

I didn't feel like myself when I woke up in the center of a dark, unending abyss, but I guess getting shot and killed does that to you. I waited in that abyss for what felt like hours trying anything to relieve my boredom or find out where I was, my first thought was that I was in a coma or unconscious, but it didn't really matter too much if I was dead or alive and in a coma because either way I was here now an- my brain ceased functioning as I saw a truly massive crystal structure below me, when I say massive I mean it looked like it was about the size of a city when you looked at it from above, there was a problem though I was falling towards it. When I was about to impact into the strange structure I closed my eyes and waited and waited until I felt myself thump against, but the feeling of broken bones was not there nor the release of death. Looking up I saw that I was in the structure a man sized hole in the ceiling told me how I had gotten in, there was a slight sensation of pulling at the edge of my mind telling me to move down a hole in the crystal wall, after thinking it over and looking around the room I realized that was the only way to go was into that tunnel. walking down the dark tunnel I kept bumping into crystals that jutted out of the wall so much so I was almost relieved to enter into a large hall that housed stone statues. The tugging sensation got more powerful and it seemed to drag me over to a statue of what seemed to be a mage of some sort, I felt the need to touch the statue and so I did and as I did a large blue screen appear infront of me.

Necrotic commander(Legendary class)

The necrotic commander is a mix of the class necromancer(rare) and the class commander (epic)


Strength base 20+10n (n is representing each level)

Agility 20+10n

dexterity 10+5n

magical affinity 5+20n


raise dead,