
Chapter 4 - Floor Guardian

"Oh my, am I the first to arrive?"

The tone was archaic and formal, but the voice itself sounded like it belonged to a young person. A shadow formed over the ground, and then the shadow turned into what looked like a door, from which a person emerged.

She wore a black ball gown which looked soft to the touch. Her skirt was puffed up into a voluminous bell shape. On top of that was a bolero edged with frills, lace, and ribbons, as well as a pair of long silk gloves. Together, they covered up most of her skin.

Her skin was as pale as wax, and her looks could only be described as stunningly beautiful. Her long silver hair was tied up into a ponytail that descended from one side of her head, exposing her face. Her deep red pupils were filled with a seductive look of delight.

"...Weren't you told not to frivolously use 「Gate」 in Nazarick? We are warded against teleportation, after all. You should be able to walk here, so shouldn't you have come on foot, Shalltear?"

The annoyed voice came from beside Erix. There was no trace of its previous puppy-like obedience in those cold words, only a burning hostility.

Mare was trembling by the side, and she slowly edged herself away from her sister. In truth, the speed at which the leopard called Aura had changed its spots startled Erix as well.

The girl who had come here via the highest tier of teleportation magic was called Shalltear. She did not even bother looking at Aura, who was scowling at her. Instead, she swiftly advanced before Erix.

The bewitching scent of some kind of perfume hung around her. Aura tried to insult Shalltear who was a lot more adult than canon. The two bicker a bit that Erix finds entertaining until Shalltear puts her attention to him.

"Ah, my master, my beloved master, the only one whom I cannot rule over…"

Her carmine lips parted, revealing a moist, slick tongue. The tongue moved like a living creature as Shalltear lovingly licked her lips. Her fragrant breath wafted out from her open mouth.

Although she was perfectly suited for the role of an alluring seductress in all other ways, she was far too young for it. The discrepancy between her expectations and reality was laughable. In addition, she was far too short. When she reached her hands out to hug Erix, it looked like she wanted to hang from his neck instead.

"You surely are lively for an undead, Shalltear." Erix place his hands on her chin making looked into his eyes while wrapping his arms around her waist and lean closer, making Shalltear's body heat up despite being an undead.

"However, it is not the time for us to indulge in debauchery." Shalltear's body shuddered when Erix nibbled her ear while Mare blush and Aura only had a shade of red looking annoyed at the two. Erix finds their Npc model and anime appearance to be far inferior to what laid before him.

"F-Forgive me, lord Erix." She stepped back bowing her head while Erix nodded in satisfaction, turning his attention to Aura and Mare.

"You two, come here for a moment." The two did as told while Aura smug at Shalltear who glared at her. Erix chuckled then said.

"The two of you did a fantastic job and for that I'll reward you." Erix said pulling Aura for a passionate kiss made Shalltear jaw drop and be extremely jealous at the sight while Mare blush tried to block her eyes with her hands but peeking through her fingers.

'L-L-L-Lord Erix is kissing me!!!!' Aura's mind was going wild from the kiss and her heart was pounding like drum before their lips departed leaving Aura face steaming.

"L-Lord Erix, w-why did you kiss her?" Shalltear teeth gnashing annoyed that her beloved was kissed by another before her, especially Aura. Erix glanced at her and said.

"They did something that pleases me while you did something that displeases me. Though, I do not wish to wait but using a gate like Aura had said is unwise." Shalltear gritted her teeth and didn't repute making sure to not displease him anymore. Though it appears a petty action still important to ensure they won't go against his will.

Aura's mind slowly calmed, turning at Shalltear realizing it was time for her to flex at her achievement while Erix watched them fight, turning his attention to Mare who blush and said.

"Do you want to receive your reward?"

"N-No, I mean yes, I mean Not yet. I-I don't think my heart can handle it."

"Is that so? Well, feel free to give one request and it can be anything as long as it is within my power."

"I-I will keep that in mind, Lord Erix."

"What. A. Ruckus."

The inhuman voice came just as Erix was watching the two fight. The strange, monotonous voice finally silenced the two of them. As he turned to look at the voice's origin, he saw a heteromorphic being shrouded in chilled air.

It stood two and a half meters tall, and resembled a bipedal insect. It looked like some fiend had melded a praying mantis and an ant together. It had a tail that was twice as long as its body, and it was covered in sharp spikes which resembled icicles. Its powerful-looking mandibles looked like they could sever a man's arm in a single bite.

It grasped a platinum halberd in two of its hands, and in its other two hands were a masterfully-made mace wreathed in a black aura, and a gnarled-looking broadsword which did not look like it could be sheathed.

It was surrounded by a frightening aura of cold. Its exoskeleton was a dull blue color and sparkled like diamond dust. Protrusions which looked like icebergs bulged up from its back and shoulders.

He was the Guardian of the Fifth Floor, the "Ruler of Glaciers", Cocytus.

The hilt of his halberd slammed into the arena floor, and the ground around it began to freeze.

"You. Stand. Before. A. Supreme. Being. Contain. Yourself."

"This brat started it!"



Shalltear and Aura locked gazes, while Mare panicked from the side. Erix could not hold it in any longer, and curtly addressed the two of them.

"...Shalltear, Aura. Though, I don't mind you too bicker but do it in moderation.."

The two of them shuddered in shock, then lowered their heads simultaneously.

"My sincerest apologies!" they said in unison.

Erix magnanimously accepted their apologies with a nod. Then, he turned and said,

"Cocytus, you've come."

"I. Came. Immediately. Upon. Receiving. Your. Summons. Lord Erix."

The water in the air froze with a crackling sound as it made contact with the white vapor puffing out of Cocytus's mouth as he spoke.

"You must have been very free with no intruders around, no?"


The clacking from his lower mandibles sounded like the threatening noises of a wasp. However, Erix had the feeling that he was laughing.

"Even. So. There. Are. Still. Things. Which. Must. Be. Done. So. I. Was. Not. Free. At. All."

"Oh? Things that had to be done? What things were these, may I ask?"

"Training. In. Order. To. Be. Ready. To. Deploy. At. Any. Time."

"You've done all this for me. You've worked hard. My thanks."

"After. Hearing. Your. Praise. The. Task. Is. Not. As. Tiring. I. See. Demiurge. Slaanesh. And. Albedo. Have. Arrived."

Erix turned in the direction Cocytus was looking, at the entrance of the Colosseum, where he saw two figures enter. The one in front was Albedo, while a man followed behind her like a lackey. Once she got close enough, Albedo smiled at Erix and bowed deeply. The man bowed and said.

"Forgive me for keeping everyone waiting."

He was about one hundred eighty centimeters tall, and his skin was darkened from the sun. His facial features looked to be Oriental, while his jet-black hair was neatly combed back. The eyes under his pince-nez glasses could not even be said to be narrowed. It was doubtful whether they were actually open at all.

He was dressed in a Western suit, with a matching tie. He gave the impression of being a professional businessman, or a skilled lawyer.

However, his gentlemanly appearance was hard-pressed to hide the evil air about him. A tail sheathed in silvery metal extended behind him, tipped by six sharp spikes. He was limned by flickering black flames.

This man was the "Creator of Blazing Inferno", Demiurge.

He was the Guardian of the Seventh Floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. This demon was designed to be the defense commander of the NPCs.

"I must apologize for taking this long to arrive, Lord Father."

A voice came that was beyond sedative and hypnotic as a young woman arrived that had an empowering demeanor that enticed anyone be it man and woman into self depriving thoughts. She has two pairs of horns that arch like a crown with a rather dominatrix outfit that has razor sharp decoration. Her skin was like a pink substance and appeared like a night elf.

This was Erix NPC creation, Slaneesh, the "She who thirst" that was the main torturer and last line of defense against players. She rules I've the 8th floor that was supposed to be Victim but replaces her with Slaneesha and her floor is like her realm that he specifically made and took a long time to create. She was made to be his daughter and wife as well.
