
Sage Avatar

with a flash, Sora and 6 other people appeared within Dragnof, Sora let out a deep breath seeing they all arrived in good condition. His father suddenly placed his shoulder upon Sora's chest, he smiled slightly. to think he could birth such a capable child, he indeed was proud.

His mother smiled slightly seeing this, the family was complete. but Sora had things to do, he took pandora's box. he had to speak to the titans and start working on a plan. with his father by his side, Sora went on to talk to the king of the titans, and to his shock, it was not Cronus.

it was someone known as Odin, the new ruler of the titan. within hundreds of years, they were sealed away, and Cronus was defeated by someone known, as Odin. to Sora's relief, this guy was smart, and was able to listen to what Sora wanted to say.

within the box was its own world, it's not like these powerful beings just remained asleep, they seek freedom, and they happily agree to get revenge on the person who sealed them away, Zeus. but they had to wait, as Sora and his side were strong enough, and it was hard to trust them. Odin could understand this and didn't push for freedom as much,

"We are going to war, for 10 years, I want you all to start training your strength because as thing stands, we are indeed ants. but believe in yourself, we can't lose if you all do so." Sora said as he stood before his 300 elites, the same soldiers he started with,

"you 300 hundred have to be the strongest pure humans. if not, then we humans have a chance of being overpowered once more by the titans. it's a double edge sword, but you all have me." Sora said with a smile, the 300 soldiers smiled slightly hearing sword words. they all had absolute trust in their king.

"... my lord, about cultivation. will it be widespread after the war?" Ankhseram asked in a soft voice, Sora went quiet for a moment before he nodded. Ankhseram nodded slightly, but with Sora's words everyone's smiles died slightly,

Sora had them begin training while he went on to forge his sword, it needed to reach a stage where it could boost his power level. and for that, Sora had to fight himself, sitting on the grass with cross legs, Sora's mind slowly entered a unique state as it entered his mind space.

the heart sword cultivation allows one to birth a cultivation art from one heart, in the game it would boost the abilities of all techniques, arts, and cultivation arts effect, the bad side effect of the cultivation art would be boosted by 10%, while the good side effect would be boosted by 50%.

but this was only limited to arts 3 and below, if one wanted this to be higher they would have to find a way to evolve this sword. and to do that was through comprehension of the sword Dao, or countless batters with the sword until it evolves on its own.

Sora appeared within mind space, and before he stood a copy of himself, holding the soul sword, they both looked at each other, sizing up each other. Sora's copy was pretty much the same as his, but he had darker clothing and a cocky smile

in the game, one needed to fight himself to gain the full power of the sword, of course, it was a hard battle. but the requirement to win was to lower his health enough so that the player can realize that the sword was him and he was the sword. with this realization, one would easily win as the sword would boost their power and they would win the battle.

Sora already knew this, so he was confused about what the requirement would be. he held his eyes out, ignoring the copy of himself which was coming to attack him. a sword was stabbed through Sora's chest, causing him to cough up some blood, but Sora kept his eyes closed,

Within his hands, a sword formed, which caught the copy's attention. Sora slowly opened his eyes to look at the sword, before looking at the copy. his strength suddenly increased, and with his ability become so much more powerful. what was he doing now?

"What use are you, or are you going to waste my time?" Sora asked calmly, making his copy speechless for a moment. play the roles alright. they should be fighting, while he helps Sora realize the truth, yet Sora was calling him pointless.

"I'm your heart, of course... I guess I should have known this would happen." The Copy of Sora said softly as he pulled his sword out of the sword, he stepped backward and made some space between the two.

with a wave, he had Sora come at him. Sora stepped forward before he shot forward. the two clashed, their sword was the same, their fighting style was the same, and everything about them seemed the same. like two mirrors fighting.

they fought for an unknown amount of time, and soon Sora's sword was covered in golden light, it slowed and swallowed Sora who didn't even notice this. the light went on to fully swallow the sword finally catching Sora's attention. as the light harden, Sora stopped attacking and saw the light crack before falling off his sword, revealing a new sword. it looked like Sora's chains, it was a saw, when Sora sent magical energy into the sword, the saw vibrated back and earth greatly increasing the sword cutting power

{Sword of Asure- a powerful saw-like sword, this sword a birth for killing and badly damaging the enemy, the sword can grow in size, and stretch to reach great distances. this sword power is so powerful it could cut through space and time.

this sword boosts all abilities by 50%, this ability boosts one's power level by 100%}

Sora held the sword for some time, he pointed forward and the sword stretched out like a snake, with a thought the sword grew, becoming a mountain. making it harder and harder for Sora to hold it, Sora smiled slightly before looking at his statue's window.

{Name- Sora

Age- 9/ immortal

Bloodline: {Titan- Prometheus Bloodline}, {Inshou Bloodline

Cultivation Level- level 15 Great Saint

Power level- 7,600 +11,400 with Equipment {5x with Dao comprehension}


Cultivation Arts:

Tier 1- [The Health Tree Cultivation Art {level 10], [The Grand Moutain Lion Cultivation Art (LVL10], [The Mighty Tiger Cultivation Art (lvl10)}

Tier Two- [The Sword King Cultivation Art (LV10], [the Mind out of Body Cultivation art (LV10]

Tier three- {Sealing Heaven Cultivation art (level10), [he Supreme Elephant Cultivation art(lvl10), [ Heart Sword Cultivation art(lvl10)]

Tier 4- [Soul Devouring Cultivation art(level1), [the 3rd eye cultivation art(lvl10), [inner world (lvl10)],

Tier 5- [the 12-flood dragon cultivation art(lvl10)], [the undying snake cultivation art (lvl10)], [The Lightning Phoenix Cultivation Art (lvl10)],

Tier 6- [Nine Dragons Tyrant Art], [The 72 Earthly Transformations], [The Sage Eyes cultivation art]

Unique abilities- [Sword Body (complete)], [Sword Affinity], [Health Tree Physique (complete)], [Protected Life-force], [Extremely Fast Recovery], [Grand Moutain Lion Physique (complete)], [Stealth Movement], [Extreme Senses], [Vibration Sense], [Mighty Tiger Physique], [Sound Attack], [sword king], [sword will], [Sword King sword style], [Heavenly Chains], [Chain Fusing], [Chain Shaping], [World is Chain], {immortal], [Telekinesis], [Telepathy], [body reformation], [body take over], [Flash Step], [spiritual sense], [Psionics], [72 transformations], [lightning mastery], [Sage Eyes], [Undying Snake incomplete}, [The Lightning Phoenix incomplete], [Deadly Poison], [Gods Illusion], [Hells Flame], [12 flood dragon transformations],

'With this, I have a power level of 95,000, I should train my other ability and finish the sage eyes while I'm here.' Sora thought as, from his back, 6 chains shot out. he had 4 at first, but they increased to 6 chains which was great.

Sora put the sword away, along with the chains, before he closed his eyes, the next moment, he opened them, revealing the sage pupils, which were blood red. He looked at his copy who also did the same,

currently, Sora only had the 2 stages wakened, to say the least Sora was on guard against everyone around him. so, who could he train with? so, this chance to train was perfect, with a step he shot forward and began fighting against his copy.

since his copy didn't limit itself to using just the Sage Eyes, Sora was on a losing end, but he pushed through trying to overcome this. time went by, and his Sora pupils began spinning, the word suddenly seemed to slow down, and he could see things much clearer.

this sudden change increased Sora's power level slightly, from 7,600 to 7,700. not a huge improvement, but this was just the 3rd stage. the power-up was not what was most useful, it was the capability that came with it, allowing Sora to see things better than others.

time went on once more, everything improvement he made so did his copy, so no chance was made. after some time, Sora's eyes soon began spinning once more, before his pupils turned into eyes with a unique pattern.

again, Sora's power level went through another change, from 7,700, his power level with to 7,850, their battle went on once more, but this time Sora could use some new ability.

Hell's flame- Blade flames from hell, these flames will appear at any spot Sora looks at, burning a target to the point, not even ash remains. in other words, it burns a target out of existence, these flames burn other flames, water, and even air if the user wishes. once they appear, unless the target is powerful to suppress it, the flames explode swallowing them.

God's Illusion- by making eye contact, you can trap a target into an illusion where you are god, you have complete control within this illusion. so although they might be in the illusion for 0.001, they could have gone through life, causing their physique body to feel the effect of that illusion and age quickly and die. you can do anything within this illusion, if you know your target well enough, you can even have them live out their whole life, with them never knowing anything is off

Sage Avatar- form the avatar of the sage, this avatar will form from your heart (cultivation art) boost it shall become you, with all your cultivation arts but with their effects boosts. the 10% increase in the drawback, and a 20% increase in the effect

the Sage Avatar had 5 stages in total, each bringing a 10% increase to one power level. the first stage was the stage Sora was currently at, forming Ribe cages that protected Sora against incoming attacks

As the battle went on, Sora reached stage 2, forming the skeleton of the avatar, which was from eh rib cage up to the head. to say nothing shocking, this was more powerful, its arm reached out slamming the ground but his copy dodges each attack

soon, he reached the 3rd stage, forming skin around his flesh. at this stage, the avatar could summon his weapons and attack, but Sora didn't as he only wanted to use these eyes.

when he reached the 4th stage, Sora noticed that his eyesight had staged a huge drop, the more he used these eyes was more he would go blind. but at the 4th stage, his avatar gained clothing, with a face mask hanging at the side. its face couldn't be seen.

Sora couldn't reach the 5th stage with these current eyes, he needed his eyes to evolve and reach the 5th stage, for him to move on. and for that, he needed to go blind, which didn't take long as he soon lost sight of the world, his pupils went completely white,

but he could still use the avatar, once gained the avatar would remain even if the eyes were pulled out of him. the avatar was like Sora's spirit taking form,

the avatar moved around, slamming the ground while trying to his copy which easily dodged all of his attacks as it too had its avatar. but unlike Sora, it was not blind, but then again, Sora didn't need his sight.

slowly Sora's avatar began growing legs, bigging Sora up the ground. as the leg formed, Sora was within the stomach of the avatar with arms crossed, but he slowly floated up the forehead of the avatar. the mask came down, covering the face which would have been seen.

the Avatar's clothing could be seen, looking like Sora Asure's clothing. it looked like Sora, but with the mask, a diamond forehead on the mask, which Sora stood in, as the light slowly return to his eyes.

Sora yes has reached stage 5, allowing him to keep using his eye's ability without worrying about losing sight. but that was not everything, as his power level had reached 8,000. but was this the end? of course not, there was still the 6th stage of the eyes he had to waken

the eyes that suppress life and death, the true sage eyes. Sora Avatar slammed a fist into his copy Avatar, but his copy passed before Avatar summoned the Azure chains along with the Azura sword.

8 chains shot toward Sora, who tried his best to dodge all of them while Sora tried his best to dodge the attacks while blocking the attacks as best as he could, Sora was sent flying with each blow, and each chain was trying to stab through Sora.

Sora's avatar was heavily damaged, with its armies, legs, and wings formed to be destroyed only for them to reform. Sora was calm as he kept his eyes open, dodging each attack to the best of his capability.

time passed, and Sora's avatar suddenly disappeared, the same for his copy who stood there with closed eyes similar to Sora.

Sora slowly opened his eyes, revealing normal-looking pupils, but they were red with a slit like a snake. there was a hint of hold within his red eyes, and with this, Sora's power level had reached 8,200.

Sora opened his eyes and found himself outside, as he appeared, Sora went on to pull out the former dragon king's body and went on to have his azure clothing absorb his blood, his clothing slowly began evolving, as it was swallowed by golden lightly

when the golden light slowly began to disappear, revealing his new clothing. black and red clothing, there was a mask hanging on Sora's mask. Lightning flashed across Sora's hands while he summoned on 1 chain, which flew all over the place, although it looked more like a tentacle

Sora smiled while looking at the chain, its sealing capability was far higher... if he could combine this and fuse this seal with his avatar, he could form a weapon that could see all that it stabs through.

Sora looked at himself before smiling and looking at his state

{Name- Sora

Age- 9/ immortal

Bloodline: {Titan- Prometheus Bloodline}, {Inshou Bloodline

Cultivation Level- level 15 Great Saint

Power level- 8,200 +16,400 with Equipment {5x with Dao comprehension}


Cultivation Arts:

Tier 1- [The Health Tree Cultivation Art {level 10], [The Grand Moutain Lion Cultivation Art (LVL10], [The Mighty Tiger Cultivation Art (lvl10)}

Tier Two- [The Sword King Cultivation Art (LV10], [the Mind out of Body Cultivation art (LV10]

Tier three- {Sealing Heaven Cultivation art (level10), [he Supreme Elephant Cultivation art(lvl10), [ Heart Sword Cultivation art(lvl10)]

Tier 4- [Soul Devouring Cultivation art(level1), [the 3rd eye cultivation art(lvl10), [inner world (lvl10)],

Tier 5- [the 12-flood dragon cultivation art(lvl10)], [the undying snake cultivation art (lvl10)], [The Lightning Phoenix Cultivation Art (lvl10)],

Tier 6- [Nine Dragons Tyrant Art], [The 72 Earthly Transformations], [The Sage Eyes cultivation art]

Unique abilities- [Sword Body (complete)], [Sword Affinity], [Health Tree Physique (complete)], [Protected Life-force], [Extremely Fast Recovery], [Grand Moutain Lion Physique (complete)], [Stealth Movement], [Super Extreme Senses], [Vibration Sense], [Mighty Tiger Physique], [Sound Attack], [sword king], [sword will], [Sword King sword style], [Heavenly Chains], [Chain Fusing], [Chain Shaping], [World is Chain], {immortal], [Telekinesis], [Telepathy], [body reformation], [body take over], [Flash Step], [spiritual sense], [Psionics], [72 transformations], [lightning mastery], [Sage Eyes], [Undying Snake incomplete}, [The Lightning Phoenix incomplete], [Deadly Poison], [Gods Illusion], [Hells Flame], [12 flood dragon transformations], [Sage Avatar], [Sage Will], [Life And Death], [Sage Body], [Sage Soul], [Summoning], [Absorption], [King Hell], [Energy Rodes]

"Well, it's great, 123,000 is my power level now. now I can defeat Zeus..." Sora said with a smile, but he didn't want to show his full cards just yet. you never know who is watching, is trump cards shall remain hidden no matter what.

Sora placed his hands on the dragon's head and went on to absorb it into his body, and he went on to run off before he jumped into the sky and flew off towards the city. it was time to start having dragons join his side. it was time for war
