
Danmachi Jujutsu Template

A young man on his way to college suddenly finds himself in the world of Gods, Monsters, Adventurers, and The Dungeon, Yet can all of that face the King of Curses. for advance chapters Patreon.com/Overlordfanboy.

Overlordfanboy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Dungeon 1

Now if you squint your eyes and look carefully, you can see Ouranos being shocked at the absurdly powerful skill.

Well, I will be playing with this a lot more in the future when I have more to pawn off. The increase in boost is something we have to see later on.

Fels was initially against this but slowly his curiosity won and agreed to this in exchange for making the punishment more severe by adding the losing my magic as well part. Even though they know there are ways for me to circumvent these conditions they still went ahead with the exact conditions because this vow is not meant to be a lease but a trial.

A trail to see my character, plus I am pretty sure there is also pity, for my situation, involved. 

"Are you certain of this Fels?" Ouranos asked.

"Yes, I shall put my trust in him first," Fels replied as Ouranos, satisfied with our temporary truce dismissed both of us.

Fels went to his workshop while I made my way toward the guild library.


"You are late"

"glad to see you are doing well" I smiled as Eina resorted back.

"That was one time and this is the 4th time for you," Eina said sternly. 

"What can I say I am a busy man," I said as I sat down across from her and started writing down the letters in Koine along with an example, I did this regularly to remember them. 

This time Eina said nothing in response, then again she acted a little differently every second day, as she understood more and more about who I was. Right now, both Rehman and Eina knew that I was not some rich guy or royalty but just a normal dude from a faraway place and that I was a special guest of the god Ouranos.

"Are you going to become an adventurer?" eina asked surprising me.

I don't think I ever mentioned that I was going to become an adventurer since the fact that I have Ouranos's Falna is a secret from everyone except Fels. 

"How did you guess?" Leo said with curiosity.

"You have changed physically, No one can change this much so quickly unless they have a god's blessing," Eina said as worry started creeping up on her face.

Oi, oi, my decision isn't going to change just because you are worried that I will turn out to be like your lot. I have been going to sleep every time for the last week thinking this exact thing. 

The stuff that always pops up and ruins my dream of a lazy life mooching off of Ouranos, who was all too ready to support me in my endeavors, was the fact that I knew nothing about what happens after the Six Spirit Ring bomb arc. 

The dungeon, The black dragon, nothing about them.

"Is there any way that you can change your mind?" Eina asked, 

For the past 7 days that she spent with the man studying in the library, she had found a friend who was nice in his way. Even though he knew next to nothing about the world and any language that was used commonly, even though somehow he was speaking perfect Koine, that did not mean he was an idiot. It only took him 7 days to learn a completely foreign language and so many things along with it.

Leo at this point was praising the brutal modern education for their training and guidance. 

With Lord Ouranos's unconditional support and his own intelligence, he can live a decent life without any problems, and maybe even work for the guild. 

Then again perhaps the dungeon was the condition for lord Ouranos's support.

"Hmm," Leo thought for a second,

Was it not?

"my mind can be changed, by a kiss" and took his shot.

"I hope you run into a minotaur on the first floor"

"Well now that's just rude," Leo said, listen closely and you could hear the pain in his voice.

"What you asked for wasn't!?" Eina said.

Leo laughed saying it was just a joke, but the tension did not disappear as both of them went back to the studying bit with an awkward silence.

"It's not like Ouranos favors me for no reason," Leo said bringing Eina's attention to him.

"I am going to be fine, I am going in the dungeon after a few weeks with a lot of preparation" 

Do you think that I, a twenty-first-century privileged brat would do something that could kill him without making at least a dozen different escape plans and safety measures? I didn't open my mouth about all my secrets for no reason, Fels will be babysitting me even in the dungeon until I have enough mana to cut down even a monster rex.

"I see," Eina said as she relaxed a bit when suddenly her mood improved with another sudden burst of determination arriving out of nowhere. 

"Do you know what monsters spawn on the first floor?" Eina said,

"um...No?" Leo asked unsure of the girl's motive.

"Then we need to go through..."

Eina stood up and then brought over 5 different books which were somehow thicker than the books he saw in the university. What the actual hell is written there that is taking more pages than quantum mechanics? 

"...All of this, This the layout of the first 5 floors, along with every monster, every irregular, when they appear, spawn locations and conditions, ethical practices..."

If you ever felt useless remember, There is a book on Ethical dungeon practices. Leo thought as he listened to Eina go on about how important all of this was for any adventurer, and then proceeded to berate the said adventurers for always neglecting this part. Yup, this is the Eina I know right here.

"Alright I get it, I get it, I was going to go through all that anyways," I said interrupting Eina, even if she didn't he was certain Fels would.

"Let's begin then," Eina said with a wide smile on her face. She likes torturing people with books, doesn't she?
