
First Visit to the Lei Family

When Ling Xiao Yue held his hand, her heart felt as though it was being held by someone, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"Uncle …" It was a little difficult for Ling Xiao Yue to open her mouth. Lu Ting nodded slightly, introducing himself, "Lu Lan is my younger sister. It's just a pity that we haven't seen each other for all these years."

Back when Ling Xiao Yue heard Shen Shiyun's words, she already had some understanding about her parents. But today, seeing this family member that she had never met before, Ling Xiao Yue's eyes felt a little warm.

"After so many years, I never thought that I would one day be able to see my family again." Ling Xiao Yue retracted her gaze and looked at her hands. When Lei Yunze saw the duo, he slowly got up and left the box. He left the duo some time alone.