
Daoist Fool

Kamanth was Indian born who later went to New Zealand for higher education. He was not good with education and of course, he was naïve and very late in catching up anything. Due to this, he was always called "A FOOL" by everyone. Even his lectures were not any exception. And due to this, his original name was completely forgotten by everyone and was famously known by the name "Fool". Obviously, due to this, no one was ready to make friends with and and was always the subject for bully. He sat behind a girl called Shirley on whom he had a crush but no courage to propose. Due to his loneliness, he made the habit of playing games and reading Chinese cultivation novels. He was truly captivated with the content of the books. The more he read, the more he was fantasized. And playing MMORPG games was also very addictive. He wanted to go to this cultivation world. But he knew that it was impossible. But one day, a giant meteorite fell on earth and destroyed it. Kamanth was playing MMORPG game at that time. The power of the meteorite was so massive that he didn't know that he died. His eyes gone blank. But the next moment he opened his eyes, he was sitting on a stone outside the forest. He didn't know where he was. But later, he figures out that he was actually transmigrated to another world. And this world was actually a cultivation world. Kamanth later figures out that he had a Attribute Calculator within his mind just like in the MMORPG game he used to play. He felt as if his dream came true. He had the chance to cultivate now just like in the novels. He changes his name to Ethan Hunt, his Love's favorite character from Mission Impossible Movie Series and starts his cultivation Journey.

VKSS1602 · ตะวันออก
137 Chs


Mrs. Harrington, the Professor entered the class. As soon as she entered, the class which was originally rowdy, instantly quieted down. In a flash, everyone gone back to their respective benches quietly in both fear and respect.

Mrs. Harrington waited patiently for everyone to settle down with patience. No matter what kind of attitude one maintained before the start of the class, it was an entirely different story after she placed her foot in the class.

"Today, I am not going to conduct any class." ,Mrs. Harrington spoke with tone which gave "I am very strict" feeling for the students which made them a little nervous. She continued, "As you people knew this, today is the due date for the submission of all your records. Just bring your records and place it on the table here."

Everyone followed her orders and immediately began to go in team and place their Records related to the projects on the Professor's Table. Mrs. Harrington started to record their names on a sheet of paper which let her know who submitted and who didn't.

As things were going on like this, both Kurt and Umang looked towards Kamanth and Shirley's bench. They found that Shirley was frantically searching for her records. They both then looked at each other and gave a malicious smile. After all, they both were the partners in crime who stole their record books during her absence and wrote Kurt's name in silence. So it was obvious that they will steal a glance in that direction.

Shirley's actions obviously noticed by Kamanth. He asked, "What happened?"

Shirley looked pretty tensed at that moment which Kamanth felt as if someone poked his heart with a needle. He couldn't bear to see her tensed up face.

"My Record is missing!" ,Shirley replied while frantically searching for the book in her bag.

Before Kamanth could reply, Mrs. Harrington's voice rang out, "Team no. 7!"

Both Shirley and Kamanth were almost petrified on their spot. They both were a team. And their Team no. is 7! That means, it was their turn to submit their records.

At that time, Shirley almost cried. She always worked hard. She was diligent with her studies which always came in fruition as she was always a topper. But today all her three months work had gone missing. She never cared about becoming a topper. She wanted to grab an higher place in the top management companies. So she worked hardly as she always had a clear goal.

But she will be laughed at by the people not only in her class, but in the entire University. The toppers always grabs the attention of the people around them. So the faculty always had high hopes for her.

They even gone to an extent where they felt that Kamanth was not good enough to team up with someone like Shirley and wanted to find a suitable teammate for her. But Shirley immediately said "no" as she said that she was more than comfortable with Kamanth.

The Faculty members couldn't understand as what kind of benefits the topper of the University finds to team up with the loser of the entire University. But still, Kamanth never did anything that stagnated her studies. He was always careful enough to not disturb her. He knew that Shirley was his only hope. If he loses her as his teammate, then no one will come forward to help him like Shirley did. Since he was careful with his actions, the faculty didn't bother with this issue.

"Team no. 7!" ,Mrs. Harrington's cold voice rang out once again.

"Don't worry. I have your record. I hid it safely." ,Kamanth didn't know what to say. He stood up and took his record book. Coincidently, he also didn't write his name on his own record book. As he was walking towards Mrs. Harrington, he wrote her name on his record book and submitted to Mrs. Harrington!

Mrs. Harrington received the book and opened the first page. After verifying everything, she looked at Kamanth and coldly asked, "This is Shirley's record. So where is yours?"

"I- I forgot it professor!" ,Kamanth pretended to be tensed up as he scratched his head which made people to look at him as if he was an idiot. It almost forced people to fall on the ground and burst out in laughter. But since this class belongs to a Tigress like Mrs. Harrington, they didn't dare to laugh out loud.

"What do you mean by you forgot?" ,Mrs. Harrington narrowed her eyes in a little anger and asked.

"I- I thought that the due date was tomorrow. So I forgot it Professor! Please excuse me for my mistake." ,Kamanth plead in an humble tone.

"You truly are a Fool!" ,Mrs. Harrington lashed out in anger, "You were always careful with your teammate. So we accepted Shirley's request and let you be her teammate. But this is a team project. Your small mistake will not only fail you, but it will also affect Shirley's overall grades. If you wanted to destroy yourselves, then do it. After all, no one has any use for a Fool like you. But because of you, Shirley's future will stagnate. What do you mean by you forgot?"

"I didn't mean to harm her, professor!" ,Kamanth pleaded, "I never wanted to harm her. I know that this was a grave mistake. Please forgive me, Professor!"

"What do you mean by forgiving you?" ,Mrs. Harrington was not at all polite. She yelled at him angrily, "Get Out!"

Kamanth had no courage to take this conversation any further. He turned towards the exit door and was about to walk out. But Shirley was standing silently beside him with the face full of confusion. Kamanth said "I am sorry" , and walked out of the class.

Both Umang and Kurt were speechless with this outcome. They stole Shirley's record and secretly wrote Kurt's name on it. They were pretty sure that Shirley is about to face her greatest humiliation. Umang always had his desire for Shirley. But she always stayed with that "Fool" for God knows why. No one understood what kind of shitty charm that "Fool" had. Shirley always found her interest with such a loser.

But who would have thought that, the "Fool" on whom they always looked down upon will secretly sacrifice his records to protect her image in return for his loss. They never imagined this outcome.

Nevertheless, Umang was satisfied with this outcome. He felt that now he had the chance! Since that annoying Fool took all the blame on himself, Shirley who always worked hard for becoming the topper will lose her temper against Fool for his "Simple" mistake.

He decided to add fuel in the fire and separate both of them slowly and forever. And then he will do whatever it takes to make her his own!