1 Prologue

The Dark Lord who was once feared by all in the known universe, lay in the arms of his son as he slowly succumbed to the pain that had tormented him for as long as he remembered.

The pain that reminded him of the woman he loved so dearly, of his betrayl at the hands of his close friend and mentor, of his failure as the chosen one and of how he became the very thing he sought to destroy.

"Remove the mask" came the voice in the suit.

The young man shakingly pulled off the iconic helmet of the infamous Darth Vader.

Anakin slowly opened his eyes, gone was the colorful hues that he was used to but in its place was a blurry visage of a young man, who he knew was his son.

With all of his remaining will, he summoned a long lost part of the force that he had forgotten. The force hummed with the joy that a parent would feel when finding its lost child.

His eyes felt a warmth which he remembered from the time of his youth. As the heat subsided, an image of a young man hugging him with tears slowly flowed into his brain. His eyes winced in pain as he felt a warm tear stream down his face.

He had forgotten what a person looked like, but he did not forget the warmth of another being.

Anakin did something which only Amidala had witnessed, he smiled and then he closed his eyes forever.

As he died a hologram looking silhouette formed in-front of his now dead body. This silhouette took the form of the long forgotten face of a man known as the "Hero with No Fear". Anakin then watched his son take away his body. He waved but Luke did not seem to notice him.

Behind him, he suddenly felt a change in the force. Fearing the worst, he quickly turned his head around.

However, there stood not one but two beings who looked as he now did. It was not the face of Darth Sidious that he was expecting. But instead a little green man he had once known when his name was Anakin Skywalker. Next to him was an old man who looked familiar but Anakin could not remember where he knew this man from.

"Hello Anakin" said the old man

"Master!!!" Anakin shouted with realization

"Remeber you He does" said the little green man.

Unbeknownst to the trio, there was a dark silhouette in black armor who while happy for his counterpart did not want to coexist with his light version as the Universe wanted only one of them to become a force ghost.

And he knew that the force would favor his light side incarnation as his connection with the dark side was not as strong as his counterpart's connection with the light side.

With one last look at the happy trio, the shadow disappeared to a place known to no-one in this universe.

"truly Dark Side, was He?" said the little green man as he stared out into space.

Obi-wan and Ankain thought nothing of this comment, because Yoda was just being Yoda.
