

Reality_101 · วัยรุ่น
7 Chs

11 Years Ago (feelings II)

As I enter the school, something felt quite different. I didn't know what it was, but I was looking forward to the classes I had with Dennis. Though when I entered the classroom, homeroom, he wasn't there… I thought maybe he wasn't feeling well today. The next day, he wasn't at school again. Though when I walked past a couple of his other friends, they were talking about how Dennis moved schools without even saying goodbye.

I don't know what it was, we weren't really even friends. Yet, I felt empty inside, I felt all alone again. No one else really was making new friends in 7th grade since everyone pretty much knew each other. As I was thinking deeply, I bumped into someone around my height. She looked shy and immediately started apologizing like if I would murder her if she didn't. This seemed so funny to me, I ended up laughing. She looked at me shocked by the emotion in me. "I'm really sorry, my name is Tezara, but people call me Tez." I then looked at her calming down and smiled. "My name is Jazlin, there's no need to apologize. I was in my own world , I'm sorry for startling yah." After that we both walked to our class. 'Looks like I just made myself a new friend…' I think to myself with a little smile on my face. My face started hurting from the smile and I let my face rest again.