
You Want Me...?

It had already passed 30 min from Rantaro's announcement, everyone at the tutor's table had finished their food while at the student's table just a few had filled their stomachs. "Atua's blessing is shining upon us by presenting all this food to us!" Angie kept eating as if she had nothing to worry about.

"Are you all seriously going to let this go to waste?" Korekiyo amazed everyone by eating his food while having his mask on.

"I would suggest that you all eat, given our conditions, a little bit of food will be pretty helpful for all of you," Kirumi said trying to convince the people who were not even looking at the food.

"Co-ed bedrooms!!! How am I supposed to co-exist with a degenerate male?! They are degenerates!!" Tenko let out her frustration in the worst possible way, but everyone took it normally coming from her.

"All of this roommate stuff is making me really nervous I can't even eat this delicious food!!" Kaede's thoughts were obscuring all of her other senses.

"ME? Choose someone?? How would I do that!? I obviously know who I want to share a room with, but I'll be labeled as a pervert if I say it in front of everyone!" Shuichi's thoughts were going at one hundred miles per hour until he came up with a quick idea.

"Huh? Hey Shuichi, where are you going?" Kaito asked Shuichi as he stood from his chair.

"I just need to take some fresh air, I just need to vent my head a little" As he walked around the table through heading for the exit, he stopped beside Rantaro. Rantaro stood up and exited the restaurant with Shuichi.

"I wonder what he is up to?" Kaito's thoughts were a bit puzzled by Shuichi's actions.

"So, hey, Momota-Kun?", "Whats up Akamatsu-san?" Kaito answered Kaede.

"Say, who will you want your roommate to be?" Kaede tried to start a little chat with Kaito, maybe hearing other people's opinions would calm her down.

"Well…I don't know..." Kaito averted his eyes as soon as Kaede asked him. "Ummm well I wouldn't mind sharing with Shuichi…. or…. maybe…." Kaito's eyes slowly turned toward Maki. "Umm I mean no! Umm… Shuichi! Definitely!"

"Heeeeeh?" Kaede stared at Kaito with a smug grin on her face.

"Well... What about you?" Kaito tried to evade Kaede's gaze by suddenly asking back the same.

"Me!? Umm..." Kaede started evading Kaito's eyes, as her face blushed in an instant. "I think…. I wouldn't mind…being with him…" Kaede answered with a low voice that Kaito couldn't hear.

"Huh? What was that? Could you speak a bit louder? I can't hear you with these guys making " Kaito closed in Kaede so he could hear her. "I said…. I wouldn't… mind-".

"Okay, everyone!" Rantaro was standing in front of the door, with Shuichi by his side. "It's time to discover who your roommate will be!" Everyone turned their eyes toward Rantaro in excitement and remorse.

"So please everyone stand up and line up in front of that wall" Tsumugi added to help Rantaro with the procedures. Everyone walked towards a nearby wall by the entrance door, with their backs against the wall everyone stared at Rantaro, Shuichi joined his friends lining up with them. "Okay, so first of all Shuichi already told me who his roommate will be, but because of Shuichi's petition, I am going to keep that secret." Everyone looked at Shuichi who was at the right far end of the line.

"Figures you wouldn't have the balls to say it in front of anyone Mr. Detective" Kokichi teased Shuichi with his words and gave him a small grin.

"Well now the only thing that I did was remove Shuichi's roommate's name from the container, so the only ones who will get to know who Shuichi's roommate is will be the last pair" Rantaro explained.

"So! Without further ado let's start!" Tsumugi with great excitement reached inside the container and took out a small piece of paper. Everyone at the tutor's table turned around from their seats to see how this event will transpire.

"And the first one is!!" Keebo-kun!! And his roommate will be...!!" As Tsumugi pulled out the second paper and opened it his eyes full of excitement shut down immediately, "Oh.. Ryoma-kun..., Tch, this one does not have the slightest potential for a love development…" Is this a Dorama or what!? Everyone thought in unison.

"I hope you don't mind sharing a room with someone like me," Ryoma said at Keebo, "You are my friend Ryoma! I would love to enjoy your company through these weeks, but not in a weird way!!" Tsumugi's eyes flashed as she saw this situation as possible BL development, but everyone ignored this and kept going with the pairings. Meanwhile, Keebo and Ryoma were led to their cabin by one of the tutors.

"Next up is Kaito-kun!" Maki's eyes opened wide up as she heard Rantaro's announcement. "Please let it be me! Or another guy!" Maki thought as Rantaro reached the container for the second name.

"Please let it be Maki, please let it be Maki" Kaito started to beg to any god that could hear him at that moment.

"Kirumi Tojo!" Maki's face went pale as she heard that another girl was paired with Kaito.

"It will be a pleasure to serve you through these following days Momota-kun" Kirumi expressed as she bowed to Kaito.

"Hey don't start with your maid attitude please" Kirumi and a gloomy Kaito were led to their cabin by another tutor. As Maki saw Kaito walk away her heart ached a little a way she had never felt before.

"Now this is what I am talking about!" Tsumugi was drooling as he saw this scene develop, but Rantaro stopped her with a Karate chop in her head, "Ouch!! Why do you have so mean Ran-chan!?" Tsumugi stared at Rantaro with his hand lifted.

"Start acting like an adult, will you?!"

The pairings continue until just four of them were left. The pairings for the cabins were the following:

Keebo – Ryoma

Kirumi – Kaito

Miu – Korekiyo

Tenko – Himiko

Kokichi – Angie

"And finally, the last couple is Maki and Gonta!" Rantaro did not put his hand inside the container, knowing who the leftover students were. Maki turned at Shuichi with eyes that screamed the word 'Pervert'. "So both of you if you would be so kind as to follow Komaeda-senpai to your rooms." Maki left the room while glaring knives at Shuichi.

"You wanted me…?" Kaede said lowly just so Shuichi could hear her. "Why me…? You know there are girls better than me, right? So why me?" Kaede had an unbelievably red face as she said this and his eyes were staring at the floor, do not wanting to meet Shuichi's eyes.

"Would you mind if… we talk this over in a…. more private place…." Shuichi whispered to Kaede, while his face was blushing even brighter than Kaede's. Kaede just slightly nodded at Shuichi's proposal.

"Shuichi, Kaede, please follow me to your cabin" Said Rantaro with a gentle voice trying his best to not disrupt the moment they were having.

Rantaro walking in front and the two bashful students following him were covered underneath the most beautiful of night skies as they walked to their cabin.

Hello everyone!! Sado here!! Finally, the 10th Chapter! I hope all of you, readers are liking the story so far! Also, we hit 3,000 views! This makes me very happy this is the first ever novel I wrote and being able to receive such positive results from it makes me very happy, but it is all thanks to all of you!

As promised I will keep uploading chapters in these coming days! Please leave your opinion in the comments or in the reviews! And once again THANK YOU!!

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