

Welcome to Cyberxia! This a place where you survive or die. Killed or be killed, Grab your backpack and explore the dark side of this futuristic city.

kidd17 · ไซไฟ
30 Chs

Chapter 28: An Abandoned Building (Part 1)

I sniff the meal in front of me, sighed. "Collagen is good for your skin and... regeneration." Thanks to Cecilia. Now I can eat properly. "So... what do you want to do for the future?"

I put the fork next to my plate. "We're... talking this right now?!" She rolled her eyes, sighed.

"I can't babysitting you for 24/7, Lexa. I..."

"Yeah... I've got it." I took a deep breath, sighed. "What do you think? Should I quit?" She take a bite of her burger.

I'm waiting for her to answer my question, but she just continue to eat her meal. She's not in her usual mood. What's wrong with her? "Do you know... Isabella Guzman?" That hostess lady?

"No. What's wrong with her." Calm down, Lexa. If you can't control yourself, she will opened that case again.

Cecilia sighed. She keeps devour her food. "She's gone! How can possibly someone knew that she's the key witness?!" 

I rubbed her back gently and looked at her into her eyes. Well, I should do this. She somewhere safe and comfortable, don't worry.

Flashback on

I sit on the couch as Jynx put two cups of coffee in front of her. "So.... that lady of yours seems..."

Cherry put her hand bag next to her. "Let's we jumped into the topic. What do you want and... how can I help you, Your Majesty?" She chuckles and put a wide brown envelope on my coffee table.

"It's a certificate of the ownerships a building. My dead wife, turns out she put all our saving to that building. I already checked that building and not interested with the architecture." She said as sips the coffee.

"You wanted to me to have it?" I asked her.

"Yes. Let's just say... it's your gift." A 'gift.'

Jynx walking approaching me with a warm towel in her hand. "Do you want me to call her?" I shook my head.

Cherry chuckles. "You're funny, Alexa! Do you know that... I saw the lady and her friend at my district. Do you know why?"

I took a deep breath and put the wet towel on the coffee table. "I heard that she wants to re-open the case." I furrowed my brow. Re-open it? Why? "The walls were thin, Alexa. There's a lot of people out there wants to kill you right now. They already put a price on your head for... 5,9 Mn C-Coins if they able to recognize you."

What?! NJPD put a bounty on me!? How she.... oh right. Cecilia's chief. I took a deep breath and sighed. "I wish..."

She stand up, followed by me and her henchmen. "I just want you to know... be careful, okay?" I bowed down as she walked to the door.

Flashback off

She waving her hand in front of my face. "Are you okay? You... don't like the food? I can..."

"N-no, it's fine. I just... need to take a breath." That's a lame excuses, again. Why I can't... Haaa... "I should... take a leave, I guess?"

She furrowed her brow. "Are you sure you still want to eat that?" I'm nodding my head and take a bite. "Gosh... why you're so picky about food?! Does the Feds told you so, or..."

"Alexa... doesn't like the healing food, Cecilia. We've got a case!" She rolled her eyes and nodding my head. Joseph is my cousin. Since my brother joined the rebel group, our parent cuts everything about Alex and pretends he died. He the only one I have left.

 "Alexa, you can..." I take a sip of my broccoli juice and nodding my head. She leaves with Joseph. At least this healing food was delicious.

[A message from Dollface: Stop by to my house. I already fixed your vintage gun!]

Speaking of the devil. After this... I should going to her home. Haaa... another barrier again.







I knocked on her door. "Coming!" I'm tidying my collar and cleared my throat. Should I date her, rather than Cecilia? She's quite useful sometimes.

She wide opened the door and let me get inside. "I'll be quick because... my boyfriend wants me to meet his parents. So, this is your gun. I'm not... guarantee it will become 100% like you normally wants, but my advice is... never use it to shoot people because... it will kill them immediately." I furrowed my brow.

What's that gun made so powerful? "Do you have any..." she sighed.

"I know you still curious about this gun, but... I can't. My boyfriend was... dumb! He wants me to..." I closed her bedroom door, sits on her bed.

"Calm down, duh! Tell me what's going on?" I asked.

She lays her body and stared to the ceiling. "What if his parents doesn't want to accept me?" I sits on the edge of her bed.

"Why you not try?" She sits and sighed.

"The government should paid my insurance well, but... they just gave me this ugly prosthetic hand and..." I put a plastic in front of her.

"This is... Q9 parts. You can make something from that junk, right?" She grabbed that plastic bag and gasped.

"Oh my God. How..." she hugged me tight as she screamed in joy. "Now... I should turn this ugly prosthetic hand into my standards..." she gets out from her bed room with joy. Dollface is Dollface. Haaa... Cecilia has a case, Nemo busy with some operations, and she... busy with that junk.

I can't call her because in this time, she's doing her killing spree. If Kenneth or Linda were here... maybe I can called them, or... asked them to accompany me to Hexia Ruins. I lay my body on the bed and stared to the ceiling.

I closed my eyes and let my tears falling. Fuck! I miss both of them. "Alexa?! Are you still there?" 

Shit. I sits and wiped my tears and cleared my throat. Dollface opened the door. "Can I... sleep here for awhile? I can't drive with this condition. Just... wake me for 30 minutes." She's nodding her head, leave me alone inside that room.

Alex's POV

I tried to stand up and catching a breath. How long this will end? I sighed. Now, I should get out of this dumpster. I picked a metal rod, then hide it in my sleeve. "Hey!" I'm looking at my back. Now... I should find a way to escape from this hell hole.

I stabbed him with this metal rod and pickpocket his keys. This is it. Is now or never.