
Who Am I

"Come on, come onn! It's almost halftime we're gonna be late!"

"What's the score?!"

"He'll make the announcement tonight right?"

"Well, he kind of has to."

All the voices merged together into one herd as people stampeded their way into the stadium. Although they were late, they still wanted to watch the game. No, they had to watch the game. Not because it was the final game of the season, the Texas 6A championship, but because there was a player who demanded their attention.

Three bursts of air resonated in the stadium.

Tweet... Tweet... Tweet...

The shrill sound of the referee's whistle, coupled with the roaring buzz of the shot clock, signaled the end of the first half. Nervousness flowed through my veins not because we trailed by 16 points against the #8 high school team in the nation, or the fact that it was the championship, but because post-game, I intended to shatter everyone's expectations.

The Worldwide Basketball Summit, or WBS for short. Is a tournament, that rivals the greatest of sporting events, such as the World Cup. Initiated 19 years ago, it transformed basketball into the world's most popular sport. The global tournament was the ultimate honor for basketball players under 21. While the competition was fierce each year, America led with 12 championships, European rivals secured the remaining 6. With basketball becoming so popular, monsters were developing everywhere. The players in this generation have all grown up waiting, no, chasing the opportunity to join their nation's team.

If you got the call to join, you went. That's just how things are. However, at the end of this game, I was expected to announce my intent to join America's team, but I was going to crush those expectations. Despite the honor of representing my country, the burden felt overwhelming.

I sighed, contemplating the weight of my decision. I was going to quit basketball.

Finally reaching the locker room after a quiet walk, I sat down to check my phone. Three texts drew my attention:

Mom: Boy what the hell are you doing?

Mom: I have money on you and this game.

Mom: Pick it up.

So much for assurance.

Clenching my teeth, I left her on read and switched to another app. A video appeared, showcasing my favorite place in the world—bustling streets, futuristic technology, and beautiful cherry blossom trees. However, the delightful image soured when I recalled it was where 'she' grew up. Despite the contact being "mom," After that day, she never saw me as her son; all she saw was a free ticket. Despite my rough upbringing, when I first began to play basketball, I felt as free as a bird. To that version of me, basketball equaled college, a better life, it was my escape. But to my excuse for a mother, my basketball was merely a means to gamble to buy more drugs. The bird I once was, was now caged, longing for that feeling of freedom once again.

Thoughts ate at me during the night. Basketball, once everything, now brought only sorrow and misery. I couldn't help but question my identity.

"I'm sorry, old friend. I don't think I can carry on your last wish. I'm nothing but... a coward." I barely managed to whisper out those words as I stubbled upon the answer of my identity crisis; Rylon Mercer, a coward.

"RY! Get up! Coach is here!" a teammate yelled.

"If we're gonna come back, we're going to need you!" another shouted.

"Hurry up, Mr. Five-star!" a couple of teammates teased. No one felt any my nervousness about the score, the crowd, or our highly ranked opponent. And in response, I smiled.

Oh yeah, I thought to myself, "I'm Rylon Mercer."

"The best basketball player in the entire world."


 "I hate this," Maya thought to herself.

The cold breeze worked its way through her tangled brown hair as she sought warmth in a freshly lit cigarette—a terrible habit of hers. Her phone persistently rang. It was a different ringtone from the generic one set up; it was a sound to remind her of who she does it for. Answering, she heard her little brother's cheerful voice.

"Mayaaa!" he called out. "When are you coming home?"

Maya took a deep breath, preparing to put on a convincing act for her little brother.

"I'll come back while you're sleeping. I just... You could say I got some more hours from work," Maya paused. "I've got to go, Miles. I love you, okay?"

"Be safe, Sis! Love you!" he replied before she hung up. Tears welled in her eyes as she wiped them with the sleeve of her tattered jacket. She recalled the old days, the days when her and Miles weren't so alone.

"If only our parents didn't…"

"If they were going to die, they could've at least paid their debts off first." Although her words were harsh, Maya knew she didn't mean them. She loved her parents from the bottom of her heart, the debt however, not so much. She couldn't have imagined what pain they were in to leave them behind. The astronomical amount of debt left for her to settle nearly made her throw up—2.35 million USD. Her loving and gentle parents had a darker side to them. Gamblers. High stakes too, but those stakes ended up being too much for their addiction and caused a downward mental spiral. They sought loans from sharks, borrowed 2.4 million, and lost it all. That was the day her parents grabbed her and Miles and fled to another country.

Japan—a place lauded for its beauty. Yet, to Maya, everything, from the people to the falling petals of cherry blossoms, represented loneliness. Everywhere she went, she was reminded that she was alone.

Maya brushed off her clothes as an all-black sedan pulled over to her. To pay off that much money she would have to slave for the rest of her life. Looking both ways to see if anyone noticed her, she got into the car. Maya could never let anyone, especially her brother, find out what she was doing. As she settled into the car, a wave of disgust crawled over her body. She was used to this, to combat the feeling, she closed her eyes. Maya pictured a beach with her parents walking a couple feet ahead of her, Miles piggy-backing off of her father's broad shoulders. She opened her eyes. Only one thought resonated in her mind.

"If only."
