1 Chapter 1:

Darkness. That is the only see when I sleep. That and the nightmares. The memories. Now, I see the memory of my father hitting me when I was 5 years old. All that punches were just because I broke a plate. But before I see my dream father hit m again, I woke up sweating. I can't stand the nightmares; I really hate them. The only thing they do is bring my past again to my mind.

As I crawl away from bed, I go to the bathroom and I see myself in the mirror. My dirty blonde hair is messed up and there are dark bags under my green eyes. I start showering and then I go and get some coffee downstairs. After doing my whole morning routine I hope to my motorcycle and go to the bar I have with my gang.

My name is Blake Jones, and I am a 17 year old criminal. Well, more or less. I left school at the age of 15 and I kill some one for the first time when I was 12. It was killing the guy or getting killed. I am not in the Mafia or anything like that, I have a gang of about 30 people, all older than me and professionals. The police suspect of me sometimes, but I can lie easily, so I can go away without problems.

But for the last 5 months there were some problems. It looks like the police is arresting my people, and I hate that.

As I enter the bar, my jaw opened, and my eyes widen when I see a boy around my age with dark brown eyes and hair. But what surprised me the most was seeing him in a police uniform. He was siting in a chair, with a bottle of water in his hand and smirking. I don't like this guy.

'What does the police want now kid and also, why while the police accept 15 years old when they have more grown up people' I said and saw his smirk fade. I know he isn't 15 but I really love to tease people, and also, he has a baby face.

'Well, for your information I am 19 years old and I am here to talk to the boss of the street gang, but tell me have you seen him? Because everybody told me he is intimidating but I just see a teenager boy' as the policeman said while smirking again, I just want to punch him in the face.

'Oh yes, where are my manners? Name is Blake Jones, the boss of this gang so what do you want baby-face?' I asked while continue to make fun of him. 'Well, I am Dylan Jackson, and I am here because the police is suspecting about what your gang is doing with the Mafia boss, Jason' as Dylan was talking, I just sit there in front of him.

'Well then you can go away since I am not ally of them' that was true, the Mafia and I hate each other, so we have constants attacks from them. 'I don't believe you' was the only thing he said. 'Your bad, because I am not lying, so now you can go, everyone is waiting outside, and we all want to play pool' I say while I brought my face closer to his and we only had 2 inches of space. I saw him sweating a little because of the closeness, making my smirk bigger.

'Well, I will guide you to the exit princess. Follow me' and surprisingly, he is following me, but when we were reaching the door, I heard an explosion and I felt someone throw themselves on top of me and move me to protect myself. I saw it was Dylan but before I can react, I heard gunshots and see my people fighting in the other room and a lot of Jason's people killing and shooting.

I start to fight with them and saw the police officer joining. As we where fighting, a guy comes near me and shoot me in my shoulder, and I headshot him, having all his blood in my clothes. I hate to kill, but it is the only way to survive. 'You don't fight bad for a princes' I say while winking to Dylan as he just murmurs a shut up.

However, a fire started, I don't know how, but I am sure it is some of Jason man. I felt a hand grabbed mine and drag me out of the place. It was Dylan. I turn around to enter again for my people, but my bar explode. Killing everyone who was in there probably.
