
Cultivation With a System in the Morden World

Out of all the people in the world why did I get selected for the System. Danial Crawford a simple collage going student suddenly got the System while he was playing games. The seems to be very powerful and it choose Danial because he was 100% compatible with the System itself. Were there other System users and what would happen if one day I met one of them. The only thing is that the System requires Danial to get stronger and stronger no matter what the consequences are. And the System seems to be hiding something its True Purpose. If Danial wants to know the secrets of the System he needs to get stronger. But his life takes strange turns due to the System itsefl.

YuKy_Man · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

The Law Enforcement Branch Headquarters

Danial stared at the card that Marshal Barns gave him and thought to himself why the location in the card led to an isolated area of the Southerland district. Danial could figure it out. He thought to wait it out and see for himself where the road lead him to.

Danial then remembered that he told his mom he would call someone and help her tidy up the house. He was about to call Don Albert when he thought to himself " My mother is already suspicious of my actions and if I call Don Albert it would only make it worse. The best I can do right now is to wait it out until I am finished with the procedures in the Law Enforcement Branch Headquarters and then go help out my mother."

As he reached the outskirts of the city the cab stopped and the cab driver said " This is where I will have to stop buddy, I can't go any further."

Danial looked outside and saw the military stationed around a gate barded with wires and electrical fences. I nodded at the driver and give him his fee and headed towards the gate.

The military saw me approaching and stopped me saying " Stop right here this is a restricted area, I request you to leave the premises immediately."

Danial knew that he couldn't argue with the military so he approached the soldier and with a calm demeanor, he said to the soldier respectfully "I apologize for the intrusion. My name is Danial, and I received a card from Marshal Barns with this location on it. I'm not sure why he sent me here, but I was hoping to find some answers."

The soldiers exchanged glances and seemed hesitant, but one of them, a stern-looking officer, stepped forward. "Marshal Barns, you say? Wait here for a moment." He walked away, presumably to verify the information Danial had provided.

The soldier went into the office building right beside the fences and through its communication verified the information. 

"Apologies for the confusion, Mr Danial," the officer said. "It seems there was a miscommunication. Marshal Barns did request someone to visit this location. Please let us escort you to the Branch Headquarters. 

The soldier then talked with his associates and opened the gates. Behind the gates, Danial saw a jeep stationed and the soldier respectfully gestured for Danial to sit in the jeep. Danial was confused by this sudden act. He without any delay hopped onto the jeep and the jeep sped away. 

"Captain I appreciate your assistance." Danial complimented sincerely.

The soldier waved his hand and said: " Thank you for your concern Mr Danial but this is our job and we fulfil our duties whenever we are needed."

Danial felt weird about the soldier calling him Mr so he said 

"Captain, please don't call me Mr You are older than me, and it feels rather formal. Just call me Danial," he said, trying to convey a sense of camaraderie.

The captain smiled faintly, appreciating the gesture. "Very well, Danial. I suppose we can dispense with formalities for now. Just keep in mind that we are still on a mission, and I must maintain a level of professionalism."

Danial nodded in understanding, respecting the captain's commitment to his duty. As the jeep sped through the streets, he couldn't help but wonder what awaited him at the Law Enforcement Branch Headquarters.

Approaching the Law Enforcement Branch Headquarters, Danial marvelled at the grandeur of the building. It stood as a beacon of authority, with a modern and imposing design that showcased both strength and sophistication. The exterior of the headquarters was crafted from sleek, reflective materials, combining glass, steel, and concrete in an architectural marvel.

The building featured a combination of sharp angles and curves, giving it a unique and contemporary aesthetic. Large windows adorned the facade, allowing natural light to flood the interior spaces. At strategic points, security cameras were discreetly placed, serving as a reminder of the vigilance within.

Entering the headquarters, Danial found himself in a spacious and well-lit lobby. The marble floors gleamed, and the walls were adorned with plaques, displaying the names of accomplished officers and significant achievements. Comfortable seating areas were strategically placed, offering a space for officers to gather and exchange information.

A prominent feature in the center of the atrium was a towering, state-of-the-art holographic display, showcasing real-time updates and critical information relevant to law enforcement operations. The holograms seemed to dance and float in mid-air, providing a mesmerizing visual representation of the ever-evolving challenges faced by the branch.

The air was abuzz with focused activity as law enforcement personnel moved with purpose. Men and women in sharp uniforms and badges hurried past, engaged in intense conversations or consulting digital tablets that displayed intricate diagrams and case files. The sound of footsteps echoed through the expansive space, creating a sense of urgency and dedication.

Danial was greeted by a receptionist seated behind a state-of-the-art holographic desk. The receptionist had a friendly smile as she looked up from her work.

"Welcome to the Law Enforcement Branch Headquarters, Danial, Please hand over your identification cards so that I can place you in your relevant department.

Danial waved his hand to clear out the confusion and said " Ma'am I am here on the request of Marshal Barns" 

He handed out the card that Marshal Barns gave him.

The receptionist looked at the card and looked at Danial multiple times. She then made a call and said " I need the one of the Identity verification department over here."

I asked," Is everything alright?"

The receptionist said politely " Please wait for a moment while the relevant personal comes and checks the authenticity of the card"

Danial gave a puzzled look and as he was about to say something a man came over and said to the receptionist " You called one of us?"

The receptionist said, " Can you please check the authenticity of the card?"

The man with his head held high said " Who dares to make a counterfeit of the Law Enforcement invitation cards."

His gaze landed on me and said sarcastically " And how are you I may ask?"

I replied, " Greetings, my name is Danial and I was called here by Marshal Barns."

As soon as both the receptionist and the blond man heard the name they widened their eyes and both said in perfect sync " Marshal Barns!!? "

Both of their voices became pitched when they scream. However, they quickly realised their mistake and calmed down. The receptionist who was doubtful now became extremely polite and said " Please wait for a moment sir I will inform Marshal Barns and for the time being please sit in the lounge area. Feel free to order anything and if you need anything else, please don't hesitate to inform me immediately."

Danial nodded, slightly taken aback by the sudden change in demeanour. He made his way to the lounge area, which was adorned with comfortable sofas and chairs, providing a welcoming space for visitors to relax and wait.

As he settled into one of the plush seats, a server approached him with a warm smile. "Good day, sir. May I offer you a refreshment while you wait?" she asked.

Danial appreciated the offer and requested a cup of coffee. He observed his surroundings, noting the tasteful decor and the calm atmosphere that permeated the lounge. The walls were adorned with framed photographs, showcasing moments of pride and camaraderie among law enforcement personnel. Soft instrumental music played in the background, creating a soothing ambience.

While sipping his Tea, Danial couldn't help but wonder about the sudden reaction of the receptionist and the blond man when they heard Marshal Barns' name. It sparked curiosity and raised questions in his mind about the true nature of the situation he found himself in.

Just as he was lost in thought, the receptionist returned to the lounge area, accompanied by a tall, distinguished-looking man in a well-tailored suit. The man's presence commanded respect, and his piercing gaze hinted at a depth of experience.

"Mr Danial, I apologize for the confusion earlier," the man said, extending his hand for a firm handshake. "I'm Agent Thompson, the head of the Special Investigations Unit. Marshal Barns has informed me of your arrival. Please allow me to escort you to his office."

Danial shook Agent Thompson's hand and said politely " Thank you, Agent Thompson, I appreciate your guidance."

Agent Thompson's smiled and said " Follow me, Mr Danial, "

Danial followed Agent Thompson through a maze of corridors, each one bustling with activity. Officers and agents hurried past, engaged in conversations or focused on their tasks. The atmosphere was one of controlled chaos, a testament to the seriousness of the work being done within these walls.

Agent Thompson presented his identification card, and the agents nodded, granting them access. They stepped into a spacious office, tastefully decorated with dark wood furniture and adorned with various commendations and awards. At the centre of the room, behind a large desk, sat Marshal Barns.

Marshal Barns noticed Danial and stood up greeting him " Mr Danial you came, I wasn't expecting you."

Danial replied, " Senior Marshal Barns, if I would have rejected you I would have disrespected the entire Law Enforcement organization."

Marshal Barns laughed heartily " You have a broad view of things Danial "

Marshal Barns gestured for Danial to sit and he went behind the desk and sat down facing Danial. Agent Thompson was stunned. He knew very well that Marshal Barns would never show such respect for strangers, moreover stand and greet them.

Marshal Barns than gestured Agent Thompson to close the door. Agent Thompson responded with a nod and closed the door. He then went and sat on the sofa at the corner of the room.

Marshal Barns then asked Danial " Do you know why I invited you here Danial?"

Danial responded, " Because you want me to join the Law Enforcement Team?"

Marshal Barns smiled and then unleashed his aura. Danial who was seated at first stood up and was almost thrown away because of the intense aura.

Danial couldn't fathom the power that Marshal Barns possessed.

As the intense aura surrounded Danial, he felt a wave of pressure bearing down on him, as if the very air had become heavy. His heart raced, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He struggled to maintain his balance, his legs feeling weak under the weight of the powerful presence emanating from Marshal Barns.

Taking a deep breath, Danial focused his mind and steadied himself. He knew he had to remain calm and composed in the face of this immense power. With unwavering determination, he locked eyes with Marshal Barns, refusing to back down.

As their gazes met, Danial felt a surge of energy within himself. He drew upon his own willpower and resolve, channelling it to resist the overwhelming force that Marshal Barns projected. His body trembled, but he stood his ground, refusing to yield to the pressure.

Slowly, Danial began to push back against the aura, inch by inch. His determination grew stronger with each passing moment, as he realized that he possessed a strength of his own. He refused to be intimidated by the formidable presence before him.

The room seemed to vibrate with the clash of their auras, creating an intense atmosphere. Agent Thompson, observing the exchange from the corner of the room, was astounded by Danial's resilience. He had rarely seen someone withstand such a powerful aura with such tenacity.

Marshal Barns was amazed so he took it to the next level. He increased his aura significantly which made the air around Danial feel tight. It felt like Danial was being squeezed from all directions.

Danial had never in his life faced such an aura before. Under the heavy pressure, Danial exploded his aura. His Third Stage of Mortal Level Cultivation Broke through like a damn that surprised both Marshal Barns and Agent Thompson. 

The ground started to crack beneath Danial's feat as he persevered through the intense aura and energy that Marshal Barns was directing towards him. He maintained his position and pushed through.

Danial in the end wavered and one of his knees fell on the ground but he didn't let his aura waver. 

Marshal Barns, impressed by Danial's display of power and determination, slowly withdrew his aura. The oppressive pressure subsided, and the room returned to a state of relative calm. He looked at Danial with a mixture of astonishment and curiosity.

Danial who was now on his knees said while still catching his breath " Thank you... Marshal Barns... for going easy on me and sparing me."

Marshal Barns laughed and said " Good one Danial. Now I will ask you to accompany Agent Thompson to the registration area. The sooner, the better"

Danial nodded as he tried to stand on his legs, although at first, his legs would tremble gradually over the next few seconds he stood up straight like a javelin pointing to the sky.

Marshal Barns eye's didn't leave Danial until he stood up completely. 

" Go ahead and wait outside for a while Danial, I have something to discuss with Agent Thompson."

Danial nodded and went outside and he made sure to close the door behind.

Outside the office, Danial leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath and steady himself after the intense encounter with Marshal Barns. He realised that he was an ant in front of these giants. The only way to could surpass them is to train and cultivate.

Meanwhile, inside the office, Marshal Barns and Agent Thompson exchanged astonished glances. The power and determination Danial displayed were far beyond what they had anticipated. The fact that he could withstand and even counter Marshal Barns' aura left them both in awe and, to some extent, apprehensive.

Agent Thompson cleared his throat, breaking the silence that had settled in the room. "Marshal Barns, I must say, I've never witnessed someone with such raw strength and resilience. Danial's power is... unexpected."

Marshal Barns, still processing the encounter, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Agent Thompson. His potential and progress are remarkable. It seems we have stumbled upon a rare talent."

Agent Thompson's eyes narrowed as he pondered the implications. "But, Marshal Barns, are we certain that this level of power is safe? It's unprecedented for someone so young and inexperienced to possess such strength. Should we proceed with caution?"

Marshal Barns said, " No need he has caught the attention of the Capital Headquarters President!"

Agent Thompson gasped in fear as he realised the kind of Monster they have caught.