
Custom king of kings through the multiverse

I only own mc, ocs and the story, this story is based off of custom made demon king, An average guy is reincarnated after a tough battle to the death, where he explores the multiverse enjoying himself along his way.

M3RL1N · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs

Chapter 17

"This is the man I was telling you about, I hope you'll consider working here." says Ryouko, motioning towards the older gentleman infront of them

Stepping up, corven, now wearing some dark jeans, with a red shirt, a black and white striped hoodie, and his glasses hanging from his neck, grabs the man's hand, shaking it respectfully.

"Its nice to meet you sir, my name is Corven Cain."

"Oh please, you may call me Yoshimura here, but it is nice to meet you too Corven, Ryouko here has told me a little about you, but if you don't mind I'd like for you to tell me what you plan to do here in tokyo, that is before I allow you to stay here or not." says the man now known as Yoshimura, as he motions to the couch opposite of him.

Sitting on the couch, Corven admires the Yoshimura office, taking a moment to stare at the pretty antique coffee cups in the cabinet.

"So Corven, what do you wish to do here in the 20th ward, you traveled a long way so surely you had some kind of plans." Eyein Corven suspiciously, Yoshimura cracks his eyes open slightly, revealing his kakugans.

'Itll be difficult lying to him.. Yoshimura is a man with a dark past so I need to be careful.. if I'm not wrong his daughter Eto is a one eyed ghoul as well, maybe i can tug on those old heart strings of his...' Thinks Corven as he ponders on what to say.

"Well to sum it up, I came here to gain power, and no that by no way means im a power hungry maniac like some of the other ghouls, I just need more power to survive, so ill do everything that I can."

"Im not asking for help when It comes to fighting with ghouls or anyone, I just ask for a temporary home, and maybe a job for some cash*chuckles*, in exchange ill work, and do everything I can to help anteiku. My grandfather always taught me to work for what I want so I can assure you I'm a hard worker." says Corven as he manages to control and reveal his right kakugan, shocking Yoshimura slightly.

"If what you say is true, then you may bring harm to Anteiku and those we help, so why should we take you in?" asks Yoshimura with a grin.

"I know how to cover my tracks well, all of my business will be far away from here, all I need is a mask and I can make sure no harm comes to Anteiku from my actions, and if anything does happen, as I said, ill be here to help with but a call." reassures Corven.

Silence fills the room for a minute, almost suffocatingly, before Yoshimura smiles kindly.

"Alright then, ill show you to your room and well get you looked at for a mask tomorrow, your first shift will start in 3 days after you've settled and got familiar with everything."

"But I do warn you, if anything happens to us thanks to you, you will be sorry." says Yoshimura sternly

"I'll do my best that it doesn't come to that, but thank you sir for your help." says Corven gratefully.

"As I said you may call me Yoshimura here, you haven't started working yet*chuckles*, and Ryouko, while your here ill go ahead and get you your next package, if you'd both come with me."

As everyone leaves Yoshimuras office, they walk down a hall filled with rooms, stopping at one in particular, where Yoshimura hands Corven a key.

"This will be your apartment while you live here, feel free to do what you wish with it, ill leave you to settle in." Without waiting for a reply, Yoshimura starts walking away with Ryouko, before she turns back towards Corven.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Corven, and thank you for playing with hinami, shes still sour about losing though*chuckles*"

"Haha, Its no problem Ryouko, it was fun playing chess with her, I hope you have a good day."

"You as well Corven" says Ryouko with a kind smile before leaving with Yoshimura.

Carefully opening the door, Corven walks into his room, he turns on the light and sees the layout is the same as toukas room from the anime, just more empty due to his lack of furniture.

Walking into the main room, he sees its of good size, with a coffee table in the middle and a bookshelf against the wall to the left of it, though its empty, and to the right of him, a fridge, stove/oven, sink, and several cabinets, and a sliding glass door, opening to a veranda in the far back.

Seeing 2 doors just to his left and right after walking in, he opens the left one and walks in. Turning on the lights, he sees a plain bed in the back corner, with a dresser next to it, with a mirror connected on top.

After checking out his new room, he goes back and looks in the other room, seeing its just an average bathroom.

After hes finished, he goes back to the main room, moving the table out of the way, and stands in the middle.

'I'm not complaining but thanks becoming a half-ghoul, my strengths drastically changed once again, ruining my year of training to properly control it. So I need to relearn strength control, i probably looked like a wuss delicately shaking Yoshimuras hand... I just hope Dr Fueguchi manages to fix that towel rack...'

Bringing out his kagunes, he starts practicing with them, testing what they can do and his control over them at the moment.

Eventually hours pass, and surrounding Corven is many stones he had kept in his inventory, with most of them being smashed apart or burnt, and odd threads littering the floor.

'Firstly- Its difficult changing them with my imagination alone at the moment, so ill have to practice with proper control, but from what I can tell, my rinkaku kagune are like normal tentacles, similar to kaneki's, which is perfect for penetration power. But allowing the fur like ends along the tentacles to stand up, they become similar in style to Jason's, which can cause sever clashing damage, and due to their liquid like nature, I can combine them, making them stronger, but further testing for channeling my virus abilities needs to be done.'

'Secondly- My Ukaku Kagune is similar to hair, but I can easily harden it, much like touka can crystallize hers, making the hair more similar and possible stronger than steel threads, when hardened it allows me to shoot out needles at a target, while when its in its hair form, it allows me to manipulate it more, similar to the flexibility of rinkaku kagunes, allowing me to change their shape, though not to a complex degree yet, and set up lines for traps, and though the hair form may not be as strong as the hardened form, its still incredibley strong, allowing it to be perfect for defense and attack. Channeling my virus abilities into it is much easier than the Rinkaku kagune as well, probably due to the golden orbs on it being a strong source of heat alone, and when channeling my abilities, it allows me to produce heat blasts from the orbs, as well as electrify my needles or trap lines, further channeling of fire can allow me to ignite my ukaku when in hair form, though no further testing can be done on that at the moment, while when hardened it heats it up to a great degree, causing it to glow brightly and emit great it.'

'Lastly- I can now control my strength to a better degree, allowing me to act normal day to day, further testing in a fight needs to be done, but for now, i think its time to sleep~' Thinks Corven, extremely tired.

Cleaning up his mess of rocks and threads, he puts the table back in the center of the room, and heads to his room to sleep.. before stopping to stare at the coffee table...

Thinking for a moment, he grabs a tall glass from one of the cabinets, and puts it in the center of the table, before scrolling through his inventory, taking out a beautiful flower, that looks like a cross between a bloomed Dragon Lily, and a sunflower.

Admiring his favorite flower, he walks back to his room to get some well deserved rest.


If anyone has decoration ideas for his room lemme know, I may add some in and give shoutout to whoever suggests the ones I pick, but ill pick 3 for each chapter after this, trying something a little different than other fanfics lol.

Sorry if the convo between Yoshimura was a little odd or so, im bad at convos.