
Curse of forbidden love

when a goddess from Goloka is cursed to love a person who she should not... will she be able to protect herself from this forbidden love? or will the curse bring disasters. ______ “you never belonged to me” she loweredd her head most probably to hide the tears that were streaming out. “never” she repeated again this time her voice softened “we are a world apart.” She sighed sadly and then stepped closer to the man. Cupping his face gently with both her hands she tiptoed a little until their lips touched and she places a very soft kiss on his lips. “This is the best end for us. Right?” _______ Is it the end or another start for a new story of reunion and parting, of love?

Little_Bell_30 · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs


I got in the car and quickly fastened my safety belt not giving him a chance to come closer. But to my surprise he leaned towards me.

"I… I have already fastened my belt" I abruptly said.

But he continued leaning and whispered in my ears "why are you so nervous? You look all red" then adjusted the rear-view glass.

"Why… why will…I be ner...nervous?" I revolted but he did not reply just gave me a smile.

His smile wasn't warm or polite but looked evil. He was definitely teasing me. I decided not to stare at him for long or it will be difficult to not to fall for him. So, I simply turned my head away.

"Where are we going? Isn't canteen that way?" I turned to him with questioning eyes.

"When did I say we will have breakfast in canteen?" he arched an eye brow


"don't you trust me?" he coldly asked.

"I do" I answered without hesitation and regretted the very next moment.

"You do? Why?"

I'm doomed. He is in full mood to tease me to death.

"No… it's…. it's just I…. what possibly can you do to me?" I blurted without thinking much.

He applied the brakes gradually and the car stopped. He looked into my eyes, leaning too close that it became hard for me to breathe even. His lips just a bit away from mine, his fingers caressing my neck. I closed my eyes tightly somewhat scared.

At my actions he chuckled and retreated, I felt his hot breath lost from my face so I opened my eyes.

"I can do anything I want to you. Do you still doubt that?" he said with an evil smirk.

"I know you can, but what I meant was you don't need to. You have a lot of beautifies around you, so it is impossible for you to fall for me. you are rich enough so kidnapping me was useless. Hopefully you don't hold any grudge against me since we met only a few times. And…." I was speaking rubbish trying to ease the situation but was making it weirder so I stopped at once.

"And what?" Vidyut asked with his voice extremely soft.

"And I don't know why my heart believes you are a good man and won't harm me" I spoke intuitively and blushed.

"Get off"

"Huh??" I asked surprised did I make him angry?

"Get off aren't you hungry anymore?" he teased me.

I looked out there was a small food court, not very crowded.

We got off together and then had a breakfast there. Although the place was small and old but taste they offered was something big hotel cannot compare with.

After the meal we came out to get back in car.

"Wait for me here. I'll be back in a moment." Vidyut said and left, leaving me there alone. I stood there obediently without shifting even a bit.

Suddenly a cotton floss appeared in front of my eyes. Vidyut stood behind me stretching one of hand with cotton candy in it. I almost jumped in excitement and snatched the candy from his hand, but he was quick enough to take it back.

I pouted like a spoilt child "if you don't want to give it to me then I don't want it either."

Anyone who knew me wouldn't believe that I can act like this. I felt freer in front of him, not restricting myself to look presentable.

He laughed at my words then handed the cotton candy back to me "little girl please don't be angry"

"Who is a little girl?" I said taking a bite from it.

To my surprise he also pressed his lips on the candy from the other side. I shivered, quickly removing my lips away from my candy.

"What are you doing" I asked in a low voice, eyes down casted.

"Taking a bite. Can't I?" he casually answered as if nothing happened.

Was he always so intimate with girls? I can't let him toy with me.

I did not argue further. He was so thick faced, even if I did, I would end up embarrassing myself.

Vidyut got a call, after answering it he turned to me "I've got some things to do. Let's go back"

"You go first. I will roam around a bit"

Vidyut understood that she was trying to avoid him but he couldn't leave her on her own in a completely new city outside the campus.

"I won't leave you here alone" he firmly said.

"Then stay, but I won't go back now" I crossed my hands over my chest.

"Have you made up your mind" he coldly asked.

"yes" I decided not to give up.

"Then pardon me" he said gathering me in his embrace and walked towards the car.

I tried revolting but no avail.

He dropped me in front of my dorm.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mini Drama~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

while enjoying fruit juice in the balcony:

Reader- "you are deliberate right?"

Little Bell- "what?"

Reader- "Kuki challenging Vidyut if he can do anything" *mischievous smile*

Little Bell- "nope. your author is as innocent as Kuki. no ulterior motive" *grin*

Reader- "got it" *smirks* "cheers"

short chapter, more like a candy.

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