
Cultivation Into A True Dragon

This is the story of a young man whom wished to be the greatest gamer, and an "unfortunate" accident which put him on the journey to become something much greater than his wildest dreams would allow. I apologize if the art of the cover kinda sucks, I cant draw. Ignore the mini face

CozmicCatto · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs


Back to the elves, there's currently a chaotic situation within the depths of the forest

"Sir! We've found traces of the dragons! They were in the Slimeland Forest! But the state of things..."

The captain looks over to the ranger

"'State of things'? Explain clearly"

"Yes sir! You see.....all the slimes have been killed. Including the Slime Amalgam has been destroyed as well"

"What? Thats a load of horse shit. The slime are completely immune to magic, and when you slice one in half it becomes two! Even when you dice or crush them them they become more! All thanks to that damned scientist trying to make a gene splicing serum using components of f**cking soap"

"Yes, however, the proof....its all over the trees"

"Then lead me. Let's go"

The young rangers would lead their captain for a few minutes, gliding through the forest with ease. When they arrived upon the main scene, slime and goo of every color could be seen slathering every tree and bush in the vicinity, and after wading through the slime for a bit, they found a small crater, filled with black slime with streaks of multiple colors, as if a psychedelic effect ran through the viscous black goo

"What in the hell? The Tar King is dead?"

The captain kneels down, and collects the slime in a phial

"I'll be taking this back for analysis. We've yet to figure out how to get rid of the slime, but once we do we'll continue our search for the young dragons. Rangers, keep searching for trails and tracks. And make it fast; if they flew off, the mana trails fade after a bit"

They all nod and disappear, and the captain disappears from the spot as well


Luna flew with his familiars, carrying Rumble whom didn't have wings, as the four of them approached the city

As they got closer, they witnessed numerous sights and heard numerous sounds that weren't possible in their world, as well as ones that were; the sounds of traffic and pedestrians going about their daily business, the use of drones and holographic ads among the streets, but also strange animals going around, some seemingly tamed by humans, and even those that weren't humans at all. Staple races like the elves, orcs, dwarves, and even humanoid lizards could be seen, as well as numerous other people and creatures from different walks of life

"This is insane! Look at all this! I kinda wanna live here! The only reason I'm not is that in the forums and within the game's lore, animals and monsters that weren't tamed were killed, and this includes sentient monsters like mermaids, unicorns, and even dragons. But dragons were the only ones to go extinct, as they were the only ones to reject society. What do you guys think?"

Your familiars agree

"So then, let's head to the coliseum! I wanna know who's fighting right now!"

They look at him like he's stupid, but with his flying skill he could force them to go there anyway so they just comply

They fly to the stadium, and can see within the confines of it. Smack dab in the middle is a group of young humans fighting an absolutely massive golem. There are thousands if not millions of people lining every single seat within the stadium, and some kind of glass reflective walls line the stadium near the top, but through their heightened senses they can feel strong presences within those boxes

"Yeah no. Those people in those VVIP boxes are strange. There's a section for VIP's near the top, but those boxes get a perfect overview of the stadium as well as hiding whoever's in there. Let's lea-"

However, before he could finish, the wings of the cats' snapped to their backs, and Luna's skill was cancelled out


As soon as that message came, his eyes widened as the four of them fell sharply toward the golem, their speed causing them to be like a massive comet towards the stadium. That's when they felt multiple presences watch them as a loud voice echoed across the stadium

"Waoi waht ahn speectline! Eet aapeeres sohmen waeird creatcturin ahv ehenteereeden ze fourmatioon!"

The language was strange and foreign, almost primitive in a sense

[You have encountered the Common language of the continent. You must be taught the language in order to understand it!]



The four of them crash landed hard into the golem, turning it into a bunch of rubble

"Web goot ahn exciterming mahtchin forth yine todaeeth! Zere torgrats hahve svitcheethed toth theesth youwng speciimenes! Haoppy haonting!"

The young dragon is the first one to regain their wits as he can see the teenage children look at them with astonishment and greed. He would look back to his familiars, and each of them took extensive damage from the impact. He would instinctively jump out the pile and move them with telekinesis

"Stay out the battle! I'll protect you 3!"

He would proceed to spread his wings wide and let out a wide screech as the ground itself rumbled and broke apart. The rocks and chunks would orbit around them like a protective shield, forming a defense. That's when the air would compress, and become so compacted, they would turn corporeal, as the air would hold the from as if a shard of ice. They would launch forward at the group of humans. A male young yet handsome human would shout something, and they would start dodging the shards

Just to clarify, the cats and he can understand him, but the humans can't understand him and he can't understand the humans. Thought I'd point that out before I get flooded with comments about our mc clearly speaking english XD

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts