
cute lies

A 22 years old shy girl Mia moved to the new town of Ehenye for school, where she stayed with her uncle Teo and her Young rude cuzen. Mia was a shy, intelligent, smart and strong young woman, Mia fell in love with a handsome rich guy and she lied about her past and everything she went through to save her new relationship. Who knows what fate has for Mia, and what will happen when her boyfriend's ex, Veronica tried her best to break them apart? Join the extraordinary journey of Mia and her love life. _________ This is my first time writing a novel. If you have some patience, you can read it and enjoy it. Enjoy the story and if you like it please do support me with your Golden stickers, power stones and reviews they will help me a lot. _________ English is not my mother language, so it might contain some grammar errors. __________ [ The book cover is not mine, it belongs to its respective owner. ] If you are the owner and you want me to take it down, please contact me. __________ IG: readwith_penn

penn_Hamukoshi · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

Did you find anything?

Enid stood outside their room to listen to what his husband was saying on the phone.

"Yes please, I need all the details. I want to know all the places where Veronica went today and all the people she was with."  Mr Thomson instructed on the phone.

~         ~          ~       ~         ~        ~     ~

At Phill's house.

I couldn't believe Veronica wanted to slap me because of Phill. I went mute thinking of what just happened. Phill was getting out of his mind, walking up and down. I was still standing like a statue and he broke the silence.

"Babe I'm very sorry for what happened, I have no idea how she got here and why did she come to my house" Phill walked towards me and placed his hand around my back. "Now come and sit here while I'm going to get you something to drink."

"Then why is she after you?" I asked and I slow my steps and I slid into a sweat. Phill stopped going from where he was going, "I have no idea, she has a cold bitchy personality and she is selfish. She was the one who cheated on and to be honest, I have no feeling left for her in my heart." He said tapping the left side of his chest.

"Whatever, and maybe you just want to play me as she said." I signed.

"Hell no! You know, I love you so much Mia," he came closer to me than he lower his head to my height when I was seated then looked me in the eye, "From the first time I lend my eyes on you, my heart loved you so much than anyone else. Trust me I have nothing to do with her and you are the only person in my life now."

I looked away and inhaled. "I love you too Phill and please don't break my heart," I glanced at him and rub his curly hair. "Now go get for me something to drink before I die of thirsty." We both chuckled.

Phill went into his kitchen and came back holding two glasses of wine and he handed me one. "Cheers to us, and your beauty," he teased and we both laughed.

He was looking at me, admiring what was in front of him. Then he was interrupted by the ring of his phone, and it was his friend Josh calling.

He picked up the phone from the table. "It's Josh, my friend," he said before he answered the phone.

"Hello bro," he answered the call and he kept silent. I wonder if he was still listening to what Josh was saying or if he was shocked. His facial expression changed and he looked worried.

"Are you alright?" I concernly asked him.

He didn't answer me, and he finally said something. "Is she alright?" He placed the glass on the table and stood up scratching his head.

"Who are you talking about Phill? at least answer me," I get out from where I was seated and went to where he was standing. "Please babe, who is he talking about?" I whispered for Josh not to hear me talking, but Josh had big ears and he heard my voice.

"Who is that lady talking on your background Phill?" Josh asked.

"Don't worry, she is my girlfriend and Veronica was here just a few minutes ago and we had a small fight but I told her to leave my house." He told him and put his phone on speaker so I can hear what Josh was saying.

"Shit!!! Did you say anything to Veronica?" Josh asked and he sounded worried.

"Of course nothing, you know me very well. I only told her to leave my house, you know I'm done with her after what she did to me." He said.

"Yeah, I got you, bro. Anyway, you didn't introduce me to your new girl, are we now keeping things from each other?" Josh asked, trying to be funny.

Phill chuckled and he looked at me. "You have been busy with the business and you didn't give me a chance to introduce you to my beautiful girl here." He smiled.

They charted and made fun of each other. After they ended the call, I asked Phill what happened and he told me that Veronica had a car accident. I felt sorry for her.

"It's my fault, if I didn't come between the two of you then she would have not been in the accident." I felt guilty about what happened.

"Come on babe, she is the one who came between us." He moved towards me and held my back and he pulled me closer. "You did nothing wrong and hey!!!" He wrapped his arms around me. "Look at me, it's not your fault that this happened and you don't need to worry, everything will be alright. Daddy Phill will take care of everything." He kissed my cheeks.

I smiled at him and placed one of my hands on his chest. "Alright then if you say so Mr handsome."

Phill refilled our glasses with wine and enjoyed them as if nothing happened earlier. I took out my phone from my handbag and check the time it was 5:00 pm. I called Adel.

"Hi cousin, where are you?" I asked her as soon as she answered the call.

"Hlw, I'm on my way home now, are you okay? Are you with Phill?" She asked without giving me a chance at least to answer one question at a time.

"I'm fine, and yes I'm at Phill's place. I'm glad you are going home now and please look after aunt Anna, I'm sure she needs help right now." I answered.

"Don't worry, I'm almost home. Enjoy yourself and say Hi to Phill, and please don't take long. You should come home soon." She said and ended the call. I didn't tell her about Veronica's incident because I didn't want to worry her much.

After talking to Adel, Veronica's scene kicked in and I was worried again. What will Veronica's parents do if they find out that we were behind what happened to her? Phill looked at me and noticed my long face.

"Hey! Don't ruin that beautiful face with worries, what is the matter?" He asked moving closer to me and placing his hand on my face.

"Nothing, I'm just worried," I told him.

"Stop worrying. Now come here." He held my arm, making me lay on his chest.

"It's just that," I paused and looked at him. "What will happen if her parents find out that we are behind what happened to Veronica? Are you not worried Phill? I asked him.

He let go of me, "I'm worried Mia, I know Veronica's father loves her so much and he will not stop until he gets the person who hurt her daughter and they are saying Veronica is not speaking right now and if she starts speaking again, she will tell her father, but it's not a big deal because I'm ready for them." He took a sip from his glass.

"I'm just worried, they will take revenge and ruin my name and my reputation." He looked down. Pain and worries were reflecting on his face. I kissed his lips and rubbed his chest because he unbuttoned his shirt.

"But Daddy Phill will take care of that" I quote what he like saying when I'm worried and we chuckled.

~   ~        ~   ~          ~   ~        ~   ~         ~   ~

At Mr Thomson's office...

Mr Thomson called the police and told them to withdraw the case and that he will take care of it himself.

"But we have to do this and make sure that justice is served. We want to help." the inspector insisted. But Mr Thomson told him that he was thankful for his kindness but he won't accept it.

"We will inform you if we need your help sir, thank you." He said and ended the call. He clicked his tongue and took his laptop and he typed something and again he grabbed his phone from the table and called someone.

"Did you find anything?" He asked when the person answered the phone.

"Yes sir, we found her phone and we unlocked it. The last person she called was Charming Phill but we have no idea who this person is." The person answered.

Mr Thomson kept quiet for a minute.

"Well well. That son of a bi*ch!! Keep digging and be careful with what you are doing. Make sure that no one becomes suspicious." Mr Thomson instructed.

Mr Thomson ended the call and he was worried about something. A lady came with an envelope to his office. She didn't knock but it didn't bother him. He was lost in his thoughts.

"Are you alright honey? Anita asked. She was Mr Thomson's girlfriend they have been seeing each other behind his wife.

Mr Thomson bought a house for Anita and most of the time when he fights with his wife he goes to his house with Anita. The wife had no idea if the husband was cheating, she was focused on her family, her job and her stressing daughter Veronica.

Veronica knew about Anita because she was introduced to her by her father as a company friend.

"Yes my love, it's just that I'm a bit worried that our secret will be revealed and I can't let that happen." Mr Thomson answered grabbing the envelope from Anita.

"Wait, what? Did you find out who was behind Vero's accident?" Anita asked, sitting on the table next to Mr Thomson.

Vero' was the shortening of Veronica.

"Phill! Phillip Cooper. And if anyone finds out our secret, then our plan is ruined." He answered looking at Anita.

"We need to get Veronica out of the hospital, and she will be receiving her treatment from home while she is recovering," Anita said and she rushed out of Mr Thomson's office heading to her office where someone was calling her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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