

นักเขียน: DAFTAR4D_GACOR
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10 แท็ก

The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

The first time Roger woke up, he transmigrated the eastern fantasy RPG masterpiece "Eternal Night", the ultimate villain "Eternal Night Queen" under the right minister’s brother. He comes with the acedia system, as long as he has been loafed around, lives as a waste brother, he can get countless rewards. Unexpectedly the Queen of Eternal Night not keeping promises, relying on superb talent to eavesdrop on his heart. "The Green Vines Empire has been around for thousands of generations, and Her Majesty the Empress is naturally the eternal master of the continent!" [Don't have that dream, you are scorned by the gods to join forces to target, ten years later your people are gone! "I am mediocre, completely do not know how to make the seventeen countries chaotic people return to the empire!" [Your literacy rate is too low, don't you even know the words, "Let the two wheels of all carriages be equally spaced, use the same words when writing letters or articles, teach by law, and set up officials in charge of education in all localities?"] "The left minister, Lord Margaret, is a world leader, I dare not presume to discuss." [She's an undercover agent, she wishes you all died sooner] three days later, the left minister Margaret was fired, the Queen of Eternal Night issued an edict: “For Roger’s credit of protecting the country, he is sealed as the left minister.” "Thank you, Your Majesty..." [You do not mess with me, I just want to loaf around! Looking at Roger full of reluctance and can only agree, the Queen of Eternal Night reveals a smile of satisfaction. Tsundere… is the most interesting!

Jacksonben · เกม
16 Chs

The Terror Of Trous

Alkisah suatu ketika makhluk misterius yang bernama trous membunuh umat manusia sejak beradab-abad lamanya. Trous terus membunuh dan manusia untuk mengambil alih wilayah manusia untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal mereka. akibatnya, jumlah manusia semakin sedikit bahkan manusia diambang kepunahan. Manusia yang tersisa tidak ada yang berani untuk keluar. mereka harus selalu bersembunyi agar para trous tidak membunuh mereka. Dari dalam jurang dalam yang gelap lokasi tempat terakhir manusia bertahan hidup. para manusia harus menjalani hidup dengan penuh ketakutan akibat dari terror trous. Trous adalah makhluk yang memiliki wujud kepala besar memiliki cakar yang tajam sekaligus kejam. mereka adalah makhluk yang tidak diketahui berasal dari mana, muncul secara tiba-tiba dan bergerombol menyerang manusia secara brutal. trous juga dapat merubah wujud fisik mereka dalam bentuk manusia. Trous yang merubah wujud mereka menjadi manusia sangat susah dikenali, hanya satu ciri-ciri khusus petunjuk trous yang menyamar sebagai manusia itu adalah mata mereka yaitu sedikit kehijauan walaupun begitu tetap manusia sangat sulit membedakan trous yang menyamar dengan manusia asli. Mereka terus menyerang tempat tinggal manusia bahkan trous hampir menguasai seluruh wilayah manusia. manusia hanya memiliki sedikit informasi yaitu trous memiliki kelemahan yaitu jika kepalanya dihancurkan maka trous akan mati dan jika bagian lainnya diserang trous akan beregenerasi walaupun diserang terus menerus. Manusia yang tersisa akhirnya tinggal di jurang yang dalam dan gelap untuk menghindari trous. Mereka bertahan hidup didalam jurang dengan membuat goa, persediaan makanan mereka ambil dari permukaan dengan cara menyelinap. mereka saat itu sebenarnya berhasil bertahan hidup selama 55 tahun tanpa diketahui para trous. tapi, pada suatu saat para anggota pencari makanan ke permukaan dan kembali ke goa mereka diikuti oleh trous yang melihat mereka, keesokannya puluhan trous menyerbu tempat mereka tinggal akibatnya hampir seluruh manusia yang tinggal disana terbunuh dan yang selamat hanya tersisa 7 orang. Sejak kejadian itu, manusia yang tersisa tergerak untuk melakukan perlawanan terhadap para torus yang kejam. Adalah Joe Daiven salah satu orang yang selamat sekaligus yang tergerak untuk melakukan perlawanan terhdapa para trous. Joe tidak sendirian ia bersama 6 orang lainnya berambisi untuk membalas dendam kepada para trous yang telah membunuh keluarga mereka. Bersama 6 orang lainnya yaitu, Felix aldrika, Uzuka kamamori, kaya rainha, Cecilia Arsela, Arthur Astelin dan Emilia rery. mereka akan mencari tempat tinggal baru sekaligus merencanakan perlawanan terhadap para trous Selanjutnya, banyak kisah perlawanan dramatis yang terjadi antara manusia dan trous. mereka juga akan mencari manusia yang selamat serta melawan para trous yang terus menerus memburu manusia.

Grawgraw1 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Never Judge Never Discriminate

Hey there I'm NADIA from BelizeCity, Central America. I'm 19 yrs old an I'm in High School soon to be graduated. It started off by one post on the media. I was one of those you know nerdy but not girly type, so I dress mostly at school in long jeans Tshirt an sneakers. So everyone use to question, " I wonder if she's into boys or girls". I did not pay any mind to it as I had a close friend mine Ara, she was my closest an most trusted friend. I never use to take part in any girly activities at school. I always wanted to play soccer or ran tracks with the guys. There was this one girl of the cheerleading squad Jasmyne. She was one of the beautiful girl I've ever seen. But I couldn't let her know or show how i feel about her because everyone will know my Secret for sure. So I talk to Ara about it and she told me if I really want to do it just do it. She said " I'll always be in support of you and stand beside you. So some time has passed I was running tracks an I saw jasmyne I just went up to her an blurted out , "I really like you , your beautiful". She look shocked and she told me thanks but she didn't look all please so she said , " So your a lesbo " I respond to her stammering for words but I just gave a smile. I went to Ara and told her everything we were so happy. The next day at school was the worst day of my life I walked in and I saw pictures with drawings and nasty notes stick on my locker. I was so ashamed because no one ever know I was into girls , I looked over and saw Jasmyne and her friends laughing , I was so mad I rushed over to her and ask her why did she do that. She looked at me an laughed in my face she told me and that's not all she was recording the whole while I was talking to her the day I was so ashamed. Right there my friend Ara came up and she stood up for me by saying, " What are your problem why would you disgrace an embarrass some one for who they are, not because she likes girls that doesn't make her not human many of you guys may be hiding and scared to show what an who you really are" . Everyone when silent Jasmyne just stood there my friend Ara continued, " Being a LGBT doesn't make you less of a human people like you jasmyne rather scandal and bash other people so you can feel bad about your self" jasmyne stormed out the room looking all ashamed of what she has done. I turned around and everyone was looking at me clapping and few people apologizing for what they have taken part in putting up stuff about me. Now everybody knows what I like and I can be free now thanks to Ara my close an trusted friend. Lesson you can't judge people for what you dont know , and what you do know you shouldn't condem people

DaoistZ9JaM2 · LGBT+
1 Chs


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