation to the two commanders to show them more about its use, but he'll have to use them for now.

He just needs the right opportunity to throw and ignite the trigger, doing this would leave his men in a hazardous situation but reluctantly go with the homemade grenades. Jake I hope your demolition skills don't fail me!

The plan was simple, we will block the two roads interconnecting the main road that was straight ahead of the main gate to the main defense force, including knights and regular footmen. Then open the gates to release the orks, attacking us head on.

While they charged in a frenzy, Gregor will drop 2 half a barrel of gunpowder that was inside a metal like box that was approximately 60 cm in each side with the ignition being a still a thin thread in one of the corners.

If he can time it right just when the orks were sprinting towards the gates he'll be able to cause enough casualties to the enemy to dwindle their numbers while the men in the kite shield formation will hold off any stragglers that were 20 yards away from the gate.

He just hopes that if the ork realizes defeat is imminent then there would be room for peace negotiating, he just needs to hit that ork warboss' skull like that of Ghazghkulls. I wonder if they are as funny as the orks he knew back home, he can't wait to speak with them.


Everyone was in place, it took nearly an hour to set things as he intended. Hopefully he'll be able to slay as many orks as possible so they will have a better chance of victory. By then his allies wouldn't be of use to him anymore since they were too late for the bash, he was dreaming in his mind how he would be recognized by the other city states.

It'll only make Isstvans image to shine brighter than the other city states. Bringing more foreign merchants from the Savanna's of Alerria to the Elhein and Dwevron races. He hopes he can build up a better reputation for Isstvan and Find what he's true purpose was. He has been thinking about that prospect for quite a while now. Suddenly someone came to his attention.

"The orks are breaking through! The gates can't hold much longer!" The Gate Keeper reported to the men below. Richard can easily hear him from afar. "YOUR GRACE! GIVE US THE SIGNAL!" he added, ever so louder than the first.

I raise my up in the air for a brief second. The thudding of the city gates were increasing more and more to the point where its just like that one person who uses both the door knob and door bell continuously. At least Gregor is at the walls, preventing them to climb over the wall. As I still have my hand in the air almost about 2 minutes as the people around nervously stare to see my hand be lowered.

"Let them in." I dropped my hand down. The city gates are open - hundreds, if not thousands of orks are swarming in like a greentide of bloodlust and war. The battle has begun and the fate of Isstvan lies with this fight. There will only be one victor to come out in glory and that would be Isstvan!

"Gregor now!" I waved a red flag indicating that he should now throw the gunpowder boxes. He nods and proceeds to throw two iron boxes in the air 4 ft above him and 6 ft in front while the thread that was still burning fast.


It was a direct hit! He was glad it exploded in time, dozens if not a large chunk of them in the road were killed in an instant. Everyone was shocked to see such devastating power, even the horse on top of the armored knights were panicking from the initial shockwave and loud thunder. Now all that remains is to throw the homemade grenades I made.

"SLINGERS NOW!" I gestured my hand to a sliced gesture similar to that of military hand gesture back when I was in military service at the UK. They did what I told them; they ignited the threads and threw it at the charging orks that were still running.


Some landed at the orks and exploded but some were broken before they were even detonated. at least it killed a bunch of them.

"Hrph!" I grunted and swing the red flag again.

If your wondering about Johns past military service, wait after a few more chapters are release but until now your going to be patient and speculate on how he got into the UK's military. ;)

Trajann_Augustuscreators' thoughts