
Danmachi: Surviving in this world without God's power

After years of suffering in the accursed world to save it from the influence of demon just so he can go back to his home, and finally after saving the world he was instead thrown into another world instead of going back to his family. And that world was none other than Danmachi.

Noih0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Ch.2 Weak!

"Ehhhhhhh!" Jack was surprised after hearing what she said at first but after the surprise, anger started to rise within him as just when he thought he could escape this hellhole, there's something more.

"Sir, you have to save-"

"Shut up!" Without waiting for her to finish, Jack ran towards her to harm her but just as he was about to punch her, golden chains appeared to bind him in his place.

"Sir please listen to me-" She tried to calm him but Jack didn't listen at all and tried to get out of chains with bloodshot eye.

"Release me, you shit." He couldn't be calm at all as understood what she meant and he would not go through that hell again, especially a world without a proper toilet.

Slowly cracks started to appear on the chain, knowing she couldn't hold him any longer, so with a sigh she snapped her finger as a white magic circle appeared below Jack.

"Fuck!" Jack looked down due to the bright white light coming from below him and realised that he was in a magic circle that he was very familiar with, the one which put him in that hellhole.

With panic, he tried to escape but couldn't get out of the chains at all and realised that his power was stripped off that he had gotten in the last 15 years.

"I'm sorry sir, but that world needs your help." With a small bow, the angel turned her back towards him as slowly his vision started to get blurry little by little.

"I will find you and kill-" 

Before he could finish, he was teleported to another world and what was left were shattered gold chains on the ground and an angry-looking angel looking at those chains with teary eyes.


"Ugh! Where am I now?" Waking up, Jack found himself lying next to a tree and looking around, he assessed that he was in a forest but there was one thing that surprised him more.

"Wait, my vision?" He realised that his field of vision had increased, he tried closing his left eye and realised he could still see the grass and tree in front of him.

"Maybe that too-" Looking below, he could see that he also got his left arm back and observing his body closely, he realised that all the scars from the battle were missing.

"I will miss those scars not gonna lie, as they were kinda cool." He mumbled with regret as even though those scars reminded him of bad memories, it kind of made him look cooler.

"Maybe I am back to that time when I first transmigrated into that world?" With his healed eye and arm, without any scars and especially no back pain, he realised he was back to his 17-year-old self.

What proved his theory even more was the clothes he was wearing, a simple black shirt with trousers as he remembered wearing these before meeting that angel for the first time.

"If only I had a mirror to confirm-" Before he could finish, a mirror appeared in his arm with a mechanical voice echoing in his head, but he didn't pay any heed to it, instead focusing on the mirror to look at his face.

Looking into the mirror, what he saw was a young but wild-looking man with spiky blond hair and blue eyes. If a passerby saw his face they would classify him as a delinquent but a cool-looking one tho.

"Let's goooooo baby! I am back to being young. No more back and knee pain." He stood up and jumped around while enjoying the feel of his young back and knees which were not in pain at all.

<Can master stop with this embarrassing act!>

"Eh, who?" Suddenly he heard the mechanical voice again but he didn't sense a living entity near him.

<It's 15 the system you had for last years, master!>

Realising the identity of that voice, he was even more surprised as it was the first time he had heard the system talk as before it was all just text.

<It's the reward for saving world, and it's an upgrade of previous version system.>

"Wait before that, can you answer this? What was the previous version of the system I had?" By hearing the word, 'upgrade' he had a slightly suspicious feeling of those fuckers screwing him up and by the system's next word, it was all but confirm.

<It was the first version of mine, master.>

"Those fuckers! I swear I will kill them, couldn't they have at least given me some overpowered stuff instead of just a fucking spreadsheet." 

Jack still remembers how excited he was about the system thinking it was going to be like those anime, but all it had was a status screen and not even a simple thing such as a level-up to make him stronger instead he had to endure the hell training for the first three years in that world.

<Master, I can sense->

Before it could finish its word, Jack calmed his outburst and picked up a large branch which was lying near the tree and looked towards the bush behind him.

*Crack* *Rustle*

With a twitch-breaking sound, a goblin wearing tattered leather armour jumped out from that bush and ran towards him with a stone knife in its hand.

In front of the charging goblin, Jack just stood in a basic swordsman stance with a calm expression on his face making his earlier outburst look like a lie.

<Those 15 years of expression really changed you, didn't it?>

"Shut up." He mumbled quietly with an annoyed tone as he knew what it was referring to, his first fight with a monster in that world and how he almost pissed his pants in front of its attack.

"Kikikiki!" The goblin ran towards the weak-looking male and finally, after 3 days, he found a weak-looking human, capturing it excited him even more as it could feed his family which was in the bottom of tier in the village.

Just as he was about to pierce his knife into that human's heart, that human abruptly moved his body to the side and he felt his centre of gravity shifting but just as he was about to hit the ground, he felt a sharp pain in his neck and his vision slowly started going darker.
