
Chapter 2 - Outside

Joseph hurriedly picked the unique regeneration skill because he is losing too much blood, and his consciousness is slowly fading.

'What is the use of being fast if I am dying right now,' Joseph thought.

[DSS: *Skill Unique Regeneration Acquired*]

After hearing the mechanical voice, Joseph felt that his body is getting better and better each second.

All of Joseph's wound is healing at a superfast rate.

After a few seconds, Joseph starts to get up, but this time he looks at the wall's crack before approaching the door.

'It seems I am inside a wooden abandoned house in the middle of a forest.' Joseph thought and added, 'No one is outside, no fire, no tents.'

He then proceeds to open the door, successfully stepping outside.

Joseph is in the middle of nowhere, with no one to ask for direction. He just randomly picks a route and walks towards it. He very much like the regeneration skill because he didn't need food or water to survive.

While aimlessly walking in one direction, Joseph thought of checking what his system can do.

'Menu,' Joseph said in his mind, then six-column appear in front of him.

[ Dating Points: 0 - Date someone!

Blood Points: 1000 - Kill to earn it.

Quest - List of the accepted quests.

Inventory - Infinity Store your things, cannot store living beings.

Skills - List of Passive and active skills.

Shop - Buy skills, food, clothes, you name it.]

Joseph searches the shop for a map.

'Walking in the wrong direction is embarrassing after all,' Joseph thought.

[Digital Map: one thousand one Blood Points or one hundred dating points]

[Map: one hundred blood points or one dating points]

[Compass: ten blood points]

'What the hell, I just need one point. Is this system mocking me,' Joseph thought, frustratedly.

Joseph thought to hunt something instead of aimlessly walking.

Time passes, he saw some strong monster from time to time, but did not approach them.'I don't even have a sword to kill a goblin,' Joseph thought, then continue to search for weaker monsters.

After some time, he saw an anthill and thought. 'what if...'

Joseph then hurriedly gather some branches and use his past knowledge to create a torch. He uses some of his clothes as a torch head.

'I don't need the fire to last, I just need it to burn something,' Joseph thought while grinning, hoping that his plan would work.

After a few minutes, Joseph successfully created a working torch. He walks towards the anthill while grinning like a maniac. He then burned the anthill, then heard a beautiful mechanical sound inside his head.

[DSS: *Ding!* Earned 253,100 Blood Points by killing a whole colony of ants.]

'Menu,' Joseph thought.

[ Dating Points: 0 - Date someone!

Blood Points: 253,100 - Kill to earn it.

Quest - List of the accepted quests.

Inventory - Infinity Store your things, cannot store living beings.

Skills - List of passive and active skills.

Shop - Buy skills, food, clothes, you name it.]

"Yesssss!!!" Joseph shouts with all his heart. If somebody sees him, they will think that he had gone crazy.

Joseph then proceeds to purchase the digital map and some clothes, then find out that he is really going the wrong way.
