

She could revive the memory vividly of what the two women who were behind her were talking about. Of course not just talking but gossiping about her mum. She was somewhere near but she didn't want her mother to notice her presence.

She knew her mother would feel bad and embarrassed by what the woman was talking about.

'Husband snatcher' The first woman said to the second while rolling her eyes in hatred. As if to gesture for the woman to whom she was referring.

'Why do you say she is a husband snatched? Did she snatch your man?' The second woman whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

All this while, her mother was in front of them with a smile. As if to show them that she didn't care about what they were talking about. Like she was used to be the centre of their gossip. It was like her daily braid to hear people talking ill of her.

But there just inside those eyes, Lisa could see how painful those words were to her mother. After all, Lisa was used to her mother's facial expressions and she understood her well more than her sister.

All these words were eating her slowly by slowly, internally.

'Don't you know since the day she came to our village she has been alone? Which woman who has manners can stay alone for that long with just her twins. Can't you see something is fishy there? She came here when her children were still toddlers and she had been all alone all this while. Where did she get the money to build such a beautiful house? And feed her two kids daily and nowadays she doesn't go to where she used to work? Of course, she is a slut' That statement from one of the women made her mother clench her fists in anger while biting the bottom of her mouth to suppress the words she wanted to blurt out.

Lisa felt bad that she wanted to confront them but she knew her mother. The woman was wise and never once would she lash at people openly. She knew if she do what her heart wanted because of anger, later on, her mother would be angry with her.

But also Lisa recalled how those words from that woman affected her mom. Diana had pretended not to hear them out but when she reached home, she rushed behind the house and cried plainly.

Of course, Lisa stalked her all that while.

That time, she wanted to console her mom but unfortunately, she couldn't because the lady knew her daughter knew nothing about what happened. And also she knew her mom would feel bad if she realized that she had been stalking her so Lisa chose to stay at that hideout until her mother calmed down by herself.

"My boyfriend's" Lisa was brought back from her wonderland by her sister's confection.

"Who exactly?" Diana blurted out with a tingle of fear in her voice as if she was fearing what the girl would say next.

"H-his name is Mark, yes... Mark!" Diana's eyes bulged out in shock.

She was flabbergasted by the name!

Who exactly was her daughter referring to? No! It couldn't be that one! No! Mark Samir? Oooh God! Please don't punish me to this extent! Diana prayed internally while shaking.

It couldn't be him!

That boy was a womanizer and on top of that, she was his half-sister for crying out loud! His blood! Ooh my! Diana wanted to faint because she could already feel her knees.

Mark! No! That was the last person she wanted to hear now! Not him alone, but the entire family!

If it was not for Lisa who saw all of this and tiptoed to where she was and held her firmly, Diana could have collapsed on the ground.

She was weak even to look at where Lydia was. Her brain was not functioning at all.

Mark? No! It couldn't be him! She was in a grace battle internally that if she made a little mistake, she would be killed by her opponent. Mark's name had been her song already but she was singing it internally.

She refused internally as sweat was already drenching her whole body. Her knuckles were already pale because of how she clenched them with rage earlier. Her teeth were on their way out if it was the Mark she knew.

Of all the people, why would it be that family ruining her life?

"T-tell me... I mean tell me... Which Mark is talking about? Who is he? Where is he from? Talk already, Lydia! Why are you quiet now?" She blurted out loudly that the two girls were flabbergasted. They never knew that their mom could shout to that extent. So she was keeping her voice all this while? 

But Diana couldn't care about that. She had already bent down in front of the girl on the floor as if you find the truth as quickly as possible.

Lydia was already in a daze as she watched her mother's actions. She wandered around with fear like a headless chicken. Ooh! How she regretted her foolishness! She wasn't able to utter anything else at the shocked expression on her mother's face. 

She wasn't even able to make eye contact with the woman that was in front of her wide open.

It was like she was on judgment day waiting for her turn to be judged. She was sure that she would go to hell directly because of her sins.

Did she know the man? Why was she this shocked? Ooh my! She was in a hot soup today. What should she say now? She was lost for words as she looked around while still holding her mother's feet.

"Talk now Lydia! Please look at mom's condition. Don't worsen it with your silence, please!. Sigh!" Lisa chimed in with worry while still holding the older woman.

She was already on the floor too.