
Injecting and company...?


With the syringe gun and the vial containing the Perfect G-virus in hand, I quickly scanned its properties to ensure I hadn't missed anything crucial...

[Perfect G-virus {Item}:

-The Golgotha Virus, abbreviated as G-Virus, is a retrovirus in the Progenitor family of viruses. This virus was developed to surpass the T-virus; enhancing the existing physical and mental properties to superhuman levels and continuously mutating cells depending on the host's environment...

Modifier 1: Perfect infusion...

Modifier 2: No negative side effects...

Modifier 3: Controlled transmission...]


I nodded in satisfaction as I read through the description, a surge of excitement coursing through me. This was it—the key to unlocking untold power without any drawbacks. With the Perfect G-virus in my possession, I could elevate myself to heights beyond my current abilities, all while maintaining control over its effects...

If I'm not mistaken, unlike the T-virus that was created to be controlled and used as a bioweapon, hence a virus meant to be suppressed by this very purpose, the G-virus was a violent and unpredictable virus that mutates in unpredictable ways, being dubbed as a mistake as it cannot be used for militarization but rather poses a threat in the game...

As I prepared to administer the virus, a grin spread across my face... This "threat" was now my advantage! With each modifier ensuring its perfection, there was no room for hesitation. It was time to embrace my destiny and unleash the full potential of the G-virus upon myself.

I had inputted the modifiers that would allow me to use it relatively worry-free!

"I hope..."

To be honest, there was probably more to this virus, but I can't quite put my finger on it...

It probably doesn't matter much though, as with the help of the modifiers, I can at least ensure that I won't be turning into an aberrant and mindless monster, nor will I mutate in any way that is disadvantageous to me~


Finally, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come, before pressing the syringe gun against my arm with determination.

With a soft hiss, the syringe pierced my skin, and the G-virus surged into my bloodstream like a dark tide. Instantly, I felt a rush of power, a tingling sensation spreading from the injection site and coursing through my veins like wildfire.

Throwing the syringe gun aside, I collapsed onto the rocky ground of the cave, bracing myself for the inevitable transformation...

I felt a pleasant tingling sensation..., but this initial euphoria swiftly gave way to agonizing torment...

The tingling sensation intensified, becoming a relentless onslaught of prickling pain that felt like thousands of red-hot needles piercing my flesh. Gritting my teeth against the searing heat that engulfed me, I realized too late that I should have specified the procedure to be painless...

"Nngh~ fuck..."

I pressed my back against the stone wall of the cave, my body convulsing with silent screams as the unbearable heat threatened to consume me from the inside out. Every nerve screamed in protest as my skin blistered and bubbled, the intense heat warping and distorting my very essence.

With each passing moment, the excruciating pain intensified, and I struggled to contain my cries of anguish, knowing that any sound could attract the attention of other demonic creatures lurking in the vicinity beyond this cave...

Suddenly, I watched in horror as my flesh began to liquefy before my very eyes, dripping like molten wax from my bones and then my bones following right after... Frantically, I summoned my silk production ability, weaving strands of silk around me in a desperate attempt to contain the disintegration of my physical form...


Within the confines of the cocoon I had created, I found myself immersed in a primordial sludge, a grotesque concoction of melted flesh, bone, and blood—myself in a state of disintegration.

Yet, amidst this macabre soup, an unsettling sense of consciousness lingered. Despite the dissolution of my physical form, my mind remained intact, suspended in a strange limbo of awareness—a sensation both alien and unnerving.

The G-virus, unleashed within my being, surged through the sludge with ferocious vitality, its tendrils weaving and intertwining, altering my demonic makeup at an alarming pace. With each passing moment, my essence underwent a harrowing metamorphosis, reshaping and enhancing my very being in ways beyond comprehension.

And at the heart of this chaotic transformation, my soul floated like a shimmering beacon amid the swirling morass. It glowed with ethereal darkness, a mesmerizing display of colors—flecks of gold, green, purple, and red swirling within its luminous core...

As I beheld the mesmerizing spectacle, a peculiar thought crossed my mind. Despite the turmoil surrounding me, there was a strange beauty to be found within the chaos—"...It looks like a galaxy-themed cocktail..."


[Unknown POV]


A humanoid demon, resembling an imp with crimson skin and a goblin-like visage, darted through the labyrinthine forest of the upper abyss...

Jagged gashes marred its back, evidence of a recent encounter with claws or blades. Its chest heaved with each labored breath as it sprinted desperately, a bead of sweat mingling with the traces of blood on its brow.

Clutched tightly in its trembling hands was a soul pulsating with radiant energy, its brilliance contrasting starkly against the shadowy foliage of the forest. It was a high-quality soul, coveted by demons for its potent essence and untapped power.

Behind the fleeing demon, a cacophony of guttural snarls and frenzied footsteps echoed through the twisted trees. Pursuers, their eyes gleaming with primal hunger and envy, chased after their prey with relentless determination. Their forms flickered in and out of sight, melding with the shifting shadows as they closed in on their quarry.

With each passing moment, the distance between hunter and hunted dwindled, the relentless pursuit driving the imp-like demon deeper into the heart of the forbidding forest.

And amidst the tangled undergrowth and gnarled branches it saw an inconspicous cave, the imp's eye shining brightly with a light of intelligence, it promptly ran inside in hopes that the other demons would simply pass by...


Gasping for breath, I stumbled into the dim recesses of the cave, clutching the precious high-quality soul tightly against my chest. Its radiant energy pulsed against my skin, a tangible reminder of my recent acquisition from the altar.

A smirk twisted my lips as I traversed deeper into the cavern, my footsteps echoing faintly against the cold stone walls.

"Kukuku~ What a stupid boy!~" I chortled to myself, a surge of pride coursing through my veins at the thought of my successful endeavor.

Recalling the events of my summoning, I reminisced about the human who had conjured me forth. With a flicker of amusement, I remembered his ability to manipulate fire, a power he sought to empower through our contract...

In exchange for granting him strength, he had pledged to provide me with the souls of his victims—a simple arrangement, yet one that had yielded unexpected rewards.

I had bestowed upon him the dark gift of my blood, imbuing his flames with a lethal potency that could incinerate anything in their path! However, his reluctance to fulfill his end of the bargain had initially vexed me, as he stubbornly refused to slay anyone other than his elusive nemesis, the "Avatar"...

Yet, my patience had been rewarded when he returned with the prized high-quality soul, fulfilling our pact and allowing me to return to the abyss with newfound spoils. Only to be intercepted by those mindless low-rank demons...

Now, as I ventured deeper into the cavern's depths, reaching a secluded corner, I held up the high-quality soul in my hands, observing its shimmering brilliance with a sense of triumph.

For centuries, my bloodline had constrained my potential, confining me to the stagnant realm of the medium level among the low-rank demons. But now, as I gazed upon the radiant soul cradled in my palms, a surge of excitement coursed through my veins.

"I may finally reach the next level!" I declared aloud, a glint of determination in my eyes as I raised the soul higher. "Who knows, with the prowess of a being such as I, I may even ascend to the ranks of a mid-rank demon!"

As the imp demon indulged in his visions of grandeur, a sudden shuffling noise echoed from the entrance of the cave, interrupting his reverie. His eyes widened in alarm as six low-rank demons stormed into the chamber, their animalistic growls reverberating off the walls.

Cornered at the end of the cave, the imp demon faced his adversaries with a mixture of defiance and apprehension. Despite their limited intellect, these demons possessed the innate racial ability of soul peer, which made them acutely sensitive to the presence of souls, especially the tantalizing scent of a high-quality one.

The imp demon's heart raced as he clutched the prized soul tightly, his mind racing with strategies to evade his aggressors and safeguard his newfound treasure. With his back against the cavern wall, he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation, knowing that the outcome would determine his fate in the unforgiving abyss.

As he prepared to unleash a desperate attack to protect his prize, a voice cut through the tension, gentle and soothing, echoing through the cave. "Ara~ Ara~ Visitors... at my humble abode?~"

Startled, the imp demon turned towards the source of the voice, only to see a cocoon shrouded in dust and soot, blending seamlessly with the cave walls, being ripped open from within.

The emergence of the demoness from the cocoon was a spectacle shrouded in mystery, her figure bathed in an ethereal glow that danced with the shadows. Though the imp demon had scarce time to study her features, one truth was undeniable—she exuded power...

In a blur of movement, the demoness darted among the other six demons, her presence an enigma as she engaged them in a playful dance. Yet, with each fleeting touch, the demons withered before his very eyes, their essence drained until naught remained but desiccated husks crumbling into heaps of ash...


With a primal instinct urging him to flee, the imp demon made a frantic dash for the cave's exit. But just as he reached the threshold of escape, an unseen force gripped his skull in an iron grip.

A strangled cry escaped the imp's lips as his flesh began to wither and sag, the vitality drained from his veins like sand slipping through an hourglass. In that fleeting moment, he lamented the loss of his coveted prize—the chance to claim his first high-quality soul, now stolen away by the whims of fate...




A soft moan of relief escaped me as I stretched, reveling in the sensation of newfound freedom. "It feels good to finally be able to stretch again" I murmured, savoring the moment.

[Img here]

I had felt that my metamorphoses had been done for a while already, Yet, the comfort of the cocoon was irresistible, prompting me into sleeping in for a while longer...

I couldn't help it, the cocoon was just too comfortable to leave!

Turning my attention to the little imp I had ensnared, I noted the drastic transformation it had undergone. Its once vibrant form now appeared shriveled and desiccated, a mere shell of its former self. The body was dry and wrinkled, evidence of the vitality it had unwittingly relinquished to me.

With a sense of curiosity tinged with apprehension, I released my grasp on the imp, allowing it to fall to the ground with a soft thud. Almost instantly, it began to crumble into fine dust, its essence dissipating into the air like whispers carried on the wind...

It was a talent that had eluded my memory until now, lying dormant within me since my rebirth. Absorption—a remarkable ability that allowed me to siphon the vitality from anything or anyone I touched. The realization struck me with a mix of awe and intrigue.

The notion of absorbing life force felt eerily reminiscent of the abilities attributed to succubi, creatures of myth and legend... 'Well... maybe not much of a myth anymore considering I'm in the abyss'

Yet, as I contemplated its potential applications, I couldn't deny its inherent usefulness and the advantages it could afford me in the future.

I wonder what I can use the siphoned vitality for...? I wonder if I can give it to others...

These questions lingered in my mind as I pondered the possibilities of my newfound ability. Could I share this vitality with others, offering strength and vigor where it was needed? Or would it be best kept as a source of personal power, enhancing my own abilities and resilience...



AN: Sorry for the abrupt ending I have an incoming exam the day after tomorrow so I might get busy and upload by the weekend!~ -xoxo-

Stones serve as my motivation, imagine I am a criminal in the 1800s, hit me!~
