
I Challenge You To A Duel!

Allysium walked pass the luxuriously decorated corridor, as she walks the balcony, the soldiers saluted her.

Now, they were showing much more respect for her. This was due to last night's event as well as the royal knights' appearance, she had gained the trust of her soldiers. Now, they know that the princess wasn't useless or just kind-hearted beyond saving.

With the rebellion now quenched, it was time to take other measures.

Some were fearful of her too. Others think that she may have been hiding her true nature the whole time, or that this entire event was just a farce orchestrated by her underlings.

Other more extreme theory states that she had caused the king's death or was even possessed by some demon.

OF course, there would be some suspicions about the current state of the princess. It is difficult to see Allysium in a new light after having looked down on her from the start. Some blamed Allysium for the rebellion as it had happened the night after her proclamation of taking over her father's duty.

By using long-range communication magic, news of a failed rebellion had already reached the ears of other factions in the Kingdom of Dusk. Most eyes were now on Allysium. The noble faction had yet to make a move. The first prince is already basking in his glory of 'victory'. The third prince was the only one who makes a move now.

In just a few hours, the underground leaders that he had made a deal with wasn't seen again in the daylight. It is highly likely that they had other schemes prepared. It was once again peaceful in the Kingdom of Dusk.


Cheers sounded throughout the castle as princess Allysium appeared on the balcony of the castle. A familar figure was seen in cuffs. It was the royal adviser that had previusly advised her not to fight for the throne. His previously glamour clothes and wise aura was now gone.

With a single look, one could tell that he was treated badly. No, bad would be an understatement. His face was disfigured. His beard was torn into shreds. The chains make a clinging sound as he was forced to walk over to the guillotine[1]. Thick rods were impaled into his arms.

[1] A machine with a heavy blade sliding vertically in grooves, used for beheading people.

Looking at the graceful princess standing on the balcony, he starts to question his decision. Should I really have served the third prince? The sharp blade on the top of the crude execution device brought his deepest fears out, he did not want to die.

Is she really planning to kill me? Is she really capable of doing so? Though I had questioned my choice of joining Slaine(third prince)'s faction, I can't help but feel negative emotions towards Allysium.

Why had she hidden her capabilities so well? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come to a conclusion this early. This is strange, is it just my imagination or am I being less rational than I was in my prime?

The former royal adviser stared at Allysium with eyes full of hatred.

Allysium could feel the formal royal adviser glaring at her, she unconsciously took a step back... feeling uncomfortable from the constant staring filled with negative emotions.

Her heart quenched in pain as she felt that it was partially her fault that the royal adviser was in this state. Seeing that princess Allysium was afraid of his stares, he became even angrier than before.

He was right! The princess was still the same, weak and feeble like before... Who had driven the princess to take action? His mind whirled as he imagines an unrealistic person that strongly desires to kill him using the princess. He was unwilling to be killed by a mere garbage pawn.

It was a completely irrational thought, and he had somehow become insane. Unfortunately, he had not noticed the soft whisperings. Someone, something, was driving irrational thoughts into his head. It was shaping his thinking, his emotions and his life.

The large crowd who was here to watch the execution quieten down with the appearance of princess Allysium. Some of the audience mouths went wide open as they admire Allysium's delicate smile. Some pitied her after watching her take a step back due to the glaring of a criminal.

The royal adviser suddenly starts laughing maniacally. Due to the whispers, an ingenious idea appeared in his head. As the royal adviser of the King of Dusk, he had known many tightly guarded secrets. Most of which was forced out of his mouth.

Consumed by his insanity, he spoke directly to Allysium.

"Do you know why the country is in this state now? ha ha ha. It was all because of your beloved father... He had brought us to doom..."

*BANG* The knight kneed his stomach, resulting in him falling over.

*Cough* *Cough* " Ha... He even killed his daughter, hahaha. Do you really think that you were his only daughter? AHAHAHA"

His eyes redden as he spoke about some of the atrocities that the Dusk King had committed.

Allysium dug her fingernails into her skin, she was suspicious but she endured it, for now, revealing no hint of shock or any other emotions.

Watching Allysium's movements, Britinia frowns and immediately commence the execution. The madman simply laughs when the blade was released. In just a second, fresh blood sputtered all over the execution stand.

The Royal Knights captain saw Allysium's reaction, and he decided that if he could somehow make Allysium stay a while longer, he might be able to make her break down.

He didn't really understand why, but he should get rid of Allysium.

"Britinia! Stop right there! By the authority of the royal knights, I suspect you of treason to the country!"

"You! What is the meaning of this?!"

"What? Is the right-hand person of princess Allysium that stupid? As I said, you are under arrest. Step away from the princess."

"Marcus! What do you think you're doing? Britinia is my-"

"Of course I know that! It is exactly because you trust her so much that we should investigate her. What if she holds wicked intentions towards you?"

Allysium was put on a bad spot. If she decides to protect Britinia, her earlier act may become meaningless. But if she decides to abandon Britinia, she would lose a trustworthy friend.

"Who gave her the order to execute the criminal, what if she is working with another faction to keep important information from you." His hands' gestures suggested that Britinia should follow him.

She was stuck in a dilemma, constantly weighing her choice. This seems to part of Marcus's plan to ruin Allysium. With Britinia gone, Allysium will lose a powerful ally.

Just as she was about to defend Britinia, Britinia sneered loudly.

"Interesting! You dare question her highness decision?!"

Allysium looked wide-eyed at Britinia, the royal knight's captain obviously held more prestige than Britinia and is known to be loyal to the country. Did Britinia really think that she can win over Marcus?

As the royal knights' captain, Marcus is known to be powerful and ruthless. He had taken over the position of captain as he managed to beat the previous captain who was a lightning user called Lycan.

Though the duel had taken place privately and it is suspicious if he had fought Lycan fairly. It is still a known fact that Marcus had obtained his position. Unless Britinia challenge Marcus to a duel and wins, Marcus would still be able to abuse his position of power.

Don't tell me... Britinia is going to challenge him now? Allysium had little idea of Britinia's current capabilities. She believes that Britinia isn't at the same level as Marcus.

Worried that Britinia is making a foolish decision, Allysium tried to warn her, only to be rejected.

"Princess, please watch." She glared fiercely at Marcus, like a lion staring at a prey.

"Hmph!" Marcus remained unmoved.

"With the princess as the witness, I challenge YOU TO A DUEL!" Britinia drew out her well-polished blade, a blade so well-polished that she could see her reflection clearly on it.

Chatters rang out as the crowd heard Britinia's challenge. The crowd shuffles disorderly as they were shocked silly. Britinia was the first to challenge Marcus during his term as the royal knight's captain.

A simple execution ceremony has turned into a deathmatch between the princess's right-hand person and the current royal knight captain.

Looking at Britinia with disdain, he laughed loudly, "You really have gone crazy hahaha! Very well since you wish to die so early... COME!"

*CRAWLS TO BED* Time for some good sleep...

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