
Lost in the Moment

Will was very concerned for Crystal. She quietly stared out of the car's window, as she was fidgeting her fingers.

He placed his arm on her neck and comforted her.

She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

Crystal felt very peaceful with Will by her side. Apart from the girls, she could really rely on him. And a company of male friend is the best sometimes.

She knew Will's affection for her, but she denied it all the years back because of her insecurities.

She was grateful to have him, when the girls weren't with her. At the time she was pursuing business management studies, only Will stayed with her in a rented apartment.

All thanks to her grandmama and her emotional blackmails, as she was very fond of Will.

He was her colleague, her friend, her protector, her competitor in University.

Of course they felt the magnetic pull towards each other. But Will respected her decision and gave her space.

And now when she started feeling for Will, the man in her painful dreams have come back to claim her.

She couldn't deny the fact that even today, her heart beats for Watson.

The bitter truth as it was, she couldn't start something with Will without destroying all her feelings for Watson.

Will gently stroked her hair, "You stress yourself so much."

Crystal looked up from his shoulder and gave him her pretty little smile, "Says the most hardworking man!"

Will smiled lovingly at her, "Where should I drop you?"

Crystal looked hurt, "I'm not your responsibility. I'll go myself and...."

Before she could complete, Will placed his hands on her face and made her look at him, "Do not ever say that. I care for you and I will keep caring and loving you and right now you need space. The entire conference conversation has suffocated you."

Crystal nodded her head, she was happy that Will was a very understanding gentlemen, one she always prayed for in her partner.

"Do not keep things in your heart. If you wish to let it out, I'll hear you without passing any judgements."

he said seriously, looking into her eyes for her assurance.

"Will, I'll always need you... It's just that, I have my own insecurities from my past and I want to fight them and then stand in front of you." she placed her palm on his cheek.

"Have anyone told you, how I admire your honesty and sincerity!" Will chuckled at her reddened cheeks.

"I love how your cheeks turn red when I compliment you. It's good to see that instead of your eye roll." he teased.

Crystal huffed and punched his arm, "You know how to ruin someone's good mood."

"Ohh, how shall I compensate for that my lady? Should I kiss you?" he leaned forward.

Crystal's eyes bulged out of her sockets, seeing this reaction Will started laughing out loud, "Gotcha!!"

"You evil little cockroach!" Crystal started punching him, "Idiot!!"

"Oh, so I am an idiot now?" Will raised his brows in mock.

Before Crystal could comprehend what was happening, she was laughing in painful pleasure of tickling.

Will was tickling Crystal!!!!

Her laugh and her giggles were echoing in the car.

Making both of them lost in the moment.

