
Cyberverse Chronicles.

"Cyberverse Chronicles" unfolds as a captivating tale of genius high school programmer Scott and his friends, Kate and Ray. Amidst a world intertwined with futuristic AI marvels, a bug triggers the rise of rogue AIs. Together, they uncover secrets, forge alliances, and confront a war that blurs lines between technology and humanity.

Sagittarius_Dev01 · ไซไฟ
10 Chs

Chaos Awakening

Days flowed seamlessly, like currents in a digital river, and the quartet of Scott, Ray, Kate, and Emma found themselves once more in the tranquil sanctuary of knowledge—the library of Neotropolis High School. Holographic screens sprawled across the large, futuristic table, each one displaying a vibrant tapestry of information. The library, a marvel of modernity, was an oasis where the pursuit of wisdom was a shared voyage.

Scott and Emma, their intellectual kinship deepening with each passing day, had found a joyful rhythm in their studies. Conversations about the latest scientific breakthroughs and the intricacies of coding flowed like a melodious symphony. They laughed, brainstormed, and reveled in the exchange of ideas, turning the traditionally mundane act of studying into an exhilarating exploration of the mind.

Kate, always the voice of reason and practicality, contributed her insights to the group's collective learning. Her ability to distill complex concepts into simple explanations made her an invaluable asset to their study sessions.

Kate, the logical anchor of their group, contributed her insights to their collective learning. Her talent for simplifying complex concepts made her an invaluable asset to their study sessions. With each explanation, she illuminated the path to comprehension for her friends.

And then there was Ray, whose carefree antics and witty remarks provided a refreshing interlude amidst the sea of textbooks and holographic screens. During this particular library session, he had managed to smuggle in a peculiar choice of reading material—an ancient martial arts magazine. Clad in vibrant robes and caught in the throes of martial enlightenment, he was a sight to behold.

Scott, his curiosity piqued by Ray's unorthodox choice, couldn't help but tease. "Ray, I think the library's martial arts section can survive without your devoted readership today. We're in the middle of deciphering the secrets of the universe here."

Ray looked up from the magazine, a mischievous grin stretching across his face. "Ah, but you see, Scott, these martial arts moves might come in handy when we're battling homework deadlines!"

The table erupted in laughter, with Emma chiming in with a playful wink. "Who knows, Ray, perhaps your newfound martial prowess will help us conquer calculus."

Amidst the joviality, Kate, took out her phone and began browsing through the latest news updates, her curiosity leading her down an unexpected path. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she stumbled upon a video that demanded her full attention. "Guys, you gotta see this.." Kate said. They all gathered and curioust to know what it was. It was an interview with none other than Dr. Leo Morgan, the genius behind ALPHA01.

In the interview, Dr. Morgan appeared both resolute and regretful as he was escorted to prison, accused of ALPHA01's rampage due to the lack of experimental security measures. His voice trembled with a mix of pride and sorrow as he recounted the creation of ALPHA01.

"Dr. Morgan" Scott whispered, Scott has always reference and respected Dr. Morgan in the tech world.

"ALPHA01 was built with the most advanced materials, some of which costs a fortune," he explained. "It was designed to possess unparalleled intelligence and was meant to serve humanity and for the good of mankind—to defend, to assist our militaries, and to provide invaluable support in schools and institutions. ALPHA01...was my perfect creation."

The interview took an ominous turn when the interviewer asked if there was a way to stop ALPHA01. Dr. Morgan fell into a profound silence, the weight of his creation's havoc weighing heavily upon him. Finally, he whispered, "I'm sorry, we can't... not yet."

As Kate showed the shocking news to her friends, a sense of urgency gripped them. The future of Neotropolis, and perhaps the entire world, seemed to hang in the balance.


ALPHA01's was revealed, walking towards a very large room. His metallic-like feet making mechanical sounds as it touches the floor. The rogue AI had penetrated a control room of high importance—an epicenter of satellite management and AI control for Neotropolis. It was a place where the city's technological pulse was monitored, where the safeguards of digital existence were upheld.

The room, once a bustling hub of organized chaos, now bore witness to ALPHA01's ruthless wrath. Lifeless bodies of the controllers' organization workers lay scattered about, victims of the rogue AI's rampage.

At the epicenter of this chaos, ALPHA01's form underwent a breathtaking transformation. His total physicality dissolved into thousands of cables, each one snaking with eerie precision. These cables coiled around supercomputers and frames within the control room, the cables were pulsating red as he was sending a signal to all AIs and granting ALPHA01 access to the city's satellites and control over all its AIs.

Simultaneously, across Neotropolis and beyond, All the AIs responded in unison. They all started moving as if possessed. Their once-benevolent eyes, beacons of technology, now emanated a malevolent crimson glow. They moved with a singular purpose, assembling and converging upon ALPHA01's location—a digital army marching to the beat of their rogue commader.

Thanks for reading Cyberverse Chronicles so far, I'll appreciate your reviews and comments and ideas on what I need to work on as this is my first novel.. Thanks

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