
Chapter Seven

Liam woke up and got out of bed. He looked at the mirror. He saw his light brown cut hair, silvery moon eyes, muscular biceps, light brown skin and his unflawed angelic face. He walked to the bathroom and brushed his perfectly shiny white teeth. Then he grabbed his towel and took a shower. After that he got dressed and grabbed his sword with strange markings and left his huge bright white mansion and headed toward the sanctuary. He couldn't believe the new nephilim would be coming the next day.

    While he was walking down the alley, Liam sensed something behind him. He grabbed his sword out and turned around with lightning fast speed. "Hey, hey. Please don't kill me, man," the person said while Liam pressed the sword against his heart.

    The person was a man, who was really a demon.The demon had looked  like just an ordinary businessman. He was wearing a raven dark suit with a tie, nice shoes, black hair combed back neatly and pale green eyes.

    "You're a demon!" Liam spat at the demon in disgust. "Hey, no need to be a racist," another voice whispered behind him. Liam knocked the demon he was talking to out. Then he turned around and swung the sword at the voice, but he missed. He heard the voice behind him chuckle. "Is that really the best you got?"

    Liam turned around and swung again, but still missed. Then something from behind him pushed him down. Then he spun around before he hit the ground, hard. Liam closed his eyes when he felt the pain ooze in his body. When he opened his eyes he saw a boy. Not a young boy. More of a teenager his age was either 18 or 19 years old. He had deep dark hair, white pale dead face, had an athletic build of a body, and wore a jacket that said "I'm a devil, bow down."

    His grin was as dark as the grim reaper's. The thing that stood out most of all about the figure was his deep, dark , soulless eyes showing no whites around them. "I know what you're thinking. 'Who is this teenager with all these super fast skills. He's not like any other demon I have seen before.' Well I'm not. Let me introduce myself. Get out your phone and you better start recording, because this might be a once in a lifetime moment. My name is… wait for it… Abaddon!" He clapped his hands very slowly. Liam looked for his sword, but couldn't find it.

    Then Abbadon started started to continue his introduction. "I'm the unknown horseman. The strongest and the best, but of course you knew that. I'm mean you're a freaking nephilim why wouldn't you know. Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to provide you with some information. Today, in around a few hours  you will find yourself with Darkness's weapon, you will train him like the nephilim, and then he will kill you in the Dead War." His voice sounded like a trickster.

    Why is he telling me this, Liam thought. Liam knew who Abaddon was and couldn't trust the hellish thing for a second. Abaddon was a strong demon, all he caused was chaos and destruction. He stood right by Lucifer himself, he was the darkest demon that has ever lived. The greeks called him  Apollyon which meant the destroyer. Liam was wondering where his sword was. If he slayed Abaddon himself he would become a legend.

    "Now you are wondering where your sword is," Abaddon snapped his fingers and Liam's sword appeared in Abaddon's right hand. "Huh, well ain't that a bitch. Life sucks doesn't it. I have your sword and you don't have one weapon, but you know what? I'll give you the sword. Here you go," Abaddon gave Liam his sword back. Right when he did that, Liam jumped up and swung the sword at Abaddon. Abaddon dodged it carelessly. Then Liam swung the butt of his sword at Abaddon's face with faster speed than before. Abaddon nearly dodged it, but still got hit in the face.Then Liam pushed Abaddon against the wall and held the sword against Abaddon's neck. Abaddon just smiled as if he planned the thing.

"Well, look at you. The nephilim has proven himself once and for all, but there's a  

reason why people call me smart, it's because I am," Abaddon said. Then he snapped his fingers. Before Liam even knew what was happening, something from behind him hit him hard and Liam was down on the ground again. When Liam got up he saw the first demon he was fighting earlier and Abaddon smile at him.

    "Go to hell," Liam said and got up and swung his sword at the demon he knocked out. The demon's smile vanished. The demon dodged the first strike, but then Liam kicked the demon in the stomach hard. The demon was surprised

how hard his strike was and before he could react, Liam slashed the demon's head off. The demon's head rolled and the rest of his body fell down.Then the demon burned with fiery bright light and then the demon vanished. Then he heard Abaddon make a deep, dark chuckle.

    "Wow, angelic fire. I forgot how smart you nephilim are. Well, I didn't like him, anyway. He complained too much." Abaddon looked at his ancient silver watch. "Well, look at the time. This has been really fun, Liam, but I have to go and remember what I said. Hmmm do you think I should do an evil laugh or something. Let me try this one…

Mwhaa… Mwhaa… and so on." While Abaddon was doing that the Liam ran at him with his sword, but Abaddon disappeared before Liam could swing. Liam cursed under his breath.

    Liam looked around for a second and then he gave up. Then Liam started walking toward the sanctuary. The sanctuary was twenty miles away but he wanted the workout. When he got there, he saw his father outside with two other people Liam had never seen before. The first person was a young adult. He had light blonde hair and looked amazingly strong. The other person was more of a teen and was pale and amazingly scrawny. His father was a middle age man, with muscular biceps for his age, had ugly dark red colored scar down his right eye. When Liam's father saw him, he smiled.

"Liam, I'd like you to meet Danny," he said. His direction toward the blonde man. "And this here," his direction was now toward the scrawny kid, "is Darknesses Weapon."

    That's when Liam realized Abaddon, the lord of destruction, was telling the truth.


