
The Footage

"And here we go..." Rain clicked the press button and the footage started playing.

Morning 8:30 am :

Emma walks in hurriedly, grabbing two cups of coffee.

She knocks into Nicholas Premier's office, getting no response she opens it only to find it empty.

She frowns, and curses few bitches names.

At 9:07 am :

Nicholas Premier finally enters the office premises, in his luxury car.

A woman accompanies him, walking behind him wearing a black short skirt and white shirt, her bright red lipstick was the center of attention to everyone's eyes.

Few staff members greet their boss on the way, to which he doesn't respond.

The girl walking behind him, grins at the attention.

Emma murderously eyes both of them, as they come near her table....

The girl in red lipstick finally catches Emma's hateful gaze, and smirks in response.

"Sir, forgive me. You got late because of me.. I'll do more hardwork and...."

"Sshhh... Relax dear. Yepp, definitely more hardwork...until next time." he winked playfully.

The girl blushed, and giggled much to Emma's annoyance.

"Oh God, the girl's lipstick shade is too....too...shiny. My eyes hurt." Rain commented.

"Honestly both the girls are the same. That receptionist and this girl... I wonder if all the females at Premier Corporation are the same...." Crystal said.

"Such a dickhead. I feel so disgusted. And that Emma is a total bitch you know... Look at my entry... you'll know."

"Yeah, we have no option but to see your fabulous entry, Olivia." Rain said with a roll of eyes.

A girl wearing business suit, enters around 9:15 am.

She happily greets the gatekeeper and non-staff members.

And directly heads to her office.

The receptionist ignores her completely and so does the girl.

Infact, none of the young female staff entertain her and nor does she entertain them.

"Wow, this girl has a class..." Rain comments eating her potato chips.

"She dresses decently and her attitude is good, unlike the other girls." Olivia observes.

"Yes, true and I like how she treats the non-staff members. She seems like a down to earth person." Crystal said smiling.

"I hope she is..." Rain comments.

At 11 am :

Olivia enters with her Orange Lamborghini.

All the passer-by stops, when her engine growls.

They are awestruck looking at the car and it's owner.

"Well, I'm so hot !! They can't keep their eyes away from me. Look Rain..."

"Oh please, that's the car they are staring at!! And the credit goes to me...."

"Ahem. Ahem. I guess you are forgetting I worked on Olivia's Lamborghini, more than you..." Crystal said in an obvious tone.

"Yeah. Yeah... but the colour Orange was my choice..." Rain argued.

"Yeah, yeah.... But it's my car, so both of you back off now."

"Which is gifted by me." Crystal smriks.

"Yes.... And since you gifted it to me, it's in my possession and I'm the owner. And now please stop bickering and watch my entertaining encounter with the bitch."

When Olivia walked in, everyone stopped and stared shamelessly. Even the females....

Men were admiring her and women were throwing venomous gaze.

Emma was the most venomous snake amongst the staff. Her eyes were scrutinizing every aspect of Olivia.

"She's calling you all foul names, Olivia... I can see it." Rain said as a matter of fact.

"Yes, more like..... she's checking me out and since I'm definitely off her limits, she's calling me names."

Crystal and Rain both snickered.

It hardly took, two minutes for Olivia to get rid of the contract.

"Wow, your acting skills are superb!!! The girl, fell for it..." Crystal complimented.

"I believe the girl is a daft, anyone could have fooled her into talking." Rain rolled her eyes.

"Some people are so jealous...." Olivia teased.

"Oh please....."

"Rain, you must admit... Olivia did well. And now Mr. Premier cannot be a trouble for us"

"Mr. Premier is going to be a trouble in future. And it's better to keep the enemy close."

Both Olivia and Crystal were bewildered at her comment.

Knowing, something is definitely up with Rain's serious expression, they stared at her....

"Not now, but soon.... We have to turn the tables. I'm working on it." Rain gave her final statement.

Knowing her to be very efficient in her work, Crystal and Olivia decided to keep quite.

Rain hated interruption in her work.

They fast forwarded few footages which had nothing significant in them.

At 12: 30 pm.

Emma took the lunch box from Premier's driver and went inside his office.

"Ahhh, I have a feeling it's going to be X rated from now..." Rain said in disgust, closing her eyes.

Like she said, it was an X rated footage. The girls were about to vomit and forward the footage when the sudden knock on the door, caught their attention.

It was the same girl in the business suit.

"Oh it's that girl... I hope she turns out to be good... This looks bad." Crystal chewed her finger nails.

"She is nervous and shy..." Rain observed carefully.

They heard their entire 3 minutes and 36 seconds conversation.

And they could not believe their ears.

"Wow !!!! I love this girl....." Rain exclaimed happily.

"Thank God, she called it quits. Even I would not work under such a boss." Crystal said.

"She is Savage! Though shy and nervous, she values her self esteem.... And she did not take any bullshit from that manwhore." Olivia observed carefully and made her assessment on the girl.

"Rosy.... I'll check upon her." Rain said, her eyes glistening with hope.

"Aww, poor Mr. Premier.... he looks like he has been slapped butt naked." Crystal giggled.

"He is.... and soon that Emma will be too..." Olivia said.

"He will surely watch the footage now... And I bet you girls, he is gonna fire Emma." Rain said with confidence.

"I don't think, he is a Playboy.... He will not fire his 'employee with benefits' so easily...." Crystal said after thinking.

"Let's see.... It's interesting."

