
Dark Shattered Love

Layla never thought she would get marry to someone so rich and handsome. She was in love with her cousin but her auntie never loved her instead she liked her sister for her son. Layla got married to Brayan Smith the handsome arrogant man who doesn't love her and only marry her out of revenge. Brayan Smith is the most richest person in the city. He never cared about anyone expect himself but his reputation ruined when a girl slapped her in front of public. He promised himself that he will revenge on her. He married her and their life changed forever. He turned her into a prostitute but things took a turn when a strong mob boss showed up in her life and she took his help to get over her broken heart. But what about his heart that is shattered in pieces.

Laila_Dear · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs



   I was on the ground now. Before I could get up one of them came from behind and held my arms from behind and from front the other one came up on me. 

I was struggling to get away. They both are drunk and angry now. I can't let it happened. I can't let them do this with me. "Let me go, somebody help me. " I was screaming at top of my lungs but the road was empty and no one was there to help me. Is this how my life will change? Am I that unlucky. 

His hands were roaming on bare legs and he push his hand under my dress. I was feeling so disgusting. "Stop, Let go of me. Leave me." I heard a car coming towards us. The blasting music in the car can be heard from this distance. Oh God please help me, someone help me. 



    After getting free my friends went on their own way and I head for my home because I was already late and tomorrow is office. I connected my phone with music player and turn on the music. I turn the volume at 90 and enjoying my music while driving. 

  After driving for 15 minutes, I reached a road. I saw two guys and a girl. They were in the middle of the road. So they are going to bang a girl in this dark road. I put my hand at my car's horn and waited for them to let me pass but they were too busy in undressing her that they didn't care. The girl was moving her head side to side and when she stopped her head in my car's direction, I froze in my car it was no one else but Layla. 

I went off from car. Those guys turned their head to me. She took her chance and bit at that guys hand and made herself free and ran to me to hide herself in my arms. "Help me, please, help me." I put my hand at her cheek and a painful moan left her lips. 

I made her look at me and asked, "Did they hit you? " She nodded and my blood rush in my brain. A man came from behind to held her by her arm but before he could touch her I punched him hard across his jaw that made his two teeth fall out and his mouth start bleeding. The other guy ran towards car and the guy I punched also ran to the car and sat in it and they left. 

I turned to Layla who was still holding onto my jacket. I took her to my car and made her sit next to my seat. I sat at the driving seat and start driving. I asked in anger, "What the hell are you doing at this road at this time. If I wouldn't show up on time, they must have raped you by now. "

She was hugging herself and said while crying

"D..Derick left me on this road all alone. Auntie and June wanted to do more shopping and I was tired so she sent me home with Derick. He was angry because you kissed my cheek and I never let him touch me. So he left me here." She started crying more loudly now. I place my hand at her head and made her calm. I took her to my cottage so she can rest and change her clothes. After that I decided that I will take her to her home. 

She was crying and her body was weak so she fainted. When we reached there i took her out and head inside the house . 

  I put her on the bed . Her mouth was swollen. I took the ice bag and placed it on her mouth.  She woke up with pain, When she open her eyes she looked at me and hugged me.  This was the second time she is hugging me on the same day.  

She said while crying " Thanks for showing up Brayan or you don't what they were about to do?" 

I said in anger " And you love that kind of guy?" She looked in my eyes and said " How do you know that i love him?" I placed that ice bag again on her face and said " I can see how you look at him." She looked down and said " I don't love him anymore." These words somehow gave me a relief . I said in a low voice " Take rest , I will drop you tomorrow and on tuseday we are getting married not engage". Saying that i stood up and left her alone in the room.

I went out of there and to my parents house. I reached there in 10 minutes. I have the keys to his house so I entered and went straight to their bedroom. Well I know they are there because old people usually stay in their bedrooms at this time. I went inside and clapped my hands. They both got shocked at sane time. I smiled and asked, "You both are not happy to see me here?"

My dad asked sitting staright at his bed, "What do you want at this time Brayan? " My mother rolled her hair and made a bun on top of her head, "This is his habit to break in like this." I sat in front of him and said, "I am here to tell both of you that on Friday, me and Layla are getting married and not engage. " My father rub his forehead and asked, "What type of nonsense is that? We told them about engagement and not wedding. " I smile and replied, "Well, I already told her that just now, she is in my cottage? " He asked in anger and confusion, "You already slept with her? When are you going to stop this nonsense Brayan? " I fold my arms and yell back, "I didn't sleep with her, I saved her. I am playing the good guy role here." My mother patted my father's arm said, "Brayan, just send us the hall address and we will be there to attend your marriage. Please stop disturbing your father." I nodded and stood up clapping my hands again and went for my cottage.