
Dark Clouds with wind


Lebian_heart96 · อื่นๆ
4 Chs


Ree was sitting down in a corner of the cave with his legs folded knees so close to his chest and burying his head in them to hide his face, then he heard footsteps getting clear as they were stepped in the snow.

Seeing him so hurt ,zen was in pain. ree then looked at him and said "please, leave". zen told him, "ill find you, no matter where you are."  

"i wanna love you."

"if you can trust them why not me? just try trusting me too." zen put his hand forward trying to reach him.  looking alike to his emotions ,a broken ree put his hands on zen's. 

Zen pulls him to a hug, gently patting him in the head with the other hand, trying to calm him down. 'not that he was calming down, not that i was expecting him to do that either. i know simply a gentle touch cant heal all that.' he thought to himself.

Then ree said "thank you," zen moved away a little bit then asked "for what?" he held zens hand in his, slowly patting it said, "for believing in me".

Slowly letting go of zens hand, he stepped backwards which resulted in him falling from the edge of the bridge with no railing, deep into the river.

if and if only zen knew how to help him he could've tried but all that he knew at that moment was that was he not 

not enough


the reason to make him stay?