
Andrew Stanley

Andrew Stanley was accompanied by Will Miller, the heir of Miller Industries.

All the gentleman stood up in respect for Andrew Stanley, a sixty-eight year old man. The business industry respected this man, he was one of the best people in there.

One best thing about Andrew Stanley was he never got involved into business politics and kept his private life away from business and media.

He is a great businessmen, and he often donates very large sum of money for good causes.

He has all the luxury a man needs, yet he is very simple and down to earth person.

His good morals and principles refrain rivals to double cross him.

"Good morning gentlemen!!!" He greeted them cheerfully.

Everyone was little stunned to see him so joyous and cheerful today.

He was a down to earth person, no doubt about it. But he was just a polite and humble speaker, nobody saw him in this light- A cheerful old businessmen.

It wasn't a everyday sight to see.

They were amused.

But the Billionaire squad boys wondered why there was one more seat in the conference.

Was anyone absent?

They couldn't think of one...

Mr Fox, who was in early forties was a good friend to Andrew, "Old man, you are very cheerful today! Is Nona here?"

Will snickered, "Oh believe me, there is someone else..."

"Hahahaha, indeed it's someone else...." Andrew played along.

"What??" Mr Fox was shocked, would be an understatement.

The rest of the businessmen were just speechless at the interaction.

Fox recovered from his shock, "Well, umm.. Nona would be very...."

"Happy." Andrew said and continued, "She loves her as well...."

"More than you, old man." Will teased.

The Billionaire squad boys all had smiles on their faces. Andrew was bickering with Will, about how much Nona loves her...

Nicholas was taken back with the sudden joyous interaction, he never had such friends with whom he could bicker and live a happy cheerful life. He felt left out from the conversations, everyone was smiling and talking, except him.

"So, Mr. Andrew, how is your health? Heard you had some medical treatments going on." Nicholas inquired, not wanting to be kept out of the conversation.

"My health has been absolutely taken care of now...

I can finally enjoy all of my time, with my lovely wife."

"Andrew, you are totally whipped even at this age!!" Will teased him.

The Billionaire squad boys, were not exactly buddies with Will, but they were cordial with each other.

However, they never saw Will and Andrew Stanley being so close.

That was news to them.

"How can I not be? She is absolutely beautiful!! Just like Kiki..." Andrew grinned evilly.

"Yeah, now I know where she gets her beauty from." Will playfully patted his shoulder.

"Wasn't this the same line, you used infront of my wife? And made her blush!!!" Andrew narrowed his eyes.

The rest chuckled.

"Mr. Andrew, who would have thought this urgent business meeting would turn out to be so private and cheerful!" Nicholas commented.

The Billionaire squad rolled their eyes, he was obviously trying to gain Andrew's and rest of the business folks attention.

"Yes, you gave us a fright when you called up on a sudden urgent meeting." Charles joined in.

All businessmen agreed and put forth their thoughts on the matter. Some said about his health, some about change in investments.

Andrew smiled and cleared their doubts, "I would apologize if I gave you wrong implications of this meeting. Honestly, it's a big matter.... and I'm actually very happy about it."

They all listened carefully as he continued, "I'm resigning!"

He dropped the bomb.

There was hustle in the conference room. Everyone was shocked except Will.



'Can't believe this...'

"Relax gentlemen, relax..." Andrew spoke.

They all became quiet and focused all their attention towards him.

"As I said, I'm resigning from my post. I think it's long time now, I need to be back at home with my wife. I have worked for nearly five decades in this company, now it's my time to take leave and let the younger generation look after it."

All were seemingly shocked, they knew Andrew didn't have a son to inherit the business. Most importantly they don't know anything about his private life, except his wife.

So the question of younger generation taking up was filling curiosity among the men.

"Younger generation?"

"Who would take over your place?"

Such questions were asked, before a sudden interruption from the receptionist.

"She's here, Mr. Andrew."

"Let her in... "

"So sorry, I didn't....." a sweet feminine voice came through the door.

Everyone turned and looked at the girl, who was very young and beautiful.

"Crystal, finally you are here..." Andrew got up from his seat.

The Billionaire squad boys eyes widened!

'Holy fuck!!' Deandre whispered.

Watson couldn't believe his eyes....

She was here, infront of him....

