

Bell awoke early like everyday since being sent to this world. Today was special though. Apparently Zeus has a test for him to see how much he has improved. After eating breakfast, he was told to meet him at the edge of the village with his weapon and any other gear he should think necessary.

Bell grabbed his sword. It was not a spectacular blade, but one that his grandfather already owned. It was a katana like he wanted but clearly aged and unkempt. Since he received it, he was taught blade maintenance in its simplest form. He was also gives a knife to use as backup. Currently, Bell has but on black pants and brown boots. He's wearing a pine green long sleeve with a pouch strapped to his right leg. His sword is at his left hip and the dagger is on his back waist for a quick back handed strike with his left hand if ever in a jam.

Bell took one last look into the mirror, his hair has gotten quite long. He hasn't cut it since his arrival so it's beginning to reach his shoulders. Hard to believe he's almost been here for a year. With that thought, he rushed out to meet Zeus.

He reached the meeting place 10 minutes after he left the house. The village they stayed in was by no means big. Mostly farmers and helpers lived here. Zeus was among the helpers who was mostly in charge of keeping away the stray monsters should they come too close.

"Ah, finally here. Did you bring all your supplies? You will need it for this little test," told Zeus.

"Yes, I brought everything I'll need. So what's the test?" Asked Bell.

"We'll see if you actually have it all. Anyway, the villagers have spotted some tracks nearby. Seem to be goblins. Normally I'd take care of them, but since you've begun your training I feel this will be a good test for you. It'll help you get the feel for killing something and defending yourself among other things. It's time you also put those tracking skills I taught you to use," he lectured.

"Yes, finally something with a little action. So tired of always being the one taking the beating. Now I get to dish some out," Bell said haughtily.

"You know monsters are weaker outside the dungeon, but that doesn't mean you get complacent!" Zeus yelled chopping Bell's head.

"Ow, I'm not complacent. I just got a little excited that's all." He complained.

"Enough talk. I'll be nearby to see how you do, but I won't help no matter how dire it may become. You must learn in the face of true danger," said Zeus before quickly strutting off out of sight.

"Haaah," Bell sighed, "this is gonna be a drag." Bell quickly went into the forest where the sightings were most prevalent. Within an hour of silent searching he finally saw some signs of tracks.

'It looks like there are about 5 or 6 that went east toward the river. That could spell trouble. Most of the women wash clothes near there.' He thought. And continued searching about and found more tracks. 'Perhaps the goblins are moving to a new place to camp? There are too many tracks for it to be a simple foraging and scouting party.'

Bell, followed the smaller group towards the river silently like a predator seeking prey. Within two hours, he found them. They were lazing about near the river side filling there primitive guards. Two were keeping watch around the rest. Bell strained his ears to listen to what it was they were saying.

"Gib gaah givma?" One made a questioning tone.

"Gigah ger gomen." The other gestured down river.

They were unintelligible, but from the gestures and tone he could tell they were going down river to attack the women washing clothes. Weak always attack those weaker and easier targets. The thought of goblins taking women away from the village to take advantage of was truly disgusting.

Making up his mind, Bell moved to the closest guard. He seemed distracted by the bee nearby giving the perfect opportunity. Bell quickly unsheathes the knife on his back with his left hand and stabbed the goblin in the neck. It's eyes opened wide as it's blood gurgled from its throat. Bell didn't have to worry about the thud of the body because it dissipated away into black particles. One down and five more to go.

Bell moved to the next and silenced him in a similar way. Quickly and efficiently. However, as he killed it one of the others by the river came to switch places and spotted him.

"Gaaah!" It screamed alerting the others. Bell reacted quickly unsheathing his katana and slashing its head off, but the damage was done. The last three quickly surrounded him. They attacked together using numbers, but he was prepared.

All those lessons with Zeus payed off. Something this weak wasn't going to be too much trouble. Bell blocked the first goblins club with his sword following it with a kick to its gut to create separation. Bell turned to meet the next two who were within striking distance now.

He ducked to the left under the closer goblins strike and quickly taking out the knife cutting its throat while blocking the others attack with his sword in his right hand. Bell pushed the other off guard and did an over the head strike splitting its head. Two poofs followed with the disintegration of the two dead goblins. Only one remained.

Bell turned to meet the last only to find it trying to run. 'Pathetic,' he thought, "I can't believe this thing got he better of the original so easily." He charged quickly stabbing it in the back. It's legs were too short and too slow to escape. It's disappeared like the others leaving behind no loot to speak of.

"Damn. I know that monsters outside the dungeon are weaker and has less drops, but it's still disappointing." He moved back the way he came to follow the other larger group that went into the opposite direction.

"Nia, show me a map of the area around the village."

*Here User Bell. The map will be displayed in the corner of your vision to limit the amount it will distract you.*

"Ugh, it's Bell. Not User Bell. Geez, you'll never learn, he grumbled, "thanks for the map Nia. What time is it?"

*It is 12:15 User Bell.*

"Well, I better rest and eat a little before catching up to the other group," he replied before getting a sandwich out of his leg pouch.


In the distance, crunches could be heard. The silhouette was large and so was the object it rested on its shoulder. Behind it dragged a bag full of goblin bodies. It proceeded to stride of leaving behind a mess of blood and a visible trail from the bag of spoils it was taking to its den.
