

Glates City

Lines seemed to run across the wintry sky. A ruddy blue mixed in with a wintry white. Snowflakes fell like angels from heaven, beautiful and captivating. The chilly breeze swirled to and fro, creating a splash on the Windows of the luxury houses that made up this wondrous city of wealth. The familiar warmth of the yellow sun was absent from this picture. It was blocked from its wanting audience by the sea of clouds.

In a three story embodiment of architectural wealth and investment spanning a wide distance sat an otherwise eye-catching mansion, if not for the surrounding mansions in a 10km radius. It was nothing special as this was the richest city in the world. The best mansion, while it would be representative of his or her wealth, it didn't necessarily mean that this person was the richest, it just meant that they invested more in their mansion.

Within this manor, was a young lady dressed in a black dress doing some relocation of items in the area.

Reylese has served her family for as long as she could remember or was willing to remember, the moment the young miss got married was one of the most joyous moments in her life. Although, her husband was one of those poor Koreans... Who migrated into Europe In the late 18th century.

This bit of historical knowledge caused her to puff out her chest like a peacock, Reylese was proud of her education as the madam herself taught her, Pity the young miss was the last of her family line, after the madam died, this role was now passed down.

She sighed as she finished loading a tray to bring in the room down the corridor. Kim Hahn the current lord of the household was Korean though as far as she was concerned this house was under matriarchy and not a patriarchy, If the old master was alive he'd have a fit. He always said *Muggles were maggots who carried death and poverty with them.

*(Term used to refer to a group of Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans who migrated to southern Europe in the 1800s, their descendants were also lossely called such by natives of Europe.)

"Bocchama, here's your afternoon meal"

Reylese beamed feeling butterflies in her stomach as she gazed at the adorable face of her young master. Bocchama was actually a Japanese term but she heard it on a soap opera she was watching and instantly fell in love with it. She waved one hand in front of her bocchan but he didn't even notice her as his gaze was glued to the computer screen. Oh how mesmerizing his little face was.

Pitch black hair like the shade of pure darkness with each strand created with such detail they all seemed to be in a world of their own, Amber eyes of a completely solid and had a strong yellowish, golden, russet and coppery tint; Containing a small amount of gold-ish gray, with soft white skin so luscious you wanted to eat him up.

"Bocchama, you can't do that. You must eat your food so you can grow up big and strong." She shifted over the key board and put down the tray but little Vicente didn't move so much as an inch. Her heart broke seeing him like this, he must miss the lord and madam who left on a trip overseas a week ago.

He was her most precious responsibility, her chores were nothing in comparison and she treated him with as much care as she possibly could without being motherly as he had a mother.

'If anything I'm more of his little wife hehe.... other maids tell me their little masters say they want to marry them, I wonder when it's my turn.'

She held her cheeks and twisted and turned at the thought, Sigh. With a thought she stopped looking back in nostalgia at her life before this .... she shook it off before remembering what she was supposed to be doing.

"Don't worry young master, the lord and madam will be home safe." She gently hugged him and lullingly whispered into his ears. Feeling her hot breath on his ear and warm embrace, Vicente looked up and returned his gaze to in front of him as he begun eating.

It had been 5 years since his rebirth into this world. His death wasn't anything heroic or anything like that in fact he wasn't a fan of heroism at all but all that was irrelevant in his current world. He always wanted to visit a world like in webtoons, manga, anime and novels. The One piece world, A cultivation world anything where he could get stronger stage by stage and possess his dream of a true polygamous marriage. However his joy of rebirth was ousted by the reality of this world.

It was the splitting image of his previous world. Although there were some minor historical differences the present 21st century was the same as his previous.

Changes such as the world history on the internet showed several different migratory movements, no new race or anything like that was present.

The only thing of note was that the year of his birth, people started to go missing in droves, 100s at a time across the world. There were plenty of possibilities but Vicente was done raising his expectations only for them to be ruthlessly dropped to the ground.

So that road ended there as far as he was concerned.

This world was a lot less than he would've wanted but he just had to deal with it, this was a second chance at life and he would value it. First was the fundamentals: Girls, Money, Freedom, Fun, Pride.

He had money, with it freedom wasn't far as breaking free from his parents was a mere psychological game. It was too soon for girls, so was his version of fun; his current body wasn't suitable.

Pride was the only one remaining: to die without regrets as he once did, he must live life to the best of his ability. His ability increased so, so should his pride. He must bolster his body and knowledge for the future.

"Bocchan wow, you finished all your food even the Vegetables!"

Vicente shooed her away, ignoring her teasing cute moans. Victoria Reylese, a servant from his mother's family. Beautiful crimson hair, amorous and seductive wine red eyes, the voluptuous bombing body of a woman, she was merely 18 years old.

Vicente inwardly praised her body but he felt nothing but depression while looking at her, such a fat piece of lamb but he was a little tyke . Ah cruel fate.

The phone rang once and twice while Reylese hurriedly rushed to answer. It rang a third time before clicking, "Yes?"

Reylese happily answered. Her life was getting brighter by the second. Those horrifying scenes from long ago when she was in a cold place and had to struggle to survive were long gone, faded into the background like a bad dream that was once a nightmare.

The old madam saved her and it was her duty to serve her family with her now on but the young lord was the brightest ray in all this.

"Did you hear me? Hello?"

"Ah yes sorry, please repeat"



The phone slipped out of her hand as her eyes widened with shock. This...this couldn't be. She slowly turned her gaze full of emotion to her young lord. Vicente turned to look at her feeling the atmosphere off. What he saw within her eyes was a sea of emotions. Sorrow, Pity, Regret, Pain, Loss..... Reylese was absolutely mortified. Her lady and lord had died in a plane crash on the way back.

What was she to do now?

What about her young lord?

What would his life be like from now on?

Glancing at her frail reflection in the glass she tightly gripped her fist. Determination flashed in her eyes. Her lord couldn't have a childhood like she did, she'd never allow it to happen! She would prefer not to tell him but she didn't want to lie. She struggled to find the words to say, they didn't come even after a few minutes, she felt her young Lord's gaze.

Vicente slowly spoke, feeling something had happened,

"Well? What was it"

She couldn't find any other way to say it. She could only open her mouth as the heavy words fell out yet the heaviness in her heart hadn't faded a bit, instead it had grown even heavier.

Vicente got up and looked out at the sky through his window.

"I see"

Honestly he didn't have strong feelings for them except reliance maybe. He'd awakened his memories, well he never lost them in the first place, in the womb. He was used to his mother, his father as well. They took care of him but not too much. They had to have time for themselves and he had no problem with that. There was definitely a feeling of loss but these current, or past parents as of this moment- they did things at their own pace. Were they in a better place now?Who knows but its nice to just assume that.

Reylese gazed with her hand over full chest, her heart was so full it was threatening to break.

'He's acting like a little adult again.'

'Shouldn't he be in tears?'

'No matter, my job is to support him'


The funeral happened two weeks afterwards. As members of the upper class it was to be expected that mostly those of the top 1% were present. The funeral was to be handled by Vicente so he merely asked for something simple, preferably he'd do it alone but it was the normal thing to do , That is, priest, sermon, caskets etc. He allowed the funeral service to do as they pleased with him watching them of course

The *Vongola family had only one heir as of this moment as all his relatives on his mother's family tree were dead. His father's family however was present.

*not the mafia family

The service ended as they scattered their ashes over the sea, the wind carrying them freely to their next destination. Vicente didn't know or more specifically couldn't bother to know that several of his uncles were plotting against him, for his family wealth. His parents had willed all their assets including the mansion be liquidated upon their death and signed over to him. They were to be given in full on his 21st birthday, and 5% was to directly transferred to his own account immediately.

"That's the boy, isn't it"

"Yes, Our cousins child, he had really struck it big marrying that stuck up rich b$tch."

"All their money is going to go to that boy, What a f@$&ing waste."

"I've got an idea..."


"Listen, that kid has all that money but he's all alone right:-)"

"Right :-)"

"We're technically some of his only remaining family soo... we should.... Don't you think."

Three men whispered to each other as they stared Vicente down. They were the cousins of his Korean father, Taehoon, Min sung and Kimsook. They had always begged his father shamelessly for money but his old man wasn't dumb enough to give them so they always had a bitter resentment upon thinking of him. Words weren't needed to communicate their meaning.

They were going to rob that little tyke for all his weight in gold multiplied by hundreds of times.

Previously they had also tried stealing away their cousin's wife as they thought of she liked him, why not them? They were mad with desire to her great wealth matched only by her beauty. But she viciously rejected each of their advances. And became a blind b*tch in their eyes.

There was no way they could give up this grand opportunity.

"Hello child, I'm your uncle Taehoon"

They walked up to him and introduced themselves, they hadn't exactly done this before so that was their impression of how hey should set the bait.

Vicente wasn't dumb enough to act his mental age as who knew what trouble that would cause so he always acted his looks around strangers and not overly show off ish with his parents and Reylese.

So naturally he had to answer them. He had no idea of their true intentions nor did he care but he had no choice, he had to behave at their funeral.He had already rubbed his eyes to paint a picture of a grieving child. He was already immersed in his role as he had pricked himself and it hurt a bit, so he dug deep within him to find his inner crybaby and lo and behold it was there.


Vicente struggled to hold back his tears while talking, in baby language although he was a toddler but he looked babyish so no one questioned it.

Taehoon and the others exchanged gazes. Any hesitation they had before disappeared from their minds. This was too easy, manipulating a kid to give his life and blood to them.

"Little nephew, What happened to your parents was definitely a tragedy. I remember growing up playing with your father, we were like blood brothers, Ah such a tragedy."

He sorrowfully leaked a tear with a voice full of melancholy.

"As your uncles it is only right for us to take care of you. Why don't you hand all the grown up things over to us. You have a bank card yes. You definitely don't know it's hidden mysteries so we'll help you out, so you can be a kid again."

He sounded like a truly concerned uncle but any veteran of the business world would catch on to his ploy. Taehoon saw no instance of the child refusing as he exchanged glanced with his brothers. But they were helplessly as he continued crying without answering despite their attempts.

Nothing worked, Candy, Cop threats, Scary faces nothing.

They were getting frustrated at this.

"Argh fuck- this Damn kids stuck on repeat, weh weh weh ptoo what the fuck."

"What should we-"

"What are you people doing?"

Reylese coldly gazed at these three bottom feeders, the Lord was quite a kind soul and she wasn't one to discriminate against muggles but these muggles intentions were clear as day.

Seeing her expression, the three hurriedly explained themselves,

"We're just taking care of the little one."

"The young lord doesn't need your Care"

She had long decided that no harm would come to her young lord. She coldly stared at these human pieces of trash who actually stooped so low. Although this wasn't her first sight of the dark side of human nature.

Taehoon's face turned ugly. What was with this bitch. There's no way they'll yield to a mere maid although she was extremely hot. He became lost in his dirty thoughts for a few moments. Minsung abruptly jumped in,"-How dare you a mere maid, question your masters!!!"

"Please restrain yourselves"

"Why should we you bitch why don't you come put that mouth to good use."

"Tsk. Never mind. I see now that you trash aren't even worthy of me wasting my breath"

"Why you!!!"

The threes faces turned red with fury. They were already being looked down on by the crowd who blatantly ignored and verbally trashed them but that was acceptable and they could do nothing to the top 1%, but how dare a mere maid insult them. They would not stand for this. Their nerves were already strained from enduring the unfavourable atmosphere of this place.

Filled with resentment Taehoon stepped forward, They knew where they were but they were sick of playing mouse. They already saw them as ruffians so what of it, he felt the adrenaline pumping through his body and decided to fight and not take flight.

"Nephew your maid is lacking in manners allow your uncles to teach her a lesson in your parents stead."

Reylese coldly glared at him ready to pounce on him at any moment but suddenly her young master nodded in disapproval. Seeing this scene the three grinned wickedly as the walked closer to Reylese eyeing voraciously her dangerous sexy body.

Reylese was unresigned but she couldn't defy her master so easily. If those three harmed him she would send them to hell personally. She just had to endure a little humiliation for his sake. Yes, those trash were guests she couldn't shame the family she served.

It was then that her young master lifted both his arms up high towards her. A signal that he wanted her to lift him up but he had two glass cups in his tiny palms so she couldn't cuddle him. He signaled her to pick him up from behind and put him on her neck.


The three halted at the sudden turn of events before an evil glint flashed in the depths of there pupils.

"How dare you use a child.to.block us, you shameless wretch!"

They lunged towards her not caring the harm that might come to Vicente.




Two glasses full of alcohol were thrown in their faces shattering on impact. He knew he couldn't break it with his current arm strength by flinging it directly, so he cracked them before.



The alcohol seeped in their eyes as splinters of broken glass were wedged in Taehoon's and Minsung's faces. Kimsook felt a cold gaze from two beautiful little amber eyes,

"Get lost with those trash and never appear before me again."


Seeing the dumbstruck expression on his face Vicente spoke once more. Kimsook abruptly snapped out of it and hurriedly said,"Yes yes of course."

They had underestimated him, he didn't act like a child at all, why was that? Those eyes.... He surely wouldn't hesitate to get violent and they were only allowed in the inner city due to him. Normally even the outer city was a pipe dream. The crowd was also giving them unpleasant looks. He was confused by the events but he still knew what to do.

He urged his cousins to follow him but feeling the stinging on their faces both literally from the glass and alcohol and figuratively from the gazes on them from the spotlight of their predicament. Shame. Deep Shame. Reluctance and finally anger, the ugly monster devoured all reason and they angrily roared while lunging at Vicente and Reylese.

They couldn't be bested by an infant.






Reylese quickly put him down and stretched out her long legs gracefully bending in unbelievable positions locking down their movements from the joints and occasionally stepping in them with her high heels spurring painful howls, she truly was quite ruthless in taking care of them.

Vicente's little round eyes widened in surprise, he had no idea his maid could double as a bodyguard, she was so young as well. Well the specifics didn't really matter, he was intelligent but was self aware of his peculiarities, he was a new breed of lazy.

He hated using his brain considering it tedious, he was even misinterpreted as anti social in high school in his previous life, though his true colors we're revealed and they realized the truth, he was forced to social eventually and became normal ish. A trouble maker for the girls ..... That was a story for another time, one that had it's ending already.

He directed his gaze to the three in the floor writhing around in pain.

He looked around to find the crowd looking over here. He slightly bowed his tiny body which barely threw those cups with enough strength before.

"My apologies everyone, I must step outside for a while as you can see these three insulted my parents funeral so they must be ...hm 'informed' of some things"

Was what he wanted to say but he couldn't as that was compromising so he decided to behave like a crazy baby and laughed and clapped like it was a laughing matter.

Never had anyone present thought the shadow of a devil would appear over a young darling a little over 5 years old. Vicente instructed the newly discovered muscle, Reylese to drag those three out. He couldn't kill them so publicly but other things could be done.

No one would punish the instigator of such mutila.... ahem, such results since he was just 5. He also had no guardians so no one to accept the blame on his behalf. No legal system would convict a 5 year old. Especially this one which catered to the richest in the lands.



"No please!!!"

He returned in Reylese's bloodied hands which were naturally cleansed soon after and concluded the service. Which was a bit exaggerated since she didn't use her hands and just used her feet and limbs. But he liked to think that she did.

Up on returning home, he caught glimpse of someone handing out posters for a tai chi class.

This is a fan fiction of .... It's a secret until after the first few chapters. The first readers should know the main topic, although things have changed as I've e reflected on this work and its previous weaknesses. It won't be perfect but this is it. As for why we don't jump straight into it... I'm sure you'll catch on eventually but just in case, the first chapter is your first and final hint.

HollOw13creators' thoughts